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Edited by Baur: 2/5/2015 8:42:02 PM

Why are PS4 users always so butthurt?

Xbox can be in the title and they get butthurt. If an Xbox user says it sucks the pull up Wikipedia and start pulling out facts. Xbox is better. Simple. Edit: Sigh Edit: butthurt ps4 users everywhere

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  • Edited by SniperNerf: 2/3/2015 9:36:24 PM
    The real question is, why do Xbox users accept mediocrity? I'll be enjoying my superior Ps4 exclusives. -PlanetSide 2 -No Mans Sky -Eve Valkyrie -Deep Down -Abzu -The Last of Us(2014) -Silent Hill -Grand Turismo 7 -The Order 1886 -DayZ -Uncharted 4 -Let it Die -BloodBorne -Everybody's Gone To Rapture And many other worthy games coming out in 2015 and 2016. What do Xbots have to look forward to? Halo 5? That game was supposed to end at Halo 3, but, because of how greedy Microshaft are, they had to make 3 more titles. Probably because Halo is the only thing keeping the XDone alive. Have fun, sheep. Oh yeah, and have fun continuously getting pick pocketed by the most greedy company in the world. Pc>Ps4>Nintendo64>WiiU>DogShit>illuminati>Xbox Done 

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    17 Replies
    • It's sad that you so called gamers only have one system. I'm a playstation destiny player, because it has the exclusives. I play my Xbox one for titanfall and halo. Ps4 for infamous. Both systems have outstanding games. Console wars really, grow up and be a real gamer. I'm 42 by the way.

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    • Haha PS shits on box that's why buthurt cause all the shit over xbox

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    • Ps4 players are more butthurt simply because we take bigger shits than xbox players. We eat more meat and more substantial meals, because not only are we less broke and can afford such meals, but we are also more manly than xbox players. It is simple reverse-Darwinism at it's finest, let me explain: Xboners use huge controllers, thus leading to the stretching of their hands. Similiar to a medieval stretching torture "rack", your hands are stretched until they are weak and can no longer function correctly. Also, what kind of person comes to mind when you think of long fingers? No, not aliens; [u]women[/u]. #facts #shotsfired #nowwhosbutthurt?

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    • Wikipedia lol you mean the "facts" that anyone can edit. Find a different source or you will never make it out of high school kid.

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      • Ill leave this word here TROLL

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      • Well I could care less really. I mean console wars is just stupidity if you ask me. Not to be a "tinfoil hat" guy, but if you start feeling allegiance to a brand then you are just buying into the marketing scheme that these exclusive deals are designed to do. IMHO a true gamer enjoys games on any platform. If I had a ps4 as well as my xbone, I would play games on both. I still play games on my PC as well and enjoy them just the same. But when it comes to preference of control style, than I prefer PC. It doesn't mean I shout "PC master race" everywhere. Just that you have more utility with a PC (whether it be mods or whatever) compared to any console.

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        1 Reply
        • Why are inmates so butthurt?

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          • I own all three current gen consoles, play my Xbox One for its exclusives and multiconsole games and my ps4 and WiiU for their exclusives. Most of my friends are on Xbox One so that's where I play most of the time.

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          • Edited by jmferris: 2/3/2015 11:22:30 PM
            IRL Master Race. Do good in life, get all the consoles, and quit being an isolationist. The world is bigger than the faith you put in any one little plastic box.

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          • Why do xbox people keep complaining about playstation users

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          • Preach

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          • I'm sorry that you blindly bought the vastly inferior console. Do some research dumbass.

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          • Satire?

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          • Hawkmoon is great too.

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          • I have both. I use the xbone as a cable box. I play my ps4 through it. Lol

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          • Mostly because Xbox users are wannabe elitist pricks, not unlike yourself. Tell us about how awesome those red rings look. Or did you upgrade to the Hulubox?

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            4 Replies
            • We mad cause we can never get online lol. Why on earth I pay Sony £40 per year for a shite service, while I pay Ms £30 per year and it's near faultless... Guess I like the best of both worlds eh.

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            • you fool

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              2 Replies
              • 1
                What the heck are you talking about?

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              • Only people still "butthurt" over console wars are children who had the console bought for them. Grownups could care less, we play the console we prefer, Considering we can just go out and buy each console if it came down to it.

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                5 Replies
                • If xbox is better why are there more people on the ps4? seems a bit odd.

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                  10 Replies
                  • Seems to me that it's always the Xbox players who love trolling and stirring up drama. That says a lot.

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                    4 Replies
                    • PS4 has better hardware, Xbox has better user interface.

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                    • Why is it always Xbox users bringing up this stupid argument? Use what console you like stop being a bitch. [spoiler]This is directed at you OP[/spoiler]

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