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originally posted in:Liberty Hub
5/25/2016 7:52:02 PM

11 States sue over public school Transgender Directive

11 states have sued the U.S. government over the Justice Department's directive that forces public schools to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity. The states include Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Maine, Arizona, Louisiana, Utah and Georgia. The Department of Education is also involved. It threatened to withhold billions in federal education funding if schools did not comply with the "anti-discriminatory" policies. If you ask me, the argument in this case shouldn't be over whether or not it is right to allow transgender people to use the bathroom that aligns with their identity. Any of the states that go to court and try to fight the directive that way are likely to lose, especially with the Department of Education playing hardball with the funding. No, the argument ought to be over the executive branch's authority to pass down legislative directives such as these. This has been a pretty common occurrence for the past few administrations. While Congress pisses away billions of dollars worth of legislation, the executive branch takes the pilot's seat and uses the Cabinet to force itself into a greater position of power. Congress isn't entirely blameless. They're the ones who handed cash to the executive branch -- the same branch that uses that cash to threaten states into complicity. It's a blatant case of executive overreach. It's also another reason why Presidential elections are becoming such high-stakes games. If the President holds major legislative power, it becomes pretty important for your ideological camp to hold the office. If you ask me, it's this expansion of executive power that has led to the rise of people like Trump. Instead of electing somebody who will play ball with Congress and the Court, it's more important to elect somebody who will take direct action that's more or less in your side's favor. [b]TL;DR[/b] - Don't argue over the directive's content. The major problem is that the Department of Justice is allowed to assert itself in such a direct and authoritative way. Again, I encourage anybody interested in topics like this to check out the group Liberty Hub.

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  • I find the whole thing ridiculous. 1. The executive is overstepping its bounds by attempting to hand down decrees to everyone without making it law. Taking money away from states for not adhering to laws that don't exist is a form of tyranny. 2. Transgender bathroom laws are inherently discriminatory towards non transgenders. You cannot make a law or decree allowing one group more privileges or rights than everyone else. Normal people, under allowing transgenders to choose bathrooms simply based of how they feel, are not allowed to choose their own bathroom. Either everybody does or no one does like the current system now which is non discriminatory. 3. How do they expect to police this or enforce this rule? Are transgenders going to register with the state and present identity papers to police waiting outside public bathrooms? Because unless that happens anyone can say anything and walk right in and claim sexism if questioned. 4. This is an example of PC culture and pandering gone to the extreme. We are literally changing everything for .03% of the population and giving them more rights and privileges than the rest of the country. If someone wants to chop off their own penis or breasts to become the opposite sex fine, that doesnt mean we bend over backwards to pander to them. (And most dont have the guts or the devotion to actually get rid of their private parts. If a man truly believed he was a woman he would cut it off but again most don't.)

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    2 Replies
    • Here's the deal. Instead of trying to cater to less than 1% of the population and let them use whatever bathroom they want, why don't we focus on getting them the mental health they need to realize they either have a penis/vagina or not?

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    • Oh look full of rednecks and the zealots. Shocker.

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      5 Replies
      • Transgender people could just be normal people for once.

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      • I don't understand this situation... Transgenders have been going into what bathroom they wanted, since there were bathrooms and transgenders. Why is it now a big deal?

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by ZavalasBaldHead: 5/28/2016 5:55:01 PM
          You gotta admit it would be kinda creepy to walk into a man's bathroom and see a girl walk in the stall next to you.

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          3 Replies
          • [quote] i said BPA and endocrine disruptors have been proven scientifically to fuk with hormones and the entry into pubescent stage. if a MAN takes enough estrogen he will grow LADY BOOBS his mental state will change to be more emotional due to hormonal imbalance and he will grow less body hair: thats how gender transition via HORMONES works wanna know what BPA is? its [b][i][u]SYNTHETIC ESTROGEN FIRST INVENTED AS A FAILED BIRTH CONTROL[/u][/i][/b] whether you accept it or not Science and Chemistry actually work; if you take endocrine disrupters between ages of 6-28 it will severely alter your brain and body chemistry; that is proven scientific fact. dnt take my word for it; feel free to read; specifically on the note of endocrine disrupters and puberty; this junk is not secret nor a conspiracy; it is very heavily studied and tested results of scientific study of chemical hormonal disruptors and their ingested and contact effects on the biological functions of the human body im not arguing the politics of it at all; just stating as a scientific proven fact; endocrine disrupters lower the age of puberty in humans specifically more so in women; and endocrine disrupters severely mess with both hormonal and neurological balances of natural chemicals produced by the body which is shown in nearly every link above which also has very real effects on psychological health and sex drive.[/quote] it wasn't a joke and its quite very real and an actual problem we must adapt to or overcome so who's gonna sue the chemical companies partially responsible for actually fuk'n up the physiology, hormonal balance, and psychological health of the nation?

