I've got 2 of my mates who are going to do it. I'll send party invites to Balls, Typhoon and Paz after 8, once I've had my after 8 mint ;)
Mmmm 8 ok? I need to get home and cook dinner, which means I'll be late enough. I'll keep on the thread though, see how it's going.
That's 4 of us .... 7:30 doesn't look like time we can all do it on. If we are still down 2 I maybe to muster some people up from my list by spamming em! What time is good for everyone?
I am planning to do a maiden Normal VoG with my alt (Level 27 Hunter) at 7. Depending on how well that goes I might be available for a Hard run on my main later in the evening. (Level 32 Warlock).
I can join.7:30? I'll bring my 31 titan
Sure, I can do with a run, it's been a while. Warlock - Level 31. Could really do with a Suros.