I agree with using shaders for clan events. It would be cool seeing our clan with our clan colors on the load out screen before each pvp match lol
I've seen a couple of other clans discussing this and it's got me wondering. On one hand, I really wouldn't like to be stuck with a color scheme, especially one that I don't like, but on the other hand it would be so damn cool for all of us to be matching in official colors. I think a nice compromise would be, assuming the community comes to an agreement, we all use a Clan Wide shader exclusively during official clan events (such as all of us doing a raid or all of us going to PvP to kick some ass and take some names). I know I wouldn't mind in those situations at all! It could also be an optional thing, where we encourage players to represent with our colors, but you aren't forced to. We'd probably after to wait a bit until all of the color schemes are found in game before we came to a final decision, though