originally posted in:Disciples of the Galaxy
Use this forum to form parties and fireteams for Raids, Bounties, Missions, Crucible, or Strikes. Feel free discuss tips and tricks for farming drops, exp, or missions here as well.
Please post what system you are playing on before requesting a fireteam so members know who they can and can't help out. (360 or Xbox One)
I need a team of 6 for the raid. Xbox one: I am a lv. 26 Warlock/ Voidwalker. I would like for each member to at least be 26 themselves for the raid to make progress. If you are interested, my GT is Zeroke_Tamaki.
LFF (Looking For Fireteam) - Warlock, currently level 25 I'm on an average M-F work week (get home around 5:30 CST), so I can't play all day, even though I'd like to. I'm primarily interested in running dailies, bounties, and strike playlist. I will play Crucible to complete any bounties I feel are reasonable, but generally prefer to avoid it because it's... well... crap. I'd like to be able to start running the raids over the weekends, starting this upcoming if possible, assuming I can hit gear level 26. I can't promise I'd play every day, but I would like to play most nights and weekends.
Upcoming Raid: The Vault of Glass will be starting at approximately 2:00 AM Pacific on Tuesday, September 16th, that’s 9:00 AM GMT. You will need a Fireteam of 6 members, who all have to be level 26 minimum to participate. We have plenty of level 26 Disciples so post below if you want to take apart in the Raid or help out. Generally you will need to select one member to be the leader of the fireteam. Listen to them, follow their judgement, and work together closely to gain victory. This is the first Raid ever on Destiny so we are venturing into the unknown and have no clue what we're up against which means teamwork is a MUST. The official Bungie coverage on this can be read here http://www.bungie.net/7_Let-the-Raiding-Begin/en/News/News?aid=12141