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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/12/2016 12:48:36 PM

Dojo Bio Page

This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here! What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE EACH CHARACTER TESTED. ONLY ONE. [spoiler]If you are bugged by the dojo posts. You have a mute button. Use it. It's much faster than you making a post showing a lack of intelligence to use a mute button![/spoiler]

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  • [b]Name[/b] Einculgyi Sraphiminy [b]Age[/b] 22 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Physique[/b] [i]Height[/i] 5' 9" [i]Weight[/i] 147 Lbs. [i]Build[/i] Skinny [b]Appearance[/b] Einculgyi wears simple coarse clothes as shown in the above picture, with many pouches of various things, designed to defend against the elements, rather than a blade. Her face is nothing to write home about, slightly angular with black hair, cut short with a knife. [b]Equipment[/b] Einculgyi is no savage, and actually has modern day things like normal people. They need no naming. The more exotic things do, however. [i]Axe[/i] A relatively large single-bladed axe, pretty sturdy. [i]Throwing Knives[/i] A set of five throwing knifes. [i]Powders[/i] The pouches she carries hold assorted powders of varying effect. From explosive powder to a painkiller, she has quite a few things. [b]Abilities[/b] [i]Pyromancy[/i] Einculgyi is a capable Pyromancer, with many tricks and feats up her sleeves. [i]Fistfighting[/i] Einculgyi is a decent fighter with her hands, who can actually throw a punch or a kick. [b]Bio[/b] No.

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  • Edited by Splashback77: 2/3/2018 12:12:41 AM
    [b]Name[/b] Rho [b]Alias[/b] Reyna [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Species[/b]: Artifical Intelligence in an Exo Body [b]Description[/b]: She has a human-like robot face. Gray metal plating, white eyes. No nose. A Greek letter Rho painted in yellow in between her mechanical eyes. Her AI avatar looks like an exact replica of Scarlet Johansson when she played the role of Black Widow in the first Avengers movie. [u]Height[/u] In body: 6 foot 7. Out: 8 inches [b]Armor[/b] Rho wears mark 6 Halo armor, that's purple with pink stripes. [b]Weapons[/b] She owns the following weapons: (2) Type 33 GMW "Needler" (2) Plasma Pistols (1) M6G Magnum (1) SRS99 Sniper Rifle (1) M90 CAWS Shotgun (5) Small Throwing Knives (1) Beam Rifle (1) Binary Rifle [b]Abilities[/b] Do I have to explain what a full AI from Halo can do? Well, she may be one, but she stays in her exo suit. Similar to the Alpha of Project Freelancer, she can quickly transfer herself to a different machine or storage unit. Her equipment in paticular is a time distortion unit, which she powers herself. If she uses it for more than 15 minutes, she temporarily logs off. [b]Personality[/b] She is analytical. Very analytical. Always testing odds. Well, not visibly. She is an extrovert, who speaks as freely as she wants. She's also a b***h with her own agenda. Rho is very rude, and vulgar. Huge temper. Lots of confidence. [b]Skills[/b] --She is a skilled knife-thrower --She is a master of all arms --She adapts very quickly. --She has a lot of wits. [b]Notes[/b] --Rho often switches languages in the middle of conversations. Mainly to Greek or Spainish.

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 9/26/2017 11:27:21 AM
    "[i]Flashes of hardened steel screeched through the bloodied field, each sword either interrupted by another blade in motion, a piece of armor, hopefully a shield of which deflected it's sharpened edge.. or the flesh of it's foe, bringing upon a scream of pain and a thump, as their bodies fell and fell..[/i]" "[i]I woke up, hours later. I could remember it all. That day taught me something.. it taught me that I must follow, and never lead again. For if I lead.. no matter if my men faced certain defeat and death, no matter if we would suffer the most horrendous of deaths..[/i]" [i]"We would march forwards. No matter what."[/i] ------------------------------ [b]Name and Title[/b]: Luana - First Sword to the rightful King, The Golden King, Gilgalad [b]Approximate Age[/b]: Twenty-Six [b]Ethnicity and Gender[/b]: Japanese Female [b]Description[/b]: [url=]A link, I guess.[/url] At an initial glance, the young Japanese woman would appear to be quite simple, at least when she is not adorned by sharp weapons and tight armor. When out of the set of armor that she typically wears when entering the field of combat or for her own purposes, Luana can usually be seen wearing a light cobalt robe, of which cuts off at her knees, the sleeves cut at her forearms while she wears a cotton shirt accompanied with plain white sleeves underneath, a pair of white pants, usually with a deep leather belt, accompanying the outfit alongside two sandals. Particularly lax, to say the very least. That, or the ceremonial uniform that she has taken to adorning under more proper scenarios, either work. Luana’s body structure is thin, in a sense, with just enough weight on her so that she isn’t skinny. While she has curves, they aren’t ample or too noticeable, thus accompanied by an athletic build, though not enough to prove muscular. Luana’s body is built for simplistic agility, if anything, so that she may weave through the flurry of clashing steel and flying bullets of combat like a vicious dancer. Her height of one-hundred and eight centimeters, or five feet and eleven inches (5’11”) allows her to maintain a reach for objects and prove her own agility - Luana is built for speed, as mentioned beforehand. Her body is hourglass-like, whilst she is slightly broad-shouldered. Her skin is smooth to touch, yet a fairly light color. Take that, everyone who would call her yellow! Though, she is a little yellow. I guess. [url=]Upon Luana's back, going from her shoulder blades down to her hips, is a beautiful decal of a coiled black and deep blue dragon, or ryū, formulating upon her being in a traditional Japanese style.[/url] Luana’s facial appearance is likely what her viewers would notice firsthand, for the rest is usually bounded in tight, dark blue armoring: Luana’s facial appearance is sharp and angular in texture, yet she is quite beautiful in a sense, if she would ever take the time to relax and end her seemingly disdainful, yet ironically caring personality. Tangled strands of dark hair, almost a midnight blue in color, reach down to her shoulders, though the hair is usually tied into a long ponytail, or bonded into whatever other hairstyle that the warrior would take to using. Her chin is completed with a slight thin end to it, while her nose is small, yet a little perky. Easily the most recognizable detail would be the eyes: a dark blue, so dark yet so vibrant to almost give off a sense of long lost nobility and perfection, like two oceans that hadn’t been touched by humanity - or any living creature, perhaps - for hundreds of years. [b]Connections and Allies[/b]: •First Blade and loyal to [u]King Gilgalad[/u], considering him to be her closest and only friend. •Affiliated with [u]the Dojo[/u], in some manners. She has gained the trust of the Dojo's protector, Tesuto, and granted the rank of Tester. •Has a distaste for a certain traitor to a cause of which the betrayer once served - the previous [u]Palatine Victoria[/u]. [b]Biography[/b]: Aha. Ask her. [b]Weaponry[/b]: [url=]"Linking"[/url] [url=]Military-Grade Damascus Steel Dirk x2[/url] [b]Armor[/b]: [url=]Mark l "Dojo" Armoring and Helmet[/url] [b]Additional Equipment[/b]: [b]Skills and Abilities[/b]:

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  • Oof, here she is. Stephanie, yet downgraded.

