originally posted in:Secular Sevens
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The point was raised in HM Rob's thread, in a strange manner that didn't work so well.
So here's a direct question for the atheists of Secular Sevens; what would it take for you to become a Christian?
An irrefutable Christian experience, such as hearing the voice of God or seeing Jesus himself. Basically, I don't trust any human to convince me, and I never think of coincidences as fate because of stochasticity.
Overwhelming, irrefutable evidence that the Christian God was real.
Proof that there is a heaven and hell, proof that Jesus wasn't just some guy who was killed, just proof
Several million dollars.
Infinite money and proof of gods existence
Nothing. IM A JEW
It would take god looking at me
a revealing of the entire christian story, and some sort of bible that had a number of firsthand accounts or testaments as well as supplementary literature. and that story would have to make sense to both the mind and heart which god would have bestowed on me. i wouldn't need any personal experience, as i believe the roman empire existed, though i have never seen it. but in short, i would just need to "feel" that it was true...if i could say that. that is an incredibly subjective way to put it. but there are a surprising number of atheists you might find who understand the story being told, can't make sense of it, and though they try to believe it, they simply can't. people process information in different ways. is it someone's fault that whoever designed their brain designed it in a such a way that they can't understand the concept of faith or a belief in the supernatural? from a religious standpoint, you could almost consider that a disability. how could i be judged for a mental process by which i analyze information that hinders me from believing in the supernatural. i can't help that is how i analyze information. i can certainly admit that my process is no better than anyone else's, and that i could absolutely be wrong. but i would hope if their was a god he would not condemn me for the mind he gave me or you for the mind he gave you. trying to convey my thoughts as respectfully as possible, and i certainly mean offense to no one. i, for one, am so thankful that whether we were designed by a god or by something else, or just happy accidents of scientific law that we don't all think the same or see the world in the same view.
I would need... [spoiler]Superpowers.[/spoiler]
Probably nothing. Why do you want to try? Just let everyone have their own faith.
[i]God would pretty much have to deck me in the face himself and then appearify conciliatory ice cream[/i]
Well, The Bible is just so plainly contradictory and false that there's no way God or Jesus is real. But, for the sake of this post, I would have to receive DIRECT evidence of a higher power to believe in that religion.
A) Evidence of a God and that it's the Christian God AND B) Evidence that Jesus was the son of God
Some pretty damn convincing evidence.
A lot of money.
I don't want to be part of an organized religion.
Someone would have to demonstrate that Christianity is correct.
What will it take to make you a nihilist ?
Real physical evidence, although I'm not sure I would still devote my life to worshiping a god even if I thought one was real.
Implying if there is a god it's Christian.
Concrete evidence that there is someone/something out there.
1. Evidence that materialism is false. 2. Evidence that a God exists 3. Evidence that this God created the universe 4. Evidence that this God cares about humans 5. Evidence that this God is benevolent 6. Evidence that this God inspired the humans who wrote the Bible 7. Evidence that Jesus was the Son of God 8. Evidence that worshipping Jesus was a moral imperative That's it.
Fondue and garlic bread.
yeah ill believe when halo 4 turns into a good game lololololololol