In honor of Valentines Day, I triple-dog-dare everyone here to put their crush's first name here. If you like to live on the edge, put more information about them (full name, your name, picture, etc.)
Ps I'm not trying to be creepy, just help peeps get stuff off their chest
Nobody. I like no one
Would it count if I say blake belladonna?
Samantha Cohen
Cierra Gomez. My gurlfriend and the girl im gonna marry
What if she sees?!
Laura[spoiler]JK, Elizabeth Taylor[/spoiler]
The heart of crota She's just so SEXY with her infinite hand blasts. [spoiler]THANK YOU ROCKET LAUNCHER YOU SAVED ME[/spoiler]
I'm creepy - post those pics!
[quote]In honor of Valentines Day, I triple-dog-dare everyone here to put their crush's first name here. If you like to live on the edge, put more information about them (full name, your name, picture, etc.) Ps I'm not trying to be creepy, just help peeps get stuff off their chest[/quote] Glashley(mix of my crushes)
Sarah. She's some thing called a [i]girlfriend.[/i]
I haven't had a crush on a girl since high school, 3 years ago.