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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
1/24/2018 10:05:56 PM
[spoiler]AHHHHHH EDGY POST[/spoiler] [u]Dojoville - Church of the Stars[/u] [u]6:30 PM[/u] [i]The dim red sun glazed over the horizons of waring Tatakai, the glistening light now darkening the previously blue skies with a reddish hue. Such a color was mixed with a bright orange and the darkened grey of clouds above the world, with their large, puffy bodies and their complex formations. It was this Wednesday afternoon at the Church of the Stars, a smalltime church of worshippers of "celestial beings", had begun their ceremonies.[/i] [i]The church itself was a fine place in design, designed upon the southern outskirts of the city, where the town would end and the mountainous wall of the Dojo's solitary mountain had then begun. The exterior was that of a welcoming temple, a large tunnel, structured of smoothened wood and barred by great light green doors. Halls stretched to the left and right of the tunnel's apparent ending, as the place of worship progressively rose up, until it had reached to a four-story tall tower. Upon that tower, a celestial image formulated, of a hidden, foreign meaning - a dilated, circular image, the inside connected by weaving strands of spiraling silver as if it was a complex spiderweb.[/i] [i]Within, the rows were filled with those whom worshipped these gods of a higher order, with a stark white pathway formulated between the seats. The people that took part were mostly dressed in black or white clothing for such an occurrence, though it was more than clear that they were the oddities of the Dojo. Mages, that hid away their dark intentions and cruel magics. Liars, thieves, murderers, and worse still, yet all here and repenting to a divine celestial creature. The side of the grand hallway were decorated with statues now - odd, almost eldritch creatures, most with many limbs, others with none at all. Some stood high and lean, some were fat and portly, and one was simply formless - an empty pedestal of where it's marble bust would be set, yet a god to these people nonetheless.[/i] [i]Soon, the preacher of these gods would arrive. Lean and solitary, his starry black robe was coated in glistening white fragments, perhaps of glass or some other shining material. His head was crowned by a hood of the same making and material, his wrinkled forehead accompanied by a swirling golden crown that wrapped around the back of his skull.[/i] "Brothers. Sisters. Children. We gather here, upon this time, as the stars align at last. Beyond this world. Beyond the Dojo. Beyond fiendish knights and beyond petty battles. Beyond corrupt tyrants and massacres in our own home. Beyond ourselves, there is a-" [i]*[b]CRASH![/b]*[/i] [i]The preacher's mouth froze as he quit shouting to his fellow worshippers, only for his glazing blue eyes to turn to the door, alongside the eyes of the entirety of the church's residents. For the door had been shattered - no, demolished, by a single blow of something.. massive.[/i] [i]Through the entrance came something.. remarkably disturbing, as a few of the churchgoers cried out at the sight of the newcomer to the place of warship. It was a female by the look of it, and that remarkably alluring strut that she did, like some sort of swooning cartoon character. It would drive some men into a haze of love, had she not been coated in fleshy bits and whatever was left of the poor souls who had been greeting the worshippers at the door. She was tall still, though not insanely tall yet, probably at a height of exactly six feet, no more and no less. Her choice of attire consisted more of a corset than an actual piece of functioning armor, though it.. worked. Gilded steel made up her chestplate and pauldrons, shining with a golden color and engraved with swirling images within the platings, yet also covered in thick stains of blood. Hell, it was hard to believe that it was intended for armor - her rather ample bust promptly stuck out, her chest, the smooth pale skin now coated with little bits of gore, revealed to those whom looked upon her. A gilded helmet covered her head, though the faceplate did not hide her face: chubby and almost childish, smooth and cute to some, with little dimples and light pink lips, with pearly white teeth accompanying the lips as well.[/i] [i]What probably scared people, though, would be the almighty hammer that rested upon her right shoulder, as she balanced it with only a strong, firm hand, a shining glove holding that into place as well. The head of the mighty weapon was wider than her being in general - she was rather wide, mind you, though not bluntly fat - the ridiculous sledgehammer, coated in more gore and blood, was then gripped by two hands, landing with a booming *Thud!* as she smiled wildly then.[/i] "...hi." ————————————————— [spoiler]Open for socialization or for all you JUSTICE types.[/spoiler] [i]When the deed was done, the hulking woman sat down in a center of the mess that she had made. The smashed bodies of the fallen would lay around her sitting being. The ground had gone from a marble white to a sickly blood red, dripping with the essence as if the place was more of a slaughterhouse than a temple. The seats were splintered into hundreds of pieces, shrines and statues of the eldritch beings crushed into the dust, amongst some of the gory paste and remains of the fallen. She hummed then, waiting on someone to.. well, come to church today, she guessed.[/i] [i]Oh, how fun it would be.[/i]

