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Origin Gaming Collective

"We are the Precedent - We shall be the Example"

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    Why this group was started. Why you were Invited. [b]FOR DESTINY - [/b] [i][b]MAIN OGC HUB & XB1/PSN CLAN - Origin Gaming Collective [/b] XB360 - OriginGamingCollective360 [/i] [b]FOR HALO 5 -[/b] Origin Gaming Collective (Under Spartan Companies at Halo Waypoint) Maybe you have been "gaming" since before it was named such a thing. Maybe you are DESPERATELY looking for ANYONE that understands your passion....without prejudice of Genre or System. You have grown weary of those who speak the loudest but have nothing to say. You feel stats are meaningless without purpose. You want a bonfire to share your past and future stories around. You strive to ENJOY and EXPERIENCE the Masterpiece's of this Art we so treasure....rather than just play it for completion sake. YOU ARE A GAMER. This is a place that welcomes you.

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originally posted in:Origin Gaming Collective
Edited by CBOND2X07: 12/24/2014 12:45:04 AM


[u][i][b]FOR ALL CHRISTMAS NOOBS OF DESTINY - ("NEWB" for those grammar Guardi--blam!-'s) [/b][/i][/u] [b]YOU JUST POWERED UP THAT FRESHLY UNWRAPPED XBOX OR PLAYSTATION, BECAME WIDE-EYED AT THE DESTINY GAME YOU GOT WITH IT, AND HAVE FORE-GONE ANY MORE WASTED VACATION TIME SO THAT YOU CAN LAUNCH YOURSELF INTO THIS WORLD MANY OF US HAVE CALLED HOME FOR 3 MONTHS. WHILE IT INSTALLS.....PLEASE READ THESE TIPS AND HINTS THAT WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE, AND THE LIVES OF THE VETERAN PLAYERS YOU WILL SOON MEET IN THE TOWER, A LOT EASIER.[/b] 1. [b]Welcome to Destiny![/b] 2. [b]Locate your mic...that you got with the Console. [/b] [b] a: [/b] Throw it away....and tell whoever got you the console that it must have not come with a mic. [b] b: [/b] Explain to them the merits of having actual headphones to keep those around you from hearing your soon-to-be hours on hours and days on days of gameplay....and show them a pic of some TB XO4's or something like them. [b]c:[/b] ONCE ACQUIRED....USE THEM! Communication is key in this game....for your sanity and those you play with. Just remember - it also has a mute button....very easy to use....SO USE IT WHEN YOUR LITTLE SISTER IS CRYING...AND ESPECIALLY WHEN [b]EATING CHIPS.[/b] 3. [b]Go ahead and start a Guardian for EACH CLASS.[/b] Yes - I know you love "Mages" or "Barbarians" or "Elves"....but you will come to love at least 2 classes in this game...and maybe even all three. You will need at LEAST a duplicate guardian of the same class. DO IT. NO ARGUING. Come back and thank us later. [i] For those who say Dup-Classing is Scrubish....I honestly agree to an extent....HOWEVER - after 30 LEGIT VOG Completions....and still missing Gear.....and after a very aggravating week with what was my Hunter.....I offered him up as a Blood Sacrifice to RNGeezus....and it worked. Sharded his ass - remade a New Warlock in his place....and missing Raid Gear was completed the VERY NEXT RUN. The problem is - because I created him with Dark Void Magic from the Blood of my Sacrificed Hunter....I fear being cursed if I were to Shard him and recreate my Hunter. My Penance for my transgressions. I don't regret my decision one bit. ;) [/i] 4. ONCE YOU START A GUARDIAN....[b]DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT GOING INTO THE CRUCIBLE [/b]UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED THE MAIN STORY MISSION AND FULLY LEVELED AT LEAST ONE SUBCLASS. WE DON'T CARE HOW AMAZABALLZ YOU WERE AT COD GHOSTS. This is for the sake of those you would be match-made with....and YOU. 5. [b]Go play the game BY YOURSELF at first[/b] run through some story missions solo. Look for ghosts. Loot some chests. Fall off a cliff or two. Blow up your speeder with you on it accidentally. Kick up the difficulty. Wipe on that first vex mission for 2-3 hours. Turn in some engrams and get some junk. Get KTO'd a few times. Visit the fabled loot cave....have a moment of silence...and pay your respects to those who came before you. While in loot cave - [b]blow yourself up[/b]..because Blood offerings are all that RNGeezus recognizes...and you need him on your side. 6. Dont hoard every piece of gear you get.....but also -[b] DON'T JUDGE GEAR BY THE DAMAGE or DEFENSE NUMBER. [/b] Look at the specs and stats...hit the right trigger and compare it to what you already have. 6-B. [b]RED[/b] Shield = USE SOLAR (Red) DAMAGE.....