[quote]Are you happy with being a boy/girl?[/quote]I don't think so. [quote]Would you prefer to be the opposite gender?[/quote]Yes... I think so.
I've been seriously thinking about this since September of last year. It's tough...
Well I hope you figure it all out
Thank you :]
No probs :)
That's a loaded question
You stick to what you're born w/. You should go see a mental doctor if other wise.
What I should do, is what's best for me. "Sticking with what I'm born with" may be what's best, or, transitioning might be. That's what we're trying to figure out.
"Or transitioning" that's why you need to get your hormones checked or see a psychiatrist
I'm seeing a counsellor and have an appointment with a doctor specialized in this type of thing later in the year.
Listen I'm telling you the truth and yes I am being rude also. Seems like you do understand though, but people need to be told this. If everyone says everything is ok just Imagen the possibilities in in the future. Which is what I am afraid of. Nonetheless, good for you for seeking help.
I'm NOT seeking help from people to try and convince me NOT to transition. I hope you're aware of that. These people will help me transition if we determine that it's what's best for me.
There's a reason why there is a man and a woman. No in between or none of that bull shit.
That's nice.
Oh yea m8
Come on don't start getting incoherent. Make sense when you talk to me. CONVINCE THAT YOU NEED THE HELP YOU'RE SEEKING, NOT JUST SOMEONE WHO NEEDS MEDS.
I'm not going to convince you of anything if you're someone who thinks gays need to be cured. I'm not going to waste my time. Bye.
See you later, may you have a good life. No sarcasm intended. Was hoping for a conversation w/ you
That conversation could go nowhere.
Why is thật?
You're an idiot.
Stop getting in others ppl conversations. Don't be nosy, doesn't look good.
How ironic.
Well you need to seek better help. People like you are destroying this population. Theoretically not literally
How exactly are people like stealth destroying the population?