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  • [spoiler]Fen (Righteous Justice) or Gil (Conceited, Arrogant Justice)?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Gil.[/spoiler]

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  • [i]It wouldn't take long for the woman to get a visitor, however. The slaughter had definitely made some noise, and while most occupants within Dojoville completely disregarded it - they were pretty much used to the daily mass murder and complete destruction of the town by now - some just... didn't, like the person Samantha would hear approaching as she sat there. The soft tapping of light footwear upon the pretty floor reached her ears, delicate yet even at a slow, strangely rhythmic pace. Right foot, left foot, always moving the exact same distance, never slowing and never speeding. It was almost maddening, how completely void of change or irregularities the walking was. Then, a quiet, delighted 'ooooh' joined the noise made by the newcomer, the voice distinctly feminine and wonderfully accented, faintly - yet noticeably - laced by something foreign and unique, making her roll every vowel just a little. Enough to be noticed. Quickly after, the tapping transitioned into squishing and splashing as the woman walked onto what remained of the greeter, her steps well-paced still. And at last, she came into sight. She was built slightly similarly to the pudgy Ececutioner, her frame visibly curvy and "thick" at first sight, though with another glance, burly muscle was also seen. She was a very nice mixture between curvy and fit, her body well-built in all the right places with its well-defined shoulders, ample bust, hard stomach, wide hips, and muscular legs, though it was all shrouded by the clothes she wore. She stood a little taller than the other woman at six feet and two inches. Bright eyes of gold looked at Samantha, the quaint eyes paired with an equally quaint smile that showed off white teeth framed by thin, soft pink lips. Hair coloured like Autumn was draped down to her shoulders, kept at forehead-length in front, only barely grazing the back of her neck and her shoulders. Small feathers similar to that of a hawk covered her jawline, dense and pretty, adding more uniqueness to her. It was very clear she was a foreigner, and some species Samantha had likely not seen before. Four wings sprouted from the newcomer's back, the top two large and majestic, covered in beautiful feathers that were very clearly well taken care of, a soft brown-grey in colour like the sparse few feathers on her face. The bottom pair of wings was far smaller, seated closer to the spine and no doubt meant for quick turns and movements during flight -- something finely complimented by her choice of attire and weaponry. Her clothes were light, consisting of dirt brown boots made from hardened leather, keeping her feet nice and warm even when she would be trekking through the snow that plagued Dojoville. On her legs, she wore dark blue pants of thick cloth interwoven with light maille to defend against blades, similar to the simple, equally blue shirt she wore on her chest, the fabric covered in strips of leather, while the rinkle of more chainmail was heard with every step she took. Eredrin wore nothing to cover her head or even her face. Within her right hand was the haft of a tall spear about six-and-a-half-feet tall, the tip taking a cruciform tip, the foot-long, pointed, razor-sharp tip sticking out from what could be considered a guard, two pieces of steel jutting four inches out to the sides, the bland metal inlaid with runes and depictions of lightning. The wooden staff was reinforced with metal and wrapped in leather where the woman would grip it, the oak barely even visible. At her left hip, she wore the hard leather scabbard of a simplistic sword, the thing about three feet in length, only the cruciform guard of steel and leather-wrapped hilt with the oblate spherical pommel visible.[/i] "You did all this?" [i]She asked, that same accent from before very clear in her words. It was a delight to hear, in any case.[/i] "You did a fantastical job!"