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  • Edited by BondyMilk: 7/30/2017 7:52:59 PM
    "He can get..." [quote]*Rowdy. That's the nicest way to put it.*[/quote] [b][i]-Q to Cylus[/i][/b] [b]BACKGROUND[/b] [spoiler]Q is the longtime companion of Cylus, originally being the A.I. residing within his helmet. Now that Cylus has become Captain of the Militia's [i]Blossom,[/i] Q has been granted a body to accompany his partner in the field. Equiped with the latest technology of the Gorgon program, Q is not someone to mess with.[/spoiler] [b]GENERAL INFORMATION[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Q [b][Species:][/b] Artificial Intelligence, Male Exo [b][Age:][/b] Irrelevant [b][Occupation:][/b] Second Hand to Captain Cylus, Vigilante, Assassin [b][Allegiance:][/b] Cylus / Militia / Alliance / Dojo [b]APPEARANCE[/b] [spoiler]Q is an Exo built by the Militia and outfitted by Cylus. He takes on the look of an assassin, found carrying multiple weapons, but most often seen with his compound bow. Some would say his look contrasts that of Cylus, but Q likes to think they look well side by side. While Cylus takes on a futuristic tactical look, Q holds a more of a hunter style get-up. (Link to Cylus' Bio:) [/spoiler] [b]SUIT[/b] [spoiler]Q was outfitted into this suit by Cylus, having it made and designed while he was aboard the [i]Blossom.[/i] Unlke Cylus, he uses a black and grey, as well as cream color scheme, because [quote]*A little color never killed anybody.*[/quote] [/spoiler] [b]WEAPONRY[/b] [spoiler][b][Bow and Arrow:][/b] Q's weapon of choice is his [url=]compound bow[/url], which he has modified to support a 250lb draw weight. With a quiver on his back, Q and his bow is a force to be reckoned with. [b][Gas grenades:][/b] Q is automatically equipped with a miniature gas grenade launcher. [b][Guns:][/b] Like Cylus, Q carries a variety of guns. A Mk23 pistol at his hip and a modified Hemlock 3-round burst assault rifle on his back with his quiver, Q's taste in guns resembles that of Cylus'. He also carries an assortment of ammunition and attachments. Favoring the stealthy approach, he uses his guns only in situations where his bow won't do, whether it be if he is out of arrows or plain outnumbered. [b][Knives:] Q also has an assortment of knives, but not one in particular that he uses the most. When it comes to stabbing, arrows seem to do just fine.[/b] [b][Explosives:] Q, like Cylus, also carries his fair share of tactical as well as lethal grenades.[/b] [/spoiler] [b]ABILITIES[/b] [spoiler][b][Learning Capabilities:][/b] As an increasingly intelligent A.I, Q has learned to download people's fighting patterns based upon only a couple of their moves, granting him an upper hand in knowing the best ways to counter them. This has proven especially worthy in his career, as he fights alongside Cylus against the IMC and Cerberus, who typically train similarly.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Built by Staff Sargeant Carly of the Militia, Q was granted certain abilities from the moment he was uploaded into his body. The Gorgon program's goal was to build new types of soldiers that could create distractions allowing alpha teams to move in. "Using acoustics as a weapon," as Sargeant Carly put it, they changed the way the battlefield worked. [b][Infrasound Emitter:][/b] Q is able to emit ear piercing noises that are enough to make any unprotected person's ears bleed within seconds. [b][Electric Smoke:][/b] Q is able to release an electric smoke that disrupts all electronics in his vicinity. It is only to be used as a last resort, as it is a possibility that he may be affected by it. [b][Night vision/ Heat and Heartbeat sensors:][/b] As well as being able to see in the darkest of situations, Q can also sense heartbeats as well as enemy body temperature. [/spoiler]

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 8/2/2017 9:37:41 PM
    "[i]Well.. my dad 'n mum are dead. Those six.. they care. I think. Boris does, anyhow, because he's nice like that.[/i] [i]I'm worried- no, terrified in truth. But.. things will work out. They usually do.[/i]" -------------------------------- [b]Name[/b]: Azalea Katelyn "Kat" Tryvian, Squire to Sir Boris Armstrong [b]Age[/b]: She'd tell you that she's seventeen, just shorter. In truth, fourteen. [b]Gender[/b]: Female, I think [b]Species[/b]: A fine mixture between wolf and human. That didn't turn out as an abomination. Wolf Fauni, I suppose. [b]Appearance[/b]: In all honesty, little Aza wouldn't be too noticeable underneath the great shadow of Boris if she was a regular human girl, but alas - she is a wolf fauni, a canis dirus AKA - a Direwolf faunus. While she retains a humanoid frame, these wolflike parts still come into play with her physical appearance. Azalea is somewhat tall for her younger age, at approximately one-hundred and seventy centimeters, or five feet and seven inches tall. Her body in general maintains a smooth athleticism, though she is far from a bodybuilder. Fur grows upon her body at smaller amounts - usually the cheekbones of her face, nose region, thus creating whiskers, and the spinal region going up to her neck. Oh, and she has a tail. Azalea's facial features are passed down from her father's - sharp and angular, though still somewhat smooth to touch, with smooth, light pale skin, though Callahan's was much more rugged. Her hair is short, and cut in an almost boyish style, light brown in color. And to top everything off.. she does have little ears, yes. [b]Weapons[/b]: [u]Hand Axe[/u]: A.. considerably simple weapon, though fitting for a squire. This hand axe's shaft is primarily iron, while the handle is wrapped in smooth leather. Meanwhile, the axe head is about seven inches wide and eight inches thick, made of an alloyed steel. [b]Armor[/b]: SHE AIN'T GOT NO ARMOR. [b]Additional Equipment[/b]: [u]Survival Kit[/u]: [b]Connections[/b]: •Squire to Sir Boris Armstrong, daughter of the renowned Direwolf Knight, Callahan Tryvian, and her mother Catelyn Rose. [b]Biography[/b]: Ask her, fuсker.

