Hi Dears,
looking for a group of brave guardians willing to get or help for the most difficult trophy in the game
on Vault of Glass (normal mode)
i have all classes lv.32 and most weapons of the game maxed.
if you want to be part of the team please make sure of the following:
1- you want the trophy.
2- lv. 31 at least
3-maxed weapons
please add me: yazmat89
and indicate in a massage that you want to be part of the team
Hi, I've been trying to get it with my team but we either got trolled at atheon or made stupid mistakes like not picking up the relic against atheon... They're all on holidays so Id like to do it anyway with a team now. PSN : shyhaim I'm a hunter 32 (all three characters) with pretty much every exotic and all VoG and Crotas weapons maxxed and I've completed this raid 64 times.