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  • [i]Those enticingly perfected, yet so light footsteps, a sound that the Executioner wasn't used to at all, would draw her in like a hound catching a familiar scent, although she would not have to search as far as a hound would, for the newcomer had arrived straightforward at the previous place of worship.[/i] [i]Her masked head, drenched in as much blood as her head, neck, and upper chest, though it was to compare her coating of gore of her upper body to the mess that she stepped upon and the stains upon her great hammer, would simply twist and turn to her right so that her gaze would then be set upon the beauty that entered. The foreign creature had brought something of a wide, curious grin to the Executioner's bloodied face: pearly white teeth and light pink lips broke through the covers of gore, as she would bow her head towards Eredrin with a cute giggle.[/i] "Hahaha, thank you! These people weren't very good people. Well.. I don't think that they were, but it doesn't matter now: they're all gone, every last one." [i]She said all of that with a soon widening grin, as her little chubby hands, her gilded gauntlets and vambraces straining to keep bounded around her arms, would then reach for the massive hammer that she wielded into battle, only for her to bring the weapon's gigantic hammer down so that she could push herself upwards. The woman visually struggled with this, her face straining a little before she lifted her being to her feet, bringing herself up to a straightened being as she stood. She sighed in a relieved manner, happy that she could stand up as she kept smiling at Eredrin in that continuously joyful manner.[/i] [i]Joyful, after stamping a church into gory paste..[/i] "So.. this is my place, I suppose. My little church, that I.. guard! Hmm, but I [i]need[/i] something to guard. Or someone.. hmm, hmm."

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  • Edited by Nibber Schipper: 1/25/2018 6:04:53 PM
    [i]Eredrin stopped her perfect pace when Samantha rose up to her feet, only tilting her head with a curious-yet-ever-so-slightly worried look in those beautiful eyes when she visibly strained. She was definitely at an... unhealthy weight, but it was cute in a way; she was pudgy and cuddly. And a clear psychopath who would likely smash Ere into the ground if she were to cross the big woman. But, the appeal didn't matter... not right now, anyway. The caution she had to have, however, did. She had no doubts she was infinitely faster than Samantha, but that hammer would hurt.[/i] "Well, if they were bed, they deserved it! Especially if... those things are what they worship... Weird, tentacle-y things... But! What about a princess? Or a queen! Yes... yes, a princess or a queen, to guard in your church! That'd be a worthy thing to guard, wouldn't it? Hmm..." [i]With her standing a mere few feet away from Sam by now - an acceptable conversation distance in any case - the winged woman paused, going silent. She spectated the surroundings of the church while the thickset woman did her own thing, slowly twirling on her axel to view everything the place of worship had to offer. Eredrin was dainty and dexterous on her legs, moving just as perfectly as before and never losing her balance. As she turned away from Samantha and her eyes glided over the statues crushed into dust, the heraldry that gilded the walls, and the monoliths on the ceiling, the lady dressed in gold would see that her feathered friend had a third weapon on her beyond her sword and spear. What seemed to be a third bladed weapon hung at her lower back and in between the bottom wings without as little as a sheath, tied to her belt with only a set of leather straps. It was a total of thirty-nine inches long with the leather-wrapped grip included, the blade weirdly curved -- almost like the arm of a blade. The blade was paired with a tightly packed quiver right above it, in between the large, magnificent top wings. The thing was made from hard leather and reinforced with black metal, the ends of arrows seen sticking out from it, all of them metal. The bowblade from Bloodborne, basically. A moment later, Eredrin was facing Samantha again. She shifted her spear to a horizontal grip in both of her hands, the shaft held closely to her stomach as she elegantly bowed. Her feet were firmly placed together while her legs were kept straight as she bent, holding the position for a good few. seconds.[/i] "Eredrin! That's my name."

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  • "A-A princess would do nicely.. yes, of course. A princess, in long, drooping robes and a shining crown upon her little head.." [i]Samantha seemed.. appropriately amazed by the sound of a princess, while the expression upon her face transformed from a welcoming smile to then a wild, recognizing grin. The idea that she could protect and serve a princess seemed to be a familiar thought to her, though she clearly approved of it nonetheless.[/i] "This will be no church for.. eldritch monstrosities," [i]The Executioner would say wildly, kneeling down as she would scoop up a shining object from the cracked, bloodied flooring. She clasped it gently in one gloved hand. A crumpled crown that the pastor of the church once wore over his head, of a gilded silver material, but ruined and shattered after being crushed by a heavy boot.[/i] [i]Yet Samantha held a certain fondness for the object.[/i] "Oh.." [i]She murmured, before then rising up, balancing her hammer upon the shattered flooring with one hand as she stared down at the forgotten sigil in her other, previously spare palm. Through the bloodied mask that she wore for a faceplate, Eredrin could see her light blue eyes stare down at the sad thing, yet Samantha's head would then turn to the foreign woman then. She crumbled the fragile crown into cracked pieces of thin metal, throwing it's showering remains to the side as she gripped her hammer tightly with both of her hands, before she kneeled down before Eredrin.[/i] "I am Samantha, first and only knightess of.. my princess, and this cathedral! Except I.. haven't found a princess."

