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1/27/2015 4:57:21 AM

keeping older legendary and raid gear relevant

This is what i think should happen when they release a new dlc. Once you get a raid weapon or a part of the raid gear set from the latest raid, you should be able to up the rating on older gear. But you have to fully max out the new raid gear or weapon before you can up the rating on old legendaries (e.g. you get the new raid hand cannon and you fully upgrade it you would then get to up the attack of older raid or vender legeandry hand cannon). This would work the same way with the armor (i.e. fully upgraded raid leg armor would let you up the defense rating on older raid armor and vender armor). This would not break the game or make the raid useless but allow us to have more customization options for setups and how we looked, each raid armor set and raid weapons have bonuses for the raid you get them in and using other armor and or weapons in a raid help that (e.g. the Vault of Glass raid weapons have oracle disruptor (this perk only helps in the VoG at the moment) and the Vault of Glass gear is really only made for the Vault of Glass). I think this would add to gameplay and make the end game content more fun and it give poeple reasons to do every raid each week for more then just upgrade materials and there would still be a grind but instead of having to fully upgrade them you have an extra upgrade node to unlock for each raid that came out after the raid it came (e.g. the fatebringer would have another upgrade node on it after you up get the new raid hand cannon fully leveled up) this upgrade would be automatically be unlocked and applied to it after you got 200,000 exp with it again. If you agree with me or think there something i missed, like the post and leave a comment about the post. P.S. i did not talk about exotics because bungie already knows that they will need to update them with each dlc.

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