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Social Drinkers

"Drinking And Raiding - Where Raid Clears Never Happen"

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originally posted in:Social Drinkers
10/9/2015 7:25:37 PM

Destiny Weekend Update 10-09-15

Hello Social Drinkers, I will be discussing yesterday’s weekly update by Bungie along with what our buddy Xur has to offer this week. This week in the weekly update by Bungie they talked a lot about patch 2.0.1 that will be incoming next week. First of all Tess Everis is coming back to the tower with her own company The Eververse Trading Company. You can read about it here : [url][/url] Basically she will be offering 18 new emotes via micro-transactions through an in game currency called “silver”. It is completely optional and if you don’t want to spend the money, then don’t. They also mentioned that in addition to The Black Spindle and Sleeper Simulant, there will be other surprises in store for us in the weeks to come. Whether it’s quests, story or more hidden exotics, get ready for more unexpected fun. Also for all of you shotgun loving enthusiasts, there will be a big change coming to them with the new patch. Effective patch 2.0.1 all shotguns that currently have the “shot package” perk will be removed. In its place a random perk of close and/or personal, crowd control, or knee pads will take its place. However I personally haven’t been using any shotgun with shot package in the crucible lately and have been wrecking with the New Monarchy vendor shotgun. It is called the Burden of Proof XI and comes with excellent base stats. Full auto, smooth ballistics, rifled barrel/single point sling. As the mighty dmack would say, “it’s a baby Dry Rot 32”. Also upcoming on the calendar is Iron Banner, patch 2.0.0 and Tess’s return on October 13th and Trials of Osiris on October 16th. Remember in IB and ToO, light levels do matter. So start thinking about your PvP set up and get to leveling up those weapons and armor! As always you can read the Bungie Weekly Update in it’s entirety here:[url][/url] As for Xur, who can be found on the right of the vanguard mentors, he has brought the following this week: Exotic Gear: Insurmountable Skullfort Titan Helmet 36 Intellect // 31 Strength SC 13 Knucklehead Radar Hunter Helmet 34 Intellect // 35 Discipline SC 13 Claws of Ahamkara Warlock Gauntlets 50 Strength SC 13 Exotic Engram Gauntlet Engram SC 19 Looks like a ToC or heavy weapon synth week! Or if you are at light level 300 and above, the exotic guantlet engrams can have a chance to decrypt at 310. Excellent infusion fuel! Also I would like to give a special shout out to thatwasabsboom, mkthibs and stoneeee. Instead of waiting on a personally engraved, embossed in gold invitation to a raid, they went out on their own and got one going. They found some people from The 100 and had their first raid experience. Congrats folks, there is one thing to talk about and another to be about. You all were definitely about it. Also at this point those who haven’t raided should first follow their example. Second, if you don’t even have a clue as to what to do at each part in the raid…look it up, watch a video or read a guide. You know why? When you get invited to the raid, and someone says “Ok, do you at least kinda’ know what we’re doing here at this [insert boss/puzzle etc.]”. And your response is “nope, I have no clue”, that complete silence you here after uttering those words is you letting your team down and adding potentially hours to the raid. Not to mention killing your team members momentum and enjoyment level. Also it has been said many, many times, snipers and LMG’s are the new meta for the raid. So why are you showing up with a shotgun and rocket launcher almost a month after TTK’s launch? Lastly, if you are complaining about LFG sites now having certain requirements, light levels, weapons etc. Why? It is [b]their[/b] game, [b]they[/b] set it up with the parameters they wanted to. A lot of people have spent hours grinding their butts off, learning the raid, and they may not feel like explaining the entire raid to someone, or spending hours there due to someone who has a low level and isn’t putting out the DPS needed. They may be looking for a quick clean run and due to time restraints they want it done in the shortest amount of time possible. If you don’t like it, go out and create [b]your own[/b] LFG request, join a session on The 100, look through Bungie recruitment forums. Perfect example is what I mentioned earlier about thatwasabsboom, mkthibs and stoneeee. Don’t sit around thinking someone from the clan is going to invite you and then carry you through the raid like Crota or VoG. Get out there and do something about it. Also I have been hearing reports of people asking for help on nightfall’s, daily heroic missions but then after being helped out, they can’t stick around to say thanks, or help other members. You probably won’t be getting a raid invite anytime soon. We know who you are. That’s all folks, thanks for reading and stay frosty guardians!

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