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  • [i]With herself introduced, Eredrin straightened herself without any effort, her two feet still firmly rooted on the bloodied, gore-slathered floor. She remained standing there, legs rigid and still, her entire body straight, back firm. She had a perfect posture, and yet she held it like an absolute pro. Seemed she had an obsession or something of the sort with perfection... first her walking, now the way she stood. She remained quiet while Samantha spoke and had her little moment, merely spectating when she grabbed the crown off of the ground, a few droplets of still-wet blood dripping off it and trickling to the ground, where it fell into a puddle. Not a word left her lips when the gold-plated lady crushed the headwear, though those unique eyes did dart over to the dusty as it fluttered in a non-existent wind. And then, Sam kneeled, and with it, she spoke those few words. Eredrin smiled softly and meekly, her lips parted in what could only be described as a kind grin. Her composure shattered as she stepped forwards, bringing her spear with her with that single step, and giving it an elegant twirl as she simply curtsied. Ere held her head bowed low for just a moment before she straightened herself once more, returning to that perfect stance from before, spear placed at her side, arm wrapped around it.[/i] "And I'll be the second knightess, if you would not mind..." [i]An interesting proposal.[/i] "And even if you do, it's still a pleasure and a joy to meet you, Sam!"

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  • "A.. second knightess?" [i]Oh boy, an interesting proposal to the Executioner indeed. For she took to keeping her hammer's tall shaft leaned against her shoulder, as she would then difficulty pry her bloodied right gauntlet with her equally gory left, though the armored glove that it was would eventually wriggle it's way off. As she clenched the now removed glove, her right hand was revealed. It was on the wider side, funnily enough, with large fingers, though not atrociously large.[/i] [i]With her clean hand now available, Samantha would bring it up, to the plate that covered the upper half of her face like some sort of gory, grotesque mask. The mask seemed to be engraved with half of a smiling expression, one that belonged to a portly man. She flipped the visor up with a slight *shink!* noise, revealing her face for Eredrin entirely.[/i] [i]She was pretty, for sure. Tangles of swirling, curly blonde hair were kept tightly within the helmet's interior, though little strings of shiny hair broke through the interior and clouded her face cutely. Samantha's cheeks were round and puffy, fairly tanned with a light skin covering her face and smoothened skin, only broken by the cute dimples and the large smile. Her eyes were a beautiful light blue, though strained with an almost maniacal glare for a moment, before settling rather calmly.[/i] "Another knightess would be great!"

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  • [i]The maniacal glint in those gorgeously eyes intrigued Eredrin just a little, her own having kept eye contact, even if Samantha prying off her gauntlet snatched the ever so slightly avian woman's attention away for but a moment. She returned the smile, deeply delighted that the thickset cutie before her was so overjoyed at the thought of another knightess to guard the currently non-existent princess with her.[/i] "Wonderful," [i]She exclaimed with a bright twinkle in her gemstone eyes, voice rife with the same excitement that showed in her gaze, lacing her unique accent to make the sound of her words an absolute delight to listen to.[/i] "Knightesses Eredrin and Samantha, guarding our Princess within this gorgeous cathedral!" [i]Well... she certainly was very excited. Her perfect stance broke as she stepped forwards again, her left fist moving with her as it shot into the sky, straight up, the whole gesture one of joy. Ere really did feel giddy, eyes wide and deeply overjoyed, her smile stretched across her pink lips, showing white teeth and surprisingly sharp canines. And then her excitement came crashing down as a crack like thunder whipped through the air, the place of worship shaking on its foundations. The first crackle of thunder was quickly followed by another, though the actual church itself wasn't the one being struck with lightning -- not yet, anyway. Eredrin's smile turned into an awkward, toothy grin, a soft red colour flushing her cheeks.[/i] "...whoops..."