[b]PURPLE [/b]Shield = USE VOID (Purple) DAMAGE.....[b]BLUE[/b] Shield = USE ARC (Blue) DAMAGE 7. If you are on Patrol....and a fellow Guardian is [b]nice enough to start shooting at your face from a distance[/b]....followed by that Guardian jumping up and down....or dancing....or pointing...don't get butt hurt. This is the in-game process for a Guardian trying to get your attention and show you something you may want to know about. A Ghost. A Chest. Some Materials. Something cool.....etc. Recognize being popped in the face by a Fellow Guardian as the universal "Hey BRO! LOOK! A SHINY THING!" method of communication. 8. Just because the game says you have access to something - [b]doesn't mean you are ready for it[/b]. Don't expect to get into a Raid squad as a Level 25 with no purps. Sorry bro. Put in some more work....and come see us when your gear is ready for the task.....or join us so we can show you the best ways of obtaining said gear. 9. Orbit Gear. Ascendant Motes. Flamboyant Weapons. ain't ready..... 10. [b]Wife / Girlfriend - Husband / Boyfriend - Parental AGRO [/b] What? I aint Dr. Phil or Oprah.....dont ask me for advice! Im just letting you know it will a tendril of Darkness poking you from beyond. Come up with your own SOP and Contingency Plans. 11. [b]FIND A GROUP TO RUN WITH[/b]. There is no better way to really enjoy this game - than with a group of fellow Gamer's who have no problem praising your victories - along with holding your transgressions against you in equally entertaining parts. Sure - soloing stuff can be a challenge and enjoyable.... But most of this game is just better with fellow Guardians. [i][b]RATHER THAN SPAMMING STRANGERS IN THE TOWER - PLEASE LOOK ON THE FORUMS FOR A GROUP YOU WANT TO JOIN.[/b][/i] Here's your first option: [b]Origin Gaming Collective[/b] - MAIN OGC HUB & XB1/PSN CLAN [b]OriginGamingCollective360 [/b] - All XB360 Members (Grew so fast we had to start a Dedicated 360 page!) [u][b]Great Additions from Other Guardians:[/b][/u] [b]Zukiwuki says[/b]: [quote]In the crucible do NOT just run up and grab heavy ammo. I CANNOT stress this enough. If you have people around you when you pick it up MORE people will get heavy ammo. Don't be selfish and pick it up for yourself UNLESS the other team is making a grab at it.[/quote] AGREED!!!!! Wait for your closest squad mates to join you in getting Heavy!!! Call it out - and call out WHICH location of heavy you are near. That being said - don't risk the OTHER team getting it if you are about to be over run. Grab it up and do what you gotta do - but only as a last resort. [b]GeorgieShawn [/b]says:[quote]You forgot one of the most important pieces of advice: "Read this forum with a huge grain of salt.......maybe even a boulder. You'll know the legit & helpful posts when you find them, but you'll have to sift through a lot cheese & whine and plenty of trolling a$$hats to find them"[/quote] Georgie - this is soooo true. [b]Kc Kewlz[/b] [quote]Kick up the difficulty whenever you can, and do your best to learn not to die easily from powerful enemies[/quote]

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    Rules for a new Hunter #1. You are a lonewolf. Titans and Warlocks do not understand you, and they never will. #2. You are made to achieve Max DPS from range. Get good with a scout rifle, and if you get a sniper rifle called "Ice Breaker" you are set for life. #3. Your supers (Golden Gun or Bladedancer) are made to clear out entire teams with the right perks. You will see people call for them to be nurfed. Those people are jealous of our abilities. #4. Invisibility is your friend use it. #5. Don't wear lucky raspberry. .. it's ugly. #6. Throwing knives. Throwing knives. Throwing Knives. With the right perks and skill you can run entire missions with just that knife. #7. Have fun and don't listen to all the haters.

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