originally posted in:Unsung Heroes
So with the Atheon patch coming eventually, ThunderousHero and I have discussed the fact that Atheons gonna be a pain in the ass to deal with. PUG's are gonna be alot harder and I dont want to deal with random dirtbag gamers. So we want to get the clan more active in raids.
We want to know who is active raiders or hasnt raided but wants the oppertunity to raid. Another important factor is everyones schedules. ThunderousHero and I have pretty busy lives and its hard to find time to raid every once in a while. Which is the main reason we havnt raided all that much with Unsung Heroes.
Just let us know your optimal raiding days/times (Pacific coast time).
Edit: I would also like to mention, I will be adding you to my friends list. Once we have a good census, we will post possible raid times.
lvl 27 never raided before and want to try. i can do it Mondays, from 5-10 central, Wednesdays from 6-10 and Saturdays from 8-anytime. ev1lmonk3y1223 add.
Hey guys, I am a very active member with 3 characters. Nightfalls, Heroics, Vault of Glass, Crota's End, Crucible etc I do them all. I need more reliable people to team up with, so add me if you want :-)
[b]PsN[/b] : LB_JB LvL 27 and I have yet to raid. Just crucible and solo strikes. Its hard to find people to group with unless your in a clan. I'm on usually after 7 pm California time. Down to raid or whatever the cool kids are doing these days.
Edited by Thine_vanity: 10/24/2014 7:15:29 PMI just finally got to 26 so I'm ready and willing to Raid it up. Right now my times are pretty open (looking for a job currently) The only times I won't be available are basically 6-9 AM Central Time and 3-4 PM Central time. (I have a child in school) Thine_Vanity is my psn