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Soul Appropriation Corp

"It was unnecessary but awesome"

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    [b]"What is luck" - dragonborn985 [/b] "NCScreamingeagle falls into a frozen lake and drowns" "I just unplugged the disc" niskyah "I Know your in a sandwich" niskyah DRUNK SQUIRREL "I'm going to drink your blood like a smoothie dragonborn" -NCScreaminge Oh I forgot that I wasn't waring pants - Dragonborn I finally killed smalldonkeys...that sounded wrong- Nobel 6 skull I do believe thoroughly in giving every thing you've got towards what ever you're doing at the time - Monty Oum "We're walking into a rising wind."- Commander Jacob Hardy, pilot, Aries One When the long dark closes around us we will be the last light- Wei Ning Sadness... and... Dispare "I also have a coffee plunger" -chaos purge 7 Venus Baby! we salute the Derpy Humans "I know I know thats why I'm hiding in the bathroom" - chaos purge 7 NIFTY_BISCUIT It was unnecessary but awesome

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originally posted in:Soul Appropriation Corp
Edited by Nobel 6 skull: 8/19/2015 6:58:07 PM

Taken King

Faction allegiances - level 40 cap. new ghost shells - XP level system light level determines your staring level when TK lunches- light becomes the average of your attack and defense- ghost have defense- class items have defense- strength, intellect and displace show cool down time. quest tap- 16 bounty slots. new bounties. can track up to four bounties, track bounties show progress in ghost screen. can turn in bounties any where. can hold up two 32 quests. must do a quest to get new subclass. spark of light consumable, updates new char. to level 25, and gives you good gear. upgrade materials stake to 999999 ? can see character face in inventory face . can pick weapon on your back in the tower by pressing Y. ghost shells can be obtained from the speaker, for class armor have perks now. (focuses on upgrade speed, faster guns, faster vanguard leveling) rare ghost mark resources near by. ships, emblems can bought from terminals, show ones you have and don't yet have yet. if you accept allegiance with a faction you will get rep for them as well as vanguard. can change allegiance once a week. new perks ie. (take solar splash damage increases recover speed, reduce burn damage taken) can convert materials into rep. faction quests. faction packages guarantees a legendary, strange coins, shaders. (if you get a shader it is taken out of loot drop stream) PVP quests. Shax has bounties, doing 5 PvP bounties completes a 6th bounty give nightfall tier rewards. Shax has legendary ghosts, vanguard and crucible mark replaced with legendary marks. they are account wide. there is now weakly Limit, on legendary marks. current marks turned into commendations. 200 marks can be held at once. legendary armor turns into marks when dismantled. CQ, has bounties. exotics blueprints are a record of what exotics you have found. you can buy exotics from the blue prints terminals blue prints are accounts wide. any year one exotics from year one can be terminal year two versions of year one exotic perks are intrinsic. lots of new exotics upgraded exotics tweaked a little sours regime is like Darth Vader's Ferrari. can buy legendary engrams from Cryptarch. can get test weapons to earn rep. gunsmith quests. can order weapons from gun smith. gun orders come in on Wednesday. infuse lets you consome other weapons or armor to make a weapon or armor stronger. vault space doubled for weapons and armor new dances.

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