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5/12/2013 3:48:39 PM

Stephen Hawking boycotts major Israel conference

Little cOLD, but I'm surprised it hasn't been posted before. Good on him.

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  • Everyone will die.

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  • I'm sorry if this sounds, or is, arrogant but I feel like I carry some weight on issues regarding the Middle East. I'm going to speak directly to a few members that are currently discussing something in this thread. You'll know who you are. [quote]Western Muslims aren't necessarily violent (an example being my Muslim friend), but a nonviolent Muslim from the Mideast is a rarity. [/quote]There are violent people everywhere, regardless of religion. [quote]It doesn't justify a lot of the shit Israel does.[/quote]The "shit" that Israel does doesn't justify a lot of the shit the Palestinian terrorists groups do. [quote]They have been dropping White Phosphorous, killing civilians in the process.[/quote]You're speaking as if Israel still does this. They've banned the use of the agent. [url=]Source[/url]. [quote]Most Mideastern Muslims view us as infidels. Not all of them (e.g. Curds), but most of them. Much of Islamic doctrine is based upon the opposition of Judaism and Christianity.[/quote]No and no. I wouldn't say that [i]most[/i] hate us. A lot? Sure. But most? No. About the other thing: That's a generalization. The Islamic doctrine, as a whole, is not based on the opposition of Judaism and Christianity. What you're looking for is the doctrine of Salafist jihadists, Wahhabists, Islamists, and a thing called Willayat al-Faqih. [quote]Islam was by far a peaceful religion, until the establishment of Israel.[/quote]That's a debatable statement. I've seen scholars say that towards the end of the Ottoman Empire is when Islam started getting radicalized in the modern times, I've also seen them argue it was Israel, and I've also seen that the Soviet War in Afghanistan/Islamic Revolution in Iran is/was the major reason (seen this the most, surprisingly). [quote]n further regards to your post, Middle Eastern countries are the allies of the United States. Kuwait houses strategic airbases, Saudi Arabia is a counterweight to Iran, and Bahrain facilitates the H.Q. of 5th fleet. In fact, the G.C.C. in general furthers our regional interests. So instead of using geographically incorrect terms to describe nations who are relatively pro-U.S., why don't you just call them pro-U.S.? Dealing with American geography misnomers aside, we do have to pander to Middle Eastern hatred of Israel. That's why we begged Israel not to retaliate during the Gulf War in '91, because the Gulf nations we were relying on for rear and flank protection would have left our nifty coalition.[/quote]Are you saying that we should pander more to the G.C.C states rather than Israel or stop supporting Israel in general? Both would be terrible foreign policies and I think that you know that we have to find a happy medium with the Israel hatred spectrum. We have keep both sides happy. Just making sure what you're meaning, here. [quote]Okay, but remember that we radicalized Iran through both Operation Ajax and Iraqi Freedom. I mean, they are the product of our own policy stupidity.[/quote]You're right about Ajax, sure, but for OIF, I'd argue that by that time, they were already pretty damn radicalized. [quote]Now then, Pakistan is an enemy... sort of kind of. It's difficult to define, but yeah, I'd just consider them an enemy for the purposes of our discussion. [/quote]Damn straight. lol

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by Quantum: 5/17/2013 9:23:54 PM
      I thought this reply from HM Rob was worthy of everyone to see, so I quoted it here. [quote]Yes, Palestine is a region, I know that. But the fact of the matter is that Palestinians are basically Muslim Israelis, making them less worthwhile than the Jewish Israelis. Secondly, Israel is allied with us because they hate just about everyone that surrounds them, just as we do. They hate Russia ("Cold War doctrine") and are Jewish. Therefore, they are far superior to the Palestinians in the eyes of most Americans. Lastly, retaliation -- in regards to the Middle East -- can never be too excessive, sans nuclear bombs.[/quote] [quote] Yes, Palestine is a region, I know that. But the fact of the matter is that Palestinians are basically Muslim Israelis, making them less worthwhile than the Jewish Israelis. [/quote] Holy shit you are outright openly racist. Or bigoted. [quote]Secondly, Israel is allied with us because they hate just about everyone that surrounds them, just as we do. They hate Russia ("Cold War doctrine") and are Jewish. Therefore, they are far superior to the Palestinians in the eyes of most Americans.[/quote] According to you most Americans are racist too. (Which is probably not true) [quote] Lastly, retaliation -- in regards to the Middle East -- can never be too excessive, sans nuclear bombs.[/quote] I.... am lost for words.

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      20 Replies
      • Edited by Diplomat: 5/15/2013 3:12:01 AM
        Personally, I'm disappointed. I believed that the pursuit of knowledge circumvented political disagreements in academia, but I was apparently wrong. Don't assume I'm some blind zionist, I understand anger at Israel (I don't agree with a lot of it), but to boycott the country due to the actions of the government is silly. It doesn't help you, shape Israeli policymakers, or end certain positions the country has to Palestine. And here I thought Hawking was a stand up kind of guy. [i]ba-da-bing![/i]

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      • I don't think it's very productive, regardless of his intentions. He probably shouldn't have agreed to come in the first place if he felt strongly about it, although I did read somewhere that his withdrawl was because of some people petitioning him. Scientific conventions, especially with a guest of Hawking's stature are one of the few times Israelis and Palestinians commune. This will only further exacerbate the situation.

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      • It's so -blam!-ing political. Everyone knows that Israel and American-conservatives are "brothers in arms", so cu­ntholes like Hawking support Palestine. He's not even helping anyone by doing this.

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        14 Replies
        • Edited by die wily: 5/12/2013 5:58:27 PM
          I guess he just really can't stand their policies.

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