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  • [quote][i]"There is no path around me. There is no path through me.[/i] [i]I am [u]The Wall[/u]. And you are nothing at all."[/i] ----------------------------- [b]Name/Aliases[/b]: Gregory "Gregor" Mars Stonewall, "The Wall" [b]Age[/b]: Twenty-Eight [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Race[/b]: Rhinoceros Faunus, though his father is a dragon faunus. If that's a thing. [b]Occupation[/b]: Grimm Hunter, slayer of rogue Semblance users and guardsman at Beacon Academy, when he isn't busy. [b]Description[/b]: Definitely up there with one of the buffer guys of the thread, Gregory is an absolute giant of a man, hulking above most whom he encounters. At a height of six feet and nine feet tall and weighing two-hundred and seventy-five pounds, he towers above with a spectacularly muscular build, with additional weight due to his rhinoceros fauni genetics: his skin tends to be.. thicker, and much more durable against physical harm than a regular human's. Gregory's facial features are hard yet near heroic, with a tough square jawline and usually stern facial structure. His head his shaven bald for his eight inch long primary horn, which protrudes upwards from his skull, and a second horn behind it, at four inches. His eyes are a calm yet ironically compassionate deep green, like the depths of a forest that is untouched by humanity. [b]Personality[/b]: Gregory is.. a conflicted individual. On one hand, he is valorous and brave, with a heart of iron and a fist of titanium. He is described as iron quite frequently by the masses whom know of him - "he breaks before he bends". Gregor's will is near unbreakable, as he will do anything to crush the evil and the Grimm that threaten those of Remnant whom cannot fight back. Yet on the other.. he is surprisingly soft, even caring, for such an intimidating man. He commits himself to simple acts of kindness, manages to prove to be a dearer friend than most.. and is a massive white knight, truth be told. He is a gentleman, really. A gentleman who goes about, swinging oversized weapons and destroying his foes, at that. [b]Weapons[/b]: [url=][u]"Avalanche"[/u][/url]: A massive weapon crafted for the sole purpose of cleaving through foes. Avalanche was Gregory's original weapon, upgraded and boosted over the years before and after he had left Beacon Academy. An impressive greataxe to behold, and a devastating tool of destruction. The entire axe is exactly six feet long, the staff/handle portion made of alloyed steel and wrapped in a thick layer of dark leather to comfort it's grip, the actual grip itself shown by something of a guard that it provides. The axe head is a foot in length when protruding from the end, and about an inch thick, the bladed portion slanting to provide more hacking potential. The blade is made from Damascus steel so that it is flexible and a little lighter, while the edge is made from alloyed titanium for more power and.. edge, I suppose. Anyway, true to this name - with each strike, there's an avalanche somewhere. Jk, that's just a side effect of the weapon. The greataxe is supercharged by a crystal of Ice Dust, found within the end of the axe staff, where it meets the center of the head. It is shielded by a titanium core, while it charges the axe with chilling frost. Each hit on Gregor's will freeze and encase wounds in ice, haltering their movement and freezing the surrounding areas. [url=][u]Thunder's Fist[/u][/url]: Gregor's left gauntlet, this piece of gear goes alongside his signature armor set, while boosted with it's own unique capabilities that have been implemented within the armor. The gauntlet reaches up to Gregor's forearm, made of shaped ceramite and supported by the exoskeleton within the warrior's armor, a layer of titanium underneath the ceramite and holding the gauntlet's signature ability: these fists enhance his prowess in punching, as he can send regular men flying with punches, and even punch holes in unarmored targets if charged for three turns, though this would leave Gregor open for assault if he misses due to the immense energy usage. [url=][u]Magma's Wrath[/u][/url]: Gregor's right gauntlet, this piece of gear goes alongside his signature armor set, while boosted with it's own unique capabilities that have been implemented within the armor. The gauntlet reaches up to Gregor's forearm, made of shaped ceramite and supported by the exoskeleton within the warrior's armor, a layer of titanium underneath the ceramite and holding the gauntlet's signature ability: these fists enhance his prowess in punching: he can send regular men flying with punches, and even punch holes in unarmored targets if charged for three turns, though this would leave Gregor open for assault if he misses due to the immense energy usage. [b]Armor[/b] [url=]"The Wall"[/url] An exoskeleton suit operated by Gregory, this suit was crafted before he stormed off onwards to his hunts of the Grimm, bearing his insignia upon it's chest - a growling wolf, with electricity cackling off the left eye and magma dripping from the other. The suit's primary source of armor is in the chest regions, with a flat plate of ceramite. The armor is armed with said titanium in.. everywhere else that the picture shows, while underneath that, alloyed steel links of chainmail catch weapons from entering the armor, a thin layer of kevlar underneath that for catching small bullets. This suit is built to enable Gregory to remain quick, although he is still slower than the average human while within it. [b]Semblance[/b]: [u]"Into The Fire"[/u] Activating with a *[b]boom![/b]* noise, a shockwave suddenly escapes Gregory's body, as he suddenly charges at an incredibly enhanced speed towards his target with all of his brutal strength, in an effort to absolutely pummel them. He can use this ability every five turns. Yes, it is dodgeable. [b]Biography[/b]: That's something that characters can ask for.. pls.

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  • Edited by Crrowly: 7/30/2017 5:46:27 PM
    [i]"Kill. Maim. Destroy. That is all I know."[/i] [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Althea Lestaem [u]Age:[/u] 24 [u]Sex:[/u] Female [u]Species/Race:[/u] Human [u]Status:[/u] Alive and well. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'6" [u]Weight:[/u] 120 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Snow white [u]Eyes:[/u] Scarlet [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] Althea is unnaturally beautiful, however doesn't find herself using this to her advantage. Her angular features fit just right in her diamond face shape. Her nose is small and perky, her lips are thin, her earlobes are attached and her skin tone is pale. She generally wears a light colored tank top, dark colored sweatpants, and running shoes. In combat, she sticks with a kevlar jacket, carbon fiber plating, combat pants and boots. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] Her most noticeable piece of equipment is her bionic right arm–the only one on her team that actually has a replacement arm. Inscribed in its metal, Althea has drawn a rune that amplifies her magic–so as long as the bionic has power, her magic can be amplified a great amount. The arm also has a grappling gun underneath the wrist, for grappling up to high places and whatnot. [url=]M1911A1[/url] Semi-automatic pistol that loads 8 .45 ACP rounds. [url=]Bowie Knife[/url] 12 inch, black bowie knife. [u]Abilities:[/u] [i]Runic Mage:[/i] Althea is skilled with drawing runes of many different kinds. They are all temporary, and must be drawn beforehand. They consist of: - Physical enhancement - Regeneration (stamina/health) - Vision (x-ray, night vision, thermal vision) - Resistance to extreme conditions (cold, heat, water pressure, altitude, etc) - Invisibility - Soundlessness - Luck [i]Elemental Mage:[/i] Althea is skilled with using the four commonly known elements; fire, earth, water, and air, however can also utilize electricity and the three forms of water. The grow extremely potent when cast with the bionic arm, however an EMP can nullify that. When cast from the left arm, her magic is still potent, just much less so. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Relations:[/u] Her team. [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] Althea, while she cares for her team, is rather edgy. She can't do any *teleports behind u* shit, but she is a rather quiet, mood-dampening individual. Her first solution to the majority of problems involves killing something, and as such her team often has to reel her in. It doesn't help that Althea is the most destructively powerful individual on the team. [u]Backstory:[/u] Over my dead body.

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    • Edited by Crrowly: 7/30/2017 4:53:53 PM
      [i]"Waiting for the perfect time to strike...."[/i] [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Kane Bennings [u]Age:[/u] 23 [u]Sex:[/u] Female [u]Species/Race:[/u] Human [u]Status:[/u] Alive and well. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'11" [u]Weight:[/u] 170 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Brunette, shoulder length [u]Eyes:[/u] Caramel [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph Detailed Desc: Kane is a rather tall girl, standing at far above average height. She, too, has a muscular and athletic form, with an ovular facial structure yet a well-defined jawline giving her a tough look. Her skin tone is tan, matching her brother's. She generally wears a dark colored t-shirt along with combat pants and boots, along with a kevlar vest with carbon fiber plating underneath for combat. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment: [/u] [url=]Barrett M107A1[/url] A black, anti material rifle loading 10 .50 BMG rounds. It also happens to be nearly 30 pounds in weight, but that's beside the point. [url=]M1911A1[/url] Semi-automatic pistol that loads 8 .45 ACP rounds. [url=]Bowie Knife[/url] 12 inch, black bowie knife. [u]Abilities:[/u] Simply put, Kane is superhuman. Her overall physicality, senses, and reflexes are all greatly above the average male's, and she moves with a certain grace that may attract attention if she wasn't so silent when she moves. While her brother possesses the ability to grow stronger as he is wounded, Kane possesses an entirely different skill; she can turn invisible at will, and bring her equipment along with her. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Relations:[/u] Her team, and Mace is her brother. [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] Kane's the polar opposite of her brother personality wise; she's humorous, almost never serious, and affable. She tries to be her team's mood enhancer, to loosen tension and keep their relations intact. [u]Backstory:[/u] Never!

