People keep saying that, if you boost older raid gear to match current levels, it would invalidate newer raids, thus ruining the ever-progressing, MMO aspect of the game.
Simple solution; like others have proposed, what if the only way to upgrade older weapons was via a drop in newer raids that would be able to level-up older raid gear to match the stats of the newer raid gear? That way, there's always a reason to play the newest content (making the developers happy by still supporting DLC!), because the newest DLC raid will always yield better base stats, without completely invalidating the players' previous efforts and chosen playstyle by forcing them to abandon their favorite raid gear (making the players happy!).
Assuming this upgrade path is reserved for RAID GEAR ONLY, it serves to preserve the DLC-driven ecosystem while also making sure that end-game content stays continually relevant. That way, newcomers will have a reason to experience the full breadth of content the game has to offer, which I'm sure we can all agree is what a great game should strive for.
TL;DR- New raids should have a potential drop that will raise older raid gear to whatever level the new raid gear is. Thus, DLC raid content remains necessary for continued level progression, without invalidating existing raid content. :D Bungie/Activision gets our money, and we don't have our efforts pooped on! YAY!
This is the best solution I've heard so far. Maybe you could get the upgrade materials from deconstructing the current Raid gear?
That could work, yeah. Like, maybe you can only update older raid helmets via newer raid helmets, chest pieces with chest pieces, etc.. That way, if Bungie decides to make a certain armor slot harder to fill (like VoG helmets being HM only), that can still be enforced. However, if this system was to be adopted, I would hope that the upgrading weapons would be more streamlined- primaries for primaries, secondaries for secondaries, heavies for heavies, not necessarily the EXACT same weapon type. :P