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  • Edited by Xeno: 1/24/2018 11:29:29 PM
    [i]Blood. Kegorak recognized the smell of blood before he saw the church. The sweet, metallic taste rested at the edge of his tongue like a warm ambrosia tempting him to drink. He would not give in to his selfish gluttony, however. Such debaucherous behavior would be falling to the lure of the Prince of Pleasure: Slaanesh. The wretched Chaos God and his vile fiends were an affront to Khorne, the furious God of War. Kegorak was a patron of this red-handed God, a warrior who knew rage and fury at such levels that would make a king kneel if demonstrated. Yet, victory was unobtainable through sheer rage alone. Centuries of training in battle and strategy resided in the Berzerker’s mind, ready to be coaxed out of a blood-stained whirlwind of flesh and metal. He honed in on the aroma, and it only became stronger the closer he came. Like a bloodhound, he found the church in no time, and upon entering it his mouth twitched upwards in a smile. The expression felt alien to the warrior, but he could not stop himself from admiring the Executioner’s work. He smelled far beyond the iron, tangy blood now. He smelled the fear and terror in every patron squashed to paste beneath a fell hammer. He smelled their last words echoing through the concave interior of the church. He smelled the giddiness and content the woman exuded like a foul puss. She would make a worthy opponent. [spoiler]OH BOY GETTING BACK INTO COMBAT [/spoiler][/i]

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  • [spoiler]AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH[/spoiler] [i]The Executioner's head would twist until it found the Berzerker whom had entered the previous place of worship, the once pristine marble white floors now running with blood red and other bodily components. With a pearly white smile escaping the bloodstained look upon her face, the sole woman would then wrap both of her hands, the chubby palms kept bounded by tightly bounded, yet gilded gauntlets, around the previously shining shaft of her weapon. She would grunt as she used the weapon as a faster way to get herself up, soon standing as she would then balance the massive hammer upon the cracked, bloodied flooring, that smile still remaining all this time.[/i] "Hello!" [i]She shouted, in greetings to the warrior that served Khorne. She didn't seem remotely shocked by his form, nor terrified or even simply fearful of what he was, though judging from how she had brought her sole weapon with her, perhaps she expected something of a fight.. though the childish manners certainly went against the thought of combat, least initially.[/i]

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  • Edited by Xeno: 1/25/2018 7:48:06 PM
    [i]A rising growl escaped Kegorak’s throat like a peal of thunder. It was not one of aggression or annoyance, however. This was one of rumination and observation. Still, he spread his sense throughout the cathedral, soon beginning to pick away at the Executioner herself. He smelled the absence of fear, the child-like glee, the disregard for others. A gout of steam escaped the grilled muzzle of Kegorak’s helm. It was canine in design: it held the visage of Karanak — Khorne’s venerated personal Flesh Hound — in its crimson and bronze lacquer. Dim blue light flooded the glass of the eyepieces, and two horns rose from the sides of the helm. The fine marble beneath Kegorak’s feet was cracking under his impressive weight and each minute shift he made as he continued to scan the room made the cracks branch out like the roots of a tree. Beneath his helm, Kegorak wore a full suit of crimson and brass armor, with overlapping plates of Adamantium and Ceramite. Joints were protected by growths of spikes — whether Chaos-spawned or entirely man-made was anyone’s guess. Bas-reliefs of snarling daemons covered the left mighty pauldron of his armor, as well as a few other minor areas. The “wings” of his Power Cell located on his back were topped with bleached skulls, each wearing a cloak of their own flayed hides. Various other fetishes covered the armor: more skulls, hides of great beasts, tally marks counting kills, and some unidentified bones. In his right hand Kegorak held a Khornate Chainaxe, the head of the weapon wider than the Executioner herself. The Berzerker’s left hand was significantly larger, yet held no detriment to speed almost. The eight-pointed star of Chaos was layered on the back of the fist in a sheet of bronze metal. A chainblade extended from the bottom side of the fist, sharing a similar design to the Axe. What seemed to be a sidearm or pistol of sorts was clamped to his right thigh as well, and a gigantic sword was sheathed on his back in black leather that grasped for whatever light it could to devour. Kegorak made a noise again, then he spoke. [b]”What is your name, slayer?”[/b] His voice sounded as metallic as the blood that clung to the walls of the (previous) place of worship like a miasma.[/i]