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      • Edited by Crrowly: 7/30/2017 4:52:28 PM
        [i]"Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast. No mercy!"[/i] [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Mace Bennings [u]Age:[/u] 28 [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Species/Race:[/u] Human [u]Status:[/u] Alive and well. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 6'4" [u]Weight:[/u] 220 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Brown, buzz cut [u]Eyes:[/u] Caramel [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] While much shorter than Boris, Mace stands at a respectable height of 6'4". His athletic form is muscular and tough, and Mace himself is actually the most athletic on the team. His skin tone is quite tan, from hours spent under the sun. His facial structure is rectangular and stoic, along with a well-defined, square jaw. His usual attire is a dark colored t-shirt, and combat pants and boots. In combat, he generally wears kevlar over carbon fiber armor. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [url=]AK-47[/url] A trusty and reliable AK-47. Functions under nearly any condition, and can even still fire after being run over by a small car. It loads 30 7.62x39mm bullets. [url=]AR-15[/url] While not as reliable as the AK, the AR-15 has less recoil, more range, and more accuracy. It fires 5.56x45mm bullets, and also loads 30 rounds. [url=]M1911A1[/url] Semi-automatic pistol that loads 8 .45 ACP rounds. [url=]Bowie Knife[/url] 12 inch, black bowie knife. [u]Abilities:[/u] Simply put, Mace is superhuman. Even being eight inches shorter than Boris, Mace's strength is on par with the tanks, and of course he's faster. Mace's senses are also extremely sharp, and his reaction time is superhuman as well. The strangest thing is, the more hurt Mace is, the further his physicality is boosted. He's a berserker, and barely feels pain. This makes him a terrifying opponent in combat. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Relations:[/u] His team, and Kane is his sister. [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] Mace is a much more serious, businesslike person than his companions. He understands jokes, however one would rarely find him laughing at one or making one. You get the gist of it. [u]Backstory:[/u] "Not today."

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        • Edited by Crrowly: 7/30/2017 4:51:08 PM
          [i]"A sharp mind is just as good as any blade. And mine is sharper than most."[/i] [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Caden Smith [u]Age:[/u] 27 [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Species/Race:[/u] Human [u]Status:[/u] Alive and well. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'10" [u]Weight:[/u] 175 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Shaggy, blond [u]Eyes:[/u] Golden [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorphic [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] Surprisingly enough, Caden is the most handsome of his team. His facial structure is ovular, with sharp, high cheekbones and a defined jawline. His skin complexion is fair, with a faint stubble growing along his jaw, thin lips, and straight, moderately sized nose. The glasses he wears are rectangular, and curved at their corners. For his attire, Caden generally wears a plain t-shirt, sweatpants, and boots, similar to Boris however much more fitting. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [url=][b]OmniWrench[/b][/url] A wrench with some peculiar abilities. It can become charged with electricity to attack enemies with voltage, but its more useful utilities are extreme repair times, lockpicking, and hacking. For extreme repair times, the OmniWrench can fix almost anything that happens to a piece of machinery as long as the blueprints are downloaded. For lockpicking, it simply extends a piece of metal that forms to the shape of the lock. For hacking, a program within the wrench scans and performs a hack when plugged in–it can bypass weak to moderate firewalls and security within twenty minutes, but extremely secure stuff may take hours. [url=][b]Power Screwdriver[/b][/url] A seemingly normal screwdriver until you realize that there's a motor inside it. Multiple interchangeable tips for different screws, or difficult thicknesses of skin. Spins at 6000 RPM. [url=][b]Hammer[/b][/url] A hammer about three feet in length. It is primarily a self defense tool, although the back end of the head can be used to pry things apart. It can also be used to stab. However, Caden isn't the type to fight on the front lines, so this is for emergency situations only. [url=][b]"Eric"[/b][/url] "Eric" is the name for the team's favorite AI; in other words, Caden's robot companion. First off, the robot is made of the same stuff as Boris' exosuit; titanium and adamantium. Eric is also extraordinarily strong and quick, the robot's athleticism greater than most people. In its right wrist it has a built in assault rifle which fires 7.62x39mm rounds, firing at about 5 rounds per second. Meanwhile its left wrist is more of a sniper arm, firing .50 BMG rounds from a distance. Additionally, Eric happens to be their team's designated driver. The downside of Eric is that he will always be just a robot; he is not immune to EMPs, and he does not have the greatest adaptability or creativity. [url=][b]Drone[/b][/url] A drone that is actually linked to Eric's OS. Can be both controlled by Eric, or from Caden's wrench. It has video surveillance capabilities in regular vision, night vision, or thermal vision, and has a single, miniature AR that fires 9mm bullets at 10 rounds per second. [u]Abilities:[/u] Caden is not particularly skilled in combat, however his robots are. Caden is the group's tactician as well as a skillful engineer, and that's where he earns his place on the team. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Relations:[/u] His team. [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] Caden is a rather quiet individual, who likes to keep to himself. He's not particularly kind, rude, or... anything, really–however he makes up for this by giving Eric quite the sense of humor. [u]Backstory:[/u] Ehh... nurp.

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          • Edited by Crrowly: 7/30/2017 4:49:31 PM
            [i]"It's gonna be alright. Hang in there."[/i] [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name:[/u] Aisha Stormwell [u]Age:[/u] 22 [u]Sex:[/u] Female [u]Species/Race:[/u] Human [u]Status:[/u] Alive and well. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'3" [u]Weight:[/u] 110 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Short, curly, black. [u]Eyes:[/u] Blue [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] In comparison to the rest of her group, Aisha is comically short. Regardless, she's a face that could be considered beautiful; angular, round, with a pale skin complexion, high cheekbones, and thin lips. She is nowhere near as athletic as her teammates, however despite this she is more nimble and quick than your average person. For her casual wear, she generally wears a tank top and knee-length shorts, along with running shoes - the only difference between seasons is that in winter, she wears a thin jacket. She doesn't seem to get cold very easily. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [url=][b]First Aid Kit[/b][/url] Contains: -2 absorbent compress dressings (5 x 9 inches) -25 adhesive bandages (assorted sizes) -1 adhesive cloth tape (10 yards x 1 inch) -5 antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram) -5 antiseptic wipe packets -2 packets of aspirin (81 mg each) -1 blanket (space blanket) -1 breathing barrier (with one-way valve) -1 instant cold compress -2 pair of nonlatex gloves (size: large) -2 hydrocortisone ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each) -Scissors -1 roller bandage (3 inches wide) -1 roller bandage (4 inches wide) -5 sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches) -5 sterile gauze pads (4 x 4 inches) -Oral thermometer (non-mercury/nonglass) -2 triangular bandages -Tweezers [url=][b]Unity[/b][/url] A strange dagger, not particularly large or having anything special besides its design. Its grip is made of leather while the blade itself is of carbon fiber. The dagger is only about ten inches in length. Despite its blandness, Aisha holds it dear - probably for sentimental purposes rather than actual self defense, although it can still be used to wound or cut. [u]Abilities:[/u] Aisha was born with a peculiar genetic mutation. Whether it was the result of genetic engineering or simply a natural occurrence, is unknown. However, simply put, this mutation allows her admit a repairing pulse. The pulse regenerates cells, repairs bones, purges foreign substances like alcohol or poison, cures disease... etc. However, Aisha must be touching the person she is healing, for an extended period of time. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Relations:[/u] Her team. [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] Aisha is extraordinarily kind, almost to the point where she would heal her enemies simply because she doesn't want to see them in pain. However, she always prioritizes her team above all else, and... etc. [u]Backstory:[/u] Nope.

