originally posted in:Guardians Worldwide
Hi I'm new to the group but have been playing Destiny for a while. I'm looking to experience more of the end game content. I've mainly played solo and I'm looking to try all of the raids, trials, iron banner. My main is a 294 hunter (all 3 sub-classes maxed). I usually play 9-11p eastern on weekdays and on weekends. Any advice for me for getting into the end game stuff?
Hey man glad you could join! I think my buddy Kama hit the nail on the head. Everyone I've met in this clan is extremely friendly and very helpful so don't be afraid to ask! Feel free to add clan members and admins and don't hesitate to drop your name on a raid forum post to sign up!
Whats up bg!, Hunter master race hell yeah lol! If you're looking to start getting end game stuff I'd say get all 3 characters to the point where you can start getting end game content so you can get the weekly loot 3x instead of once a week and start playing with clanmates, chat with us on the group wall, and look on our forums here for any activies/events that are being hosted. Typically towards the beginning of the week (immediately after reset) multiple posts will go up for scheduled raid times and slots available for them where you can sign up for. When trials is available i'd advise you to do that as well. You dont even have to win, you can just keep playing until you obtain the gold tier bounty reward and have a chance at a 310 piece of gear/weapon. We almost always have someone available to help with a nightfall as well usually because they are fairly easy towards the higher light levels. Just start getting to know us here really and we'll be sure to help ya out!