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            • Edited by Hawk, The Maidenless: 5/27/2016 5:30:22 PM
              The only time conservatives care about schools...

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              7 Replies
              • Historically... the states have been terrible at ending discriminatory shit.

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              • Edited by ReignofSpartain: 5/26/2016 7:49:29 PM
                There are like 1 in 5 children that don't get three meals a day (edit: in the US alone) Yet somehow bathrooms are the headlines. Shame on anyone why makes this a prominent issue

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                18 Replies
                • Americans seem to care more about what might happen then what is happening

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                • They should just go to their gender assigned bathroom. It's not that big of a deal.

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                • Did you hear about how they are going to turn the womens bathroom toilets into urinals? Its like a funnel. Funny how the feminists have nothing to say about this when some [i]woman with a pp[/i] (aka man) is making the [i]womens[/i] bathroom change. Forcing them to have to stand and pee. [i][b]THIS[/b][/i] is an [i]actual[/i] disregard of [i][b]womens rights.[/b][/i]

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                • States are free to do whatever they wish regarding this issue, but per law the federal government doesn't have to fund them for being discriminatory. You wouldn't fault people for boycotting a business on similar grounds. Similar idea with the fed. Besides, education is a state issue to begin with, so why should conservative states care if the fed stops funding for it? Isn't that exactly what they want? To bring the responsibility of education back to the states and cut down on federal spending? Seems like a perfect opportunity for both to happen now.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Oh ffs. The executive branches job is to enforce the laws and the constitution. If they find that someone is breaking them it is their job to act on it. In this case, the justice department has found that the laws passed in N.C. That started this mess violated numerous federal anti-discrimination laws and so they did their job. They're weren't going to take them to court over it since the state did pass it legally but the federal government doesn't have to support it. If they want federal money then they have to agree to some federal rules. Sorry. It's not an overstep, it's their job. If you don't like it then get congress to change the laws (good luck with that by the way congress is basically useless right now). And as for these law suits they are literally just a show to try and piss on the Feds and Obama. The suits won't actually succeed and they know that. They don't care, they just want to try and cause a fuss and be a pain to the federal government. They want the coverage and they want bad pr for the current government, it is election season after all.

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                    10 Replies
                    • Let's see... We have homelessness, joblessness, diseases, gay rights, shitty education, etc., all bad things that should be taken care of... F**k it, let's cater to less than 1% of the population. Down with society!

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                      8 Replies
                      • Idc if a transgender uses the same bathroom as me. [spoiler]I just think this is an example of the executive branch forcing its will onto the American people[/spoiler]

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                      • I think that kind of [i]is[/i] what the lawsuit is about. The content of the directive is almost irrelevant.

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                      • Spreading chaos? good good 👹

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                      • [b][i][u]OMG WTF[/u][/i][/b] why don't they just; PUT IN SINGLE TOILET UNISEX BATHROOMS?! PROBLEM SOLVED

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                        2 Replies
                        • Edited by THUNDERCHILD: 5/27/2016 1:56:09 PM
                          Certain southern states historically cannot be trusted to uphold american values regarding freedom and equality. With the rise of modern extremist states rights conservatives (neo confederates) like the tea party who picked up the failed states rights cause (victims of conservative school budget tax cuts may not know, but we settled the issue in 1865) and spread it to new places, its more important than ever to maintain a strong federal government to step in and correct their unamerican mistakes. These conservatives crow for states rights and a weak central government so they'll have the freedom to implement any bigoted policies they want without fear of justice.

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                          22 Replies
                          • Edited by shell: 5/26/2016 3:47:41 PM
                            I don't care about the transgender issue. However, the government is, once again, showing blatant disregard for states rights. If they don't want states to have power over themselves, then why do states exist at all? I'd be fine ignoring this issue, as I am mostly unaffected, except for the fact the government is withholding funds from schools. So, our government is willing to ruin children's education for their morales/religion? The government is basically proving they don't give a shit about American citizens.

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                            7 Replies
                            • The states should be making the decision. That's why we have states. To make up their own minds on these kind of things.

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                            • NC did, too

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                            • Why not just desex bethrooms altogether at this point?

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                            • 'Murrikah, -blam!- no.

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