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            • Edited by Crrowly: 7/30/2017 4:47:58 PM
              [i]"AND THEY SAID THAT I COULDN'T DO IT! AHAHAHAHAH!"[/i] [b]BASICS[/b] [u]Name: [/u]Boris Armstrong [u]Age:[/u] 31 [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Species/Race:[/u] Human BEAST [u]Status:[/u] Alive and well. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] [u]Height:[/u] 7'6" [u]Weight:[/u] 320 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Blond, buzz cut. [u]Eyes:[/u] Sky blue [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorphic as hell. [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] In the simplest words, Boris is a beast of epic proportions. Standing at a massive height of 7'2", chances are that Boris will tower over you. His 290 pounds are all pure muscle, built from years of training. He's a square jaw and rectangular facial shape, which his buzz cut compliments well. His athletic build only further enhances his physique, making him... quite the terrifying sight, in truth. For his casual attire, Boris generally wears clothes that are a little bit tight around his body - after all, it's difficult to find and make clothes for individuals as large as Boris. Usually, he wears a t-shirt and sweatpants and walks around bare foot. [b]COMBAT[/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [url=][b]Walking Tank MK4[/b][/url] Boris' exosuit, and a rather terrifying one at that. It is made of a meld of titanium and adamantium, making for an extremely heavy but extraordinarily resistant set of armor. Also, being an exosuit, it also increases strength by a substantial amount. It has a jetpack on its back, and while the suit is extremely heavy, the jetpack generates enough thrust to get Boris off the ground. It's not fast at all, and rather useless, but it's a thing. Additionally, it's able to build two shoulder cannons, one for each shoulder. These cannons fire tank shells of the 30x173mm caliber. They need to be reloaded after every shot, and take quite a while to reload, but... yeah. Tank. [url=][b]Defiance[/b][/url] An utterly massive greatsword, about 7 feet in length. Its grip is about 1'2", while its blade is 5'10" in length, about 6 inches is width, and a little less than three inches at its thickest point. It weights about 25 lbs, and can be quite devastating - however its main purpose is to attract attention. As is Boris' job, as a tank. [u]Abilities:[/u] A loud voice, terrifying strength, extreme resilience. He can roar extremely loudly, as well. All to attract massive amounts of attention. [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] [u]Relations:[/u] His team. [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] Boris is a surprisingly kind individual. He'd help anybody in need, and laughs off insults like nothing - and he laughs rather loudly. His entire self is loud and jolly at all times, making him a very comfortable person to be around. Social, honorable, chivalrous... Boris is that kind of man. [u]Backstory:[/u] Nah.