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  • "...Samantha." [i]She spoke up after a few moments of silence, before those light pink lips opened and broke the silence of the bloodied room.[/i] "I'm the first - and well, only - guardian of this church, here and now. My own cathedral, except I.. don't really know what I'm guarding? Oh, I'll find it.. soon enough." [i]She murmured the last sentence, as her portly face would stare up at the Khornate's truly hulking being, yet underneath her gilded, decorated mask, there was no display of fear nor discomfort, and even though there seemed to be the slightest of confusion etched upon her round face, she still seemed.. happy, and disturbingly joyful as ever.[/i] "Are we going to fight?" [spoiler][url=]Ornstein/Smough Intro[/url] I couldn't find the intro theme ;-;[/spoiler] [i]At that, she would then groan, before her left hand heaved up her mighty shining hammer, before she then brought it crashing down, towards her right arm. Only, her free hand caught the shaft where it met the oversized head of the weapon, as Samantha would use the strength within her being to keep it raised up.[/i] [i]Perhaps she enjoyed the Khornate, but.. perhaps he was a threat to her church.[/i]

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  • Edited by Xeno: 1/27/2018 5:24:50 AM
    [b]”Yes..”[/b] [i]The Khornate seemed to hiss the word out of his mouth. Despite the massive hammer, he showed equal amounts of fear to her as her to him. He couldn’t feel fear, as it was part of his indoctrination to be purged of such mortal foibles. Yet, he respected Samantha. Not in the way a gentleman may respect a woman, but how warriors held an unspoken bond in combat: whether if one is to fall fairly and squarely, they shall receive a quick death. The Khornate’s diamond-teethed weapons began to hum and shudder, as the internal mechanisms were roused of their slumber. Kegorak has missed fighting; well, not really. He had missed a fair fight, as most of his previous engagements were with wild beasts or lawless bandits. Hopefully, this woman would give him the closure he deserves and the right to spill more blood for his fell-handed god. In truth, he cared nothing of the Church. In fact, the only interactions he’s had with them was burning them to the ground in claims of ‘heresy’. Now that he has defected from the Imperium... he had a much different mindset. The only churches of Khorne were bloody battlefields, and the only rituals needed was the act of killing, maiming, and burning. Violence begets violence. Blood begets blood. Peace begets war. War was the natural order of things, from two birds killing one another over scraps, to an atom splitting through opposing gravitational pulls. Conflict and war was the blood that ran through the universe’s veins. But that was enough contemplating the philosophy of a psychopath... Kegorak’s weapons were now roaring beasts of belligerence, their mechanical cries reverberating throughout the church. The teeth were spinning rapidly now, so fast that they seemed to be red blurs edging the weapons. Kegorak’s Power Fist crackled with energy. All weapons accounted for. [b]”Blood for the Blood God...”[/b] In two strides he was upon her, raising his axe to horizontally cut into her stomach from his left side.[/i] [b]”SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!”[/b]

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  • "[i]MILK FOR THE CORNFLAKES![/i]" [i]Samantha roared with a sudden vigor, as she would simply keep still, before bringing up her hammer above her being as she literally jumped into the air, the oversized hammer brought over her head. Though the intent wasn't to cave in the Khornate's head with a single blow, no.[/i] [i]It was to hit something, though.[/i] [i]The hammer whistled downwards, towards the chainaxe's base as both weapons were swung, the former of the two coming down upon the axe as Samantha yelled in a vigorous manner. The intent? It was to literally crush the axe and render the Khornate to a single weapon. A weapon that Samantha still knew could kill her easily, or at least she guessed.. the Power Fist seemed magical to her anyway, and she hated magic in all forms and manners.[/i]

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  • [i]Kegorak simply let the axe slip from his grip, allowing the hammer to smash it into a million composite pieces. Splinters of red metal and brass shot out in a spread, and the teeth of the blade flew in all directions like bullets. Of what Kegorak had observed, after a hefty smash like that it would take a second or two to hoist it up once more. He still had his Chainfist, and he would use it with kind. Kegorak planted his foot on the head of the hammer, and without hesitation swung his Chainfist towards Samantha, chainblade-first.[/i]