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              • Edited by Alonfé: 7/29/2017 5:31:07 PM
                [i][b][u]Alonfé the Archsage, Legend of Magic[/b][/u] [quote]"My honour is bound by no morales but my own. Do you still wish to fight, soulless warrior? Very well then. I can sense your spirit, your hearts' crazed rhythm. I should've known you wouldn't back down." ~Alonfé to 9S, unauthorized landing at uncharted D77[/i][/quote] [u]Name:[/u][spoiler][i] A name? I go by Alonfé. You may know me by other names: Ragnell, Devil's Priest, or more simply Sajjan. My real name? Whatever you make it to be. [/spoiler][/i] [u]Age:[/u][spoiler]Rumoured 16, looks 24[/spoiler] [u]Species:[/u][spoiler]Dragon-blooded Human[/spoiler] [u]Appearance:[/u][spoiler]The man stands at about 6'2". He's grown a little since they last saw him. His jet black hair is very short, spiked slightly at the front like a barricade. Caramel skin accentuates his golden brown eyes that shine in the sunlight. A sharp face; large nose, higher cheekbones, and a definite jawline. Most who knew would say he was of Indian descent. His body isn't bulky, classified as a medium build, but holds unimaginable power. Toned arm and legs, a slightly broader chest and shoulders than normal of his shape. Black combat pants below a beige over shirt, all hiding steel plate armour. Over it all is something most would recognize: a forest green cloak that draped down to just below his knees, trimmed in gold, tattered with war. The edges are frayed and burnt, a few bullet holes through the corners, but nothing that took away from the breathtaking design encompassed within the borders. Links of interlocking circles give way to a crest that appeared different every time it was seen. The cloak symbolised Altruism; just one look at it's design would spur someone to do great things. To those of ill-intent, it meant judgement. His left arm was bionic, all the way up to a little past his shoulder. The metal reached into his chest, spidering out and anchored to his bones. The design was sleek and moved just like a real one, but took on a gunmetal grey hue. Emblazoned on the shoulder was a crimson serpent coiled around a blade, fangs bared. Then there were his eyes. Brown, like any other. In the right light they reflected like pure gold, but in the dark took on a void of nothing. They were full of pain, full of loss; of honour yet disgrace. One look into his eyes revealed a burning fire of hope that rarely faltered. His eyes became him, as they revealed his heart and his soul, the essence of his power. [/spoiler] [u]Personality:[/u][spoiler]Alon is the happiest go luckiest mother-blam!-er you'll ever meet. Hands down. He may look like a man but he has the heart of a child, making him easily hurt but quick to forgive. A man who'd gladly give his life for another. It's a bad habit, you see. And a boy who never seemed to understand the meaning of family. He has troubles comprehending affection and it's true meaning as he'd never had a family; his whole life was lived amongst crazy powerful psycho killing machines. Some died, other's left; but rarely did they come back. He has severe anxiety at times due to PTSD, and his triggers aren't set but there's times where it'll get tough. Out of combat, this tends to mess with the weather. In combat it weakens his magic, based on spirit, but opens him up to the fell arts which utilize his sinister side. Always grinning, smiling and laughing, he takes the hard times with a side of bad puns or jokes and keeps on goin' with it. There'll be times where he needs to be a man: leaving him to fight by himself is advised. But other times he's dependent on people and being social, and is keen on helping others with their problems or help them train. Always up to a challenge, and never, ever, gives up. Determined to a fault. Selfless to the point of insanity, and stubborn as all hell. But a good guy. [/spoiler] [u]Backstory:[/u][spoiler][i]It all started in a bar. As do all good stories, fake or real. But as I stand before you today I can assure you this one is no mere fairy tale. I worked as a bartender at the Floodzone until I found myself again. Stasis due to over exertion had cost me my life's worth of memories so this is where I began. At a bar. From there I learned of lands beyond. The Dojo. Where I faces Luis, now known eternally as "Cobalt Phoenix". He was the first warrior I had met and sparred, and damn was he strong. I lost the fight but I gained entry anyways; I was still hiding my magical potential at this point. I looked up to the figures who governed though; I watched people come and go. But more importantly, I had a home. Off to new lands. The Arcanum with it's daunting halls. The Exalin crew whom I spent but a mere moment with: not long enough to become a member, but long enough to learn their hearts. Python, Murph, Minerva. Many names to add to the count. I had friends. So many friends. They fought with me, learned with me, errored with me. As they came they doubted me but soon they came to trust me, trust in my power. As they left, they left a piece of them with me. New Terra was where I found myself and faced my biggest demons. It was the battles there where I learned the cost of war. I lost my left arm fighting Necrons. I cast a spell too powerful for me and, as payment, it took the arm from me. I ended up pushing back the impending horde and wiping out more than I ever could've imagined but not like this. Venom Inc. Kinda shady, but shady in the way I was used to. Wilson, Venom, Crow to name a few. They supplied the material's to my new arm, custom made I can say proudly. We all bore their symbol at one time or another: you could say war eventually became essential to us. Our hearts lived and breathed the fight. Luis died. The world spun two speeds too quick that day. Of all the people he was the constant, the Undying. But even the strongest of us fell. A wake up call no less, but I moved on. I made a family. Tauros, Gemini, Scorpio... the dragon queen's children whom were entrusted to me, Ninian and Nils... in the end, everyone left. Died. Never came back. In the end my story may be full of daring tales. Of nights spent alone with numerous tomes, studying copious amounts of magic. Of weeks out in the wilderness training until I was able to handle any situation thrown at me. Of journeys in far off lands, learning their culture and fighting their strongest warriors. Of hordes and hordes of the unholy, the heretic, or just a single figure to stand honourably against what I had become. My story contains no shortage of death, no happiness without pain, no gain without loss. So much loss. But unlike the others, mine goes on. Since as long as I draw breath I will fight in the name of the people who fell before me, Legend's in my eyes. I may not have been the strongest or the bravest, or the smartest or the most talented, but I have heart: something that a lot of them lost. So am I one of them? You tell me. But if you say I am nothing but a hoax I ask you this. Take one look into my eyes. Take a look at the monster I've become. Face my hellish flame and survive my suffocating torrent, brave the blizzards of those broken hearts and the maelstrom of my thoughts. Fight the light which I seek and the darkness which I hold at bay. Take a look at my losses and consider my tolls. And remember I will always face your challenge with heart. For love may be foreign to me, but respect? Show me your spirit and you have it. [/spoiler][/i] [u]Physical Ability:[/u][spoiler]The dragon blood within him gives him numerous advantages. The blood is simply extremely dense, and his body is better and faster at absorbing and exchanging vital things needed to operate. His muscles have the same advantage which allows him to output many times more force and endure much more punishment than any armour could. He can go a couple weeks without water, months without food; this is due to the "storage" nature of his systems. When the world's energy is not available to him, he uses his own to supplement spells. His skin hardens with impact, the cells acting like scales and interlocking with impact to be cut resistant and greatly reduce impact vibrations and the following damage. Enhanced hearing, even moreso with magical aid and excellent perceptive skills. His nervous system is wired to react extremely fast, and along with explosive power already within him at the ready, he is capable of superhuman speeds and strength, making him more durable than even mechanical soldiers. [/spoiler] (continued below)

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                • Name: Alexander D'Angelo Alias: Alpha ((this is a different person)) Gender: male Age: 11 Species: Boss Monster/Human hybrid Appearence: [spoiler]4'3, 142 lbs. white fur, short horns about an inch in length. His snout has small little fangs, and his eyes are both blue. There are black markings in his fur that spiral out like a fleur-de-lis from the back of his neck, stopping at the small of his back and tips of his long ears. There are fresh surgical scars along his neck, back, sides, shoulders, and thighs. His hands have paw pads on the palms and tips of his fingers. His feet are actually paws, more animalistic than human He usually wears a silver chain around his neck, with a silver ring set with a flawlessly cut sapphire.[/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]Shy and untrusting at first. Though a kid, he does have commendable bravery and stands up for his beliefs and strong morals, such as a value placed upon life and a loyalty to friends and family. Though, the value of a life is based on actions, so certain evils do drive him away or make him hostile[/spoiler] Weapons: [spoiler]Pocket knife -Small knife made of steel, folds at the handle and into the handle. -weak[/spoiler] Armor: Zilch Abilites: [spoiler]While his form has an inherent magic, it only seems to express itself in the form of fire. This allows Alexander to simply control fire and throw it around. His inherent magic also grants him a high resistance to energy weapons at the cost of physical resistance, making him even more frail than the average child.[/spoiler] Bio: This is a fun one. not too much to find out from him this time tho

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                • -------------------Amanda "Frye" Drake----------------- [b]Basic Info:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (Estimated) 19 [b]Height:[/b] 6"10 [b]Hair:[/b] Ginger [b]Eye:[/b] Green [b]Physique:[/b] Hourglass [b]Alias:[/b] "Delta-092" Amanda's ID one call sign, this is her literal identity among Shor Rubicon [b]Occupation:[/b] Bounty hunter, mercenary Soldier and warrior under Shor Rubicon [b]Biography[/b] [spoiler] Amanda was born on Odin, home planet and birth place of the first known Valkyrie Soldier, Lydia Frye. Amanda, being born under the infamous giantess, was taught everything she knew by her mother and sent anything she needed by her distant father, whom Amanda has a well known relationship with. Her father is unknown, no records or files can be found directly tied to the man. Amanda, from an early age, was skilled naturally in precision and other fields, taking up a sniper at roughly 15, when her own body was nearly done growing. Her own body is the result of top of the line genetic engineering and cybernetics, thus making her a Valkyrie soldier. She takes after her mother, Valkyrie genes being dominant in all but facial appearance, meaning she is, a naturally born Valkyrie soldier. As given with any name, she adopted her father's last name, using her mother's as a middle name. Amanda is one of the best shots from where she comes from, Odin, a planet from an unknown location. Its military there is lead by her mother and several others, whom she trained under. Amanda, being the top shot in her area of experience, is used a lot in battle or in operations to take out the enemy. As well, she is described as incredibly lucky, for unknown reasons. ========================== As it turns out, Amanda wasn't originally a ginger, she was actually blonde haired and blue eyed. However, due to a past incident in her late childhood, she [i]became[/i] a ginger, the effects are abnormally natural. The effects are due to WRATH, a heavily mutated version of HGH, which resulted in; Amanda's own change from blonde haired and blue eyed, to ginger haired and green eyed, complexion changing to match. Her eyesight is abnormally accurate, making her a profound marksman, and her own ability to calculate, predict, and anticipate movements and actions. The results where remarkable, despite the pain and misery that caused it all. [/spoiler] [b]Personality[/b] [spoiler] Amanda has been known to be awkwardly silent sometimes, usually described as a watchful person and normally it is true. Having excessive amounts of patience and coupled with her training, her obsession with large caliber weapons, and said keen eye, she was trained to be a hyper lethal marksman. For unknown reasons, she prefers "the satisfying moment of crushing you're opponents skull like a sparrows egg between thighs." Amanda adopts her mother's personality, being sarcastic and overly friendly once it is a conversation is started, and normally is considered childish as a result. The immature personality she has usually deceives people at a first glance, since the giant warrior is usually seen as a deadly person. [/spoiler] [b]Weapons[/b] [spoiler] [b]ITB-Mk 3 Compound Bow[/b] [b]"Ember Scar" Transforming Weapon[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Armor[/b] [spoiler] [b]"TALOS" VAS[/b] [/spoiler] [b]VALKYRIE Program:[/b] [spoiler] [/spoiler] [spoiler]Admins before you freak; She's back, yes, but as a melee only character. The bow is for farther ranged combat, but that can easily be countered FOR ALL OF YOU WHO CAN'T THINK: Here's how you best her if it comes to it Emp pulse to disable her shields for an extended time, making them break by normal means, means they'll recharge and activate again after a bit. When her shields are gone, she's more defensive and hit and run like Armor; don't use heat or energy against it unless you have a lot, want to stop her? Intense freezing temperatures or attacks, locks up the inner exoskeleton and keeps her from moving until she thaws or gets free The bow; its a bow, besides the specialty arrows, its rather easy to counter. Unless you're caught off guard or she nails you with it good. [b]The Ember Scar[/b]; the most versatile aspect of Amanda. As a melee based character, she will, guaranteed, crush you in melee. Don't let her get in hugging range To counter her here, you want, and I mean WANT, to separate yourself from her. If you can't, keep her from using this weapon by fighting in close proximity to walls or roofs. Make her use hand to hand, less range, harder for her to land a hit. That's it i think There's more ways, but for all of you who can't think for yourselves, here are some ways to stop her.[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by Mango: 8/26/2017 11:40:11 PM
                    "I'm state of the art! Well, I was." [b][u]IDENTITY[/u][/b] Name: Repurposed Management Droid #7732 Alias: Mango Age: 8 Race: Robot Gender: Male AI [b][u]APPEARANCE[/u][/b] Casing Colour: Matte Black Eye Colour: Blue LED Body Type: Mesomorph Height: 6'0" Armour: [url=]J35-S Cloaking Suit[/url] + [url=]XJ-48 Sonar Helmet[/url] Detailed Description: Casing is worn and scratched, with the paint chipping off. Has a Jolly Roger on right shoulder. Carries a small tan backpack that can be slung over one shoulder that can be used to hide his SMG. Under the suit is a robotic skeleton, a la [url=]what is seen here.[/url] only the head and neck is ever visible. The third arm on his suit holds a pair of fuzzy dice. The helmet has a insignia of a bat on the forehead. [b][u]EQUIPMENT & ABILITIES[/u][/b] [b]Amped Punches:[/b] Special, powered punches that require more energy than a regular punch. Fist travels at 50km/h. [b]Invisibility:[/b] A cloak that lasts for a very long time until manually deactivated. Flickers during sudden movements or interference to the cloak. (Does not include running) Heak sinks allow for most of the body to be invisible to thermal sensors as well, save for the tips of the heat sinks. [b]Overclock:[/b] Only available when safety settings are disabled. Allows Mango to move at incredibly fast speeds by disabling limits on his power core's energy output. Also grants an overshield that absorbs damage from small arms. Due to shakiness that occurs, using firearms accurately is impossible in this state. Further amps all punches and includes kicks. Reduced effectiveness of invisibility. [b][url=]Compact SMG:[/url][/b] A close-range SMG ideal for hipfiring. Painted like a hot rod. Equipped with iron sights. [b]Silenced Jump Kit:[/b] A small jetpack designed for stealthily wallrunning and double jumping. Does not leave a trail when in cloak, but does when out of it. [b][url=]XJ-48 Sonar Helmet:[/url][/b] A helmet that allows the wearer to emit sonar pulses. The outlines of structures, enemies, and various objects can be filtered out to target one source. A visual aid is embedded in the HUD by means of painting targeted sources bright green. Found in a crashed pirate craft. [b]Knife:[/b] A small, 6' blade he keeps sheathed on his ankle. [b][url=]Shortsword:[/url][/b] Kept in a sheathe on his belt, right beside a heat sink. When Overclocked, the sword absorbs the heat from the heat sinks. [b]Pouches:[/b] Various pouches all over his body that contain grenades of all kinds, extra ammo, and trinkets. [u][b]Grenades[/b][/u] [b]Thermal Smoke Grenade:[/b] Releases a smoke screen that completely conceals heat signatures by giving off heat itself. [b]Frag Grenade:[/b] Explodes, releasing shrapnel in all directions. Has a 7s cook time before exploding. [b]C4 Grenade:[/b] Sticks to any surface. Activates when called from any phone. [b][u]BIOGRAPHY[/u][/b] Backstory: TBA Personality: TBA

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                    • Edited by Baroness Steph: 7/29/2017 3:09:22 PM
                      [quote]"We have butchers at our gates, four-armed and eager for slaughter."[/quote] [b]BASICS[/b] Name: Nytryks-Kylkias, "Archon" of House Rain. Age: Forty seven. Sex: Male. Species/Race: Eliksni. Status: At the very least, alive. [b]PHYSIQUE[/b] Height: 405 centimeters; 4 meters; 13.2 feet. Weight: 513 kilograms; 1130 pounds. Hair: None. Eyes: Maroon blue. Body Type: Mesomorph. Detailed Desc: [b]COMBAT[/b] Equipment: Abilities: [b]BIOGRAPHY[/b] Backstory: Personality/Quirks:

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                    • Name: Arthur Wilkes Age: unknown, but he seems 22 Gender: male Appearence: [spoiler]172 lbs., 5'9. Blonde hair and blue eyes, with several scars across the bridge of his nose[/spoiler] Armor: Born Spark set, starter for Warlock Weapons: Khvostov 7G-02 Preacher MK. 20 Abilties: Voidwalker, starter with only his grenade, limited glide, and melee no passives Can be revived by his ghost, but doing so is risky as there is a chance that this could fail bio: no