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  • [i]The hammer kept firmly in place by Kegorak's boot, Samantha would have to pull back, this time her hands sliding to the very end of the hammer's shaft in order to barely dodge the incoming Fist. She couldn't maintain that all the time, she needed to escape, as she would them groan and cry out in a renewed vigor as she tugged at the hammer underneath the Khornate's foot, using an ample strength in order to retrieve it.[/i]

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  • [i]Clunk, clunk, clunk.[/i] went the sounds of heavy, slow footsteps just outside the building. The charred Tenno walking past the bloodied building with an apparent lack of any interest. His armor seemed to resemble the Rhino Warframe, however it was a crisp shade of rust and charcoal with two jagged horns jabbing up out of the top of the helm and forehead, making the suit more to it's namesake. On it's back was a dented and burnt Fraggor hammer, occasionally leaking wisps of the Tenno's magenta energy. He turned his head to peer inside as he walked within sight of the entrance, glancing at the bloody mess inside- as well as the gory remains of what used to be people. (heh) It drew little reaction from him though. The most the large Warframe did other than stand there was look at his poor Fraggor and then at the morbid woman's weapon, uttering a half grunt/ half pout.

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 1/24/2018 11:02:02 PM
    "HI!" [i]The demolisher of the place of worship would turn her masked face towards the Warframe that had entered, though her face was still covered with gore and grime that exuded the bodies of her several victims. Yet through it, her pearly white grin brought through, alongside a simple, nearly childish wave. She would groan a little as she would stand up, using her massive hammer as something to lean upon. The armor seemed to fit on.. spectacularly tight.[/i] "How are you? [i]Actually[/i] - what are you, really? Some sort of soft robot? That's.. really weird. I wonder, since you're so soft, like.. well, flesh.. do you bleed?"

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  • The Tenno waved back in return, rather bemused by the questioning as he looked at himself. Curious to find out if he could bleed or not, he picked up a shard of shattered glass and attempted to jab it into his palm. The glass shattered however, and he was left without a scratch. Looking back up to the uncomfortably armored lady, he shrugged, not really sure if he could bleed or not. Cryosleep for several thousand years often made remembering things before the Warframe rather tedious.

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  • "I guess that you can't exactly bleed, then.." [i]You will.[/i] "Oh, well. It's okay. Well, what's your name, anyway? I'm Samantha, the first and only knight of this fine cathedral!" [i]She giggled shrilly then, the noise breaking through the quiet, empty air, like a piece of glass continuously cracking or chalk scraping against an old board. She almost danced upon her hammer's sitting head, her chubby hands using it as a support as she swung herself back and forth. It was childish, even creepy, yet.. so happy, too.[/i]

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  • The question resulted in a slow shrug from the dense Warframe, followed by a few light metallic taps to the head with a hard knock at the end. The Tenno watched as she swung herself about, remaining unspoken as he watched in general silence. He, or rather it, didn't seem to be the talkative type. Looking towards the splintered remains of a pew, he sat down on a partially intact board, hands on his knees as he sat there, vacantly gazing off into space.

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  • Edited by Frigid_Jackal_: 1/24/2018 10:39:51 PM
    Someone walked in an hour later then, standing slightly taller than the thick woman herself, nearly 6"4, human with slight draconic features, light scales adorning her jaw line, eyes to match, and a rather curvy body for unknown reasons. Although, she seemed powerful, and most likely had reasons to be in the room. She had an iron chest piece on, partial iron armor on the rest of her, mostly she was going for agility it seemed. A gladius was on her right thigh, and a rifle on her back. Glancing around, she cringed deeply, the whole room was.... Horrifying. And then the pudgy woman in it already, well that was even worse.

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  • "Hello!" [i]She didn't seem to mind the scenery too much, in actuality. Coated in gore and dripping blood, a hand left her hammer, of which was leaned against her left pauldron, would raise up and then wave at Rose as she entered the decimated cathedral.[/i] "How are you today? I know, the scenery's just.. terrible! But I had to clean up the mess, you know? All these mean people.. ugh! So mad at them." [i]"Mad" seemed to be a terrible understatement.[/i]

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  • Rose narrowed her eyes then, watching the woman. "And so now what, your going to sit here? I heard the noise and came here to investigate. And to me, you seem like a murderer."

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