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                    • Name: Daniel Raidriar D'angelo Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Boss Monster/Human Hybrid Appearance: [spoiler]Daniel takes more after his mother, Alpha. He is essentially the same, except his facial and body structure is more masculine. His horns are two feet long, curling behind his head above his long and floppy ears. He sports white fur all over his body, with a few black markings, namely one on his chest shaped oddly like a heart, and one on his neck that simply spirals around to his spine. His eyes are odd, one blue, but the other changes from green to red depending on the hormones released at the given time, with green for a normal state and red being when under stress such as combat. He usually wears a leather jacket, a black shirt, and blue jeans. He wears comfy work boots as well.[/spoiler] Armor: [spoiler]Pretty much zilch. His own fighting style takes after Alpha as well, so much so that his own custom BDU lacks plating save more light armor on his vital organs and full head helmet that is able to deflect bladed weapons and light small arms fire. The helmet contains optics that are resistant to damage, and are digitally hardened, so that counter measures do little to them. He can see in thermal vision and night vision thanks to the optics, and the arms have built-in dampeners to lessen recoil and steady aim[/spoiler] Weapons: [spoiler]MK-II EXCALABUR "Reforged" A custom built rifle firing self-contained ballistics, self-contained in that they are slightly larger than a .308, but have a small supply of oxygen. That means in hostile or even vaccum enviroments his weapon can still fire. It has a small magazine of only 4, and is bolt action to simplify the weapon. The scope is linked to the helmet and can utilize a sonar of sorts, allowing Daniel to see enemies through cover at upwards of 100 Meters "Ember" A small falchion made of a sturdy titanium. Though the weapon is deadly against flesh and of good build, it fares poorly against armor. Innately connected to fire through a spell of Daniel's design, the weapon will discharge enough thermal energy upon being swung to ignite a small flame along the blade. two feet long. M1911 Alpha's own pistol, handed down to her son. The weapon handles the same as any other of its make.[/spoiler] Abilities: [spoiler]Inherent Magic Due to his innate connection to magic, energy based attacks are partially absorbed to boost his own and to lessen the damage done by them. Light-bending While every Boss Monster has control over fire in some small fashion, Daniel's trait is that he controls the rays of light around him. Able to hone them into bolts able to ignore energy shielding, or by weaving it into a shield to completely protect him once from an energy based attack, to bending it around him to make him nearly invisible, though doing this past a few replies will probably force him into a state of unconsciousness [/spoiler] Bio: again, no

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                    • Name: Unknown Aliases: "Jacket" Age: Unknown Appearance: Pic Weapons (varies): •Skorpion •Uzi •Silenced Pistol •Baseball bat •Hammer •Axe •Knife •Drill •Hammer •M16 •MP5k •.44 Magnum

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                    • Edited by The WORLD1897: 7/26/2017 2:54:31 AM
                      Name: Unknown Alias: "Driver" Gender: Male Equipment: •A simple hammer. •A few nails. •A basic combat knife. •'73 Chevelle Malibu. Appearance: Pic. Note: Jacket has a golden scorpion emblem on the back.

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                    • >recent event "The Final Ascent" >personnel file release Name: Somniosus Association: Peregrine Age: unknown Height: 6' 00" Appearance: [spoiler]Only a select few know wha Somniosus looks like. They say he has a slim, creepy face with eyes that always look alert and short brown hair. This doesn't matter much though, as most people only see him dressed in his combat armor. The chest plate has a design like a roman's chest plate with defined muscles shaped into it. The backplate is similar but with grooves along the spine. His head covering is a skull face that has spikes on it along with scoring marks going into it giving it an ominous look. His arm and leg armor are spiky as well, his fingers have metal claws as well as his boots. [/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]There is most definitely something wrong with Somniosus as he always seems to act strange. No one is sure how long he's been this way, and if he was faking a normal personality in past life. [/spoiler] Weapons and abilities: [spoiler]Somniosus uses anything at his disposal as a weapon, although it is known that he has a select few he prefers to use that equips himself with: a hand cannon with similar designs on his armor on said hand cannon, and a large dagger. [/spoiler]

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                    • >recent event "The Final Ascent" >personnel file release Name: Vespertilio Association: Viperfish Age: 41 Height: 6' 1" Appearance: [spoiler]Vespertilio is a tall, middle aged man. He is a bit pale and has medium length, black, combed hair with a few noticeable gray strands. His eyes are light brown always seem exhausted. He seems to reflect his authority in the way he dresses, always being dressed up nicely in uniform. [/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]Vespertilio is arrogant and has a sleazy vibe to him. He is also very demanding.[/spoiler] Weapons and abilities: [spoiler]No one is sure what he uses, but it is known that Vespertilio likes guns and especially vehicles quite a bit.[/spoiler]

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                    • >tracking recent events... >"the final ascent" is taking place >releasing personnel files Name: Anguineus Association: Viperfish Age: 36 Height: 6'3" Description: [spoiler]Anguineus has long black hair and blue eyes. His face is tough looking and has defined features. He is very muscular and has various tattoos on his arms. His voice is deep and powerful making him a good speaker.[/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]At one point, Anguineus was smaller and quieter. He wasn't the fearsome leader that he appears to be now. After surfacing, he appears to be angry most of the time, yet he keeps calm easily even in tough situations.[/spoiler] Backstory: [spoiler]Anguineus was part of Viperfish and their descent program, in which they went to the bottom of the sea as an experiment, to live there.[/spoiler] Weapons and abilities: [spoiler]It is known that he has access to the same technology as Cornelia and Fulmen, but no one knows what he actually uses himself.[/spoiler]

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                    • Edited by Wheatley: 7/23/2017 6:52:16 PM
                      [i]"Really? You'll have to do better than that.[/i] Name: [Redacted] Alias: Cain Age: 132 (appears 34) Sex: Male Species: Human/Cyborg Appearance: [spoiler]Height: 6"1 Weight: 162 Ib Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue Detailed Description: Minus all of the cybernetic enhancements, Cain appears to be human. Only other things notable is that he has a long scar down his left eye (but the eyeball itself is unaffected), a well trimmed beard, and human flesh down to the collarbone. The rest of him is purely cybernetic/synthetic.[/spoiler] Equipment: [spoiler][b]Armor and Clothing[/b] [u]Mk. IV Modified "Hunter" Armor[/u]- A personal set of military issued armor that has been adjusted to serve the needs of a rouge. It is accompanied with a hood, retractable mask, booster pack, and a shield generator to ward off damage. Built for any environment and optimized for combat. [b]Weapons[/b] [u][Redacted][/u]- A custom auto rifle built for mid-range encounters. Can alternate between standard, armor piercing, and explosive ammo types [u][Redacted][/u]-A custom pistol/sidearm designed to work well in any situation. Can alternate between standard, armor piercing, and explosive ammo types. [u]Throwing Knives[/u]- Self explanatory. Can be set to explode on impact. [b]Note[/b] He does have the ability to call for several different weapons found on his ship. What these are is unknown. [/spoiler] Abilities: [spoiler][b]Cybernetic[/b] [u]Teleportation[/u]- Can instantly move anywhere within a short range. [u]Technology Manipulation[/u]- Has the ability to affect anything that relies or is based on a technological premise. All systems may be vulnerable. [u]Matter Manipulation[/u]- Is able to influence most objects in some way, giving him something that resembles magic [u]Enhanced Abilities[/u]- Including but not limited to enhanced sight, hearing, speed, resilience, reflexes, and mental processing.[/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]A loner in most cases. Mischievous and cannot be trusted.[/spoiler] Weaknesses: [spoiler]Now why would I give you that information? Figure them out yourself.[/spoiler] Backstory: [spoiler]I bet you don't care.[/spoiler] Additional Possessions: [spoiler]He owns a personal starship fit for agile space travel. Is able to move at warp speed, and is designed for minimal crew members. Anything else he possesses is not included in this file.[/spoiler]

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