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Edited by Exit: 1/27/2015 11:05:47 PM

The Chamber, Part 2

[i]*Fanfiction. This will be by far the longest chapter I've released to date. Take your time... no need to read it all in one go. It's a long read so sit back and relax and hopefully you'll enjoy this tumultuous ride. Please feel free to comment and critique! Feedback is always welcome.*[/i] [url=]Chapter One[/url] [url=]Previous Chapter[/url] [url=]Next Chapter[/url] [i]"Rivers of black... Where wind rises... Quells the sea of flame."[/i] [b]--- Chapter Six or The Chamber, Part 2 ---[/b] [b][i]Several months before…[/i][/b] [b]”Let’s go tincan…”[/b] The voice echoed from behind, filling the empty halls before Lock with the sound of a man who didn’t much care for his job… or his prisoners. He was shoved forward by the shoulder and pushed toward the end of the hall where the other inmates awaited… where an eternity in captivity presented it’s open arms. Lock stopped moving after only a couple steps. [b]”Hey… are you deaf? I said move.”[/b] No response. [b]”Move!”[/b] Lock received a jarring blow to the back of his head and was sent tumbling forward and over his own feet. He crashed into the cold hard floor, his metal ass sticking up in the air. [b]”Get that idiot up… no… no turn him so he’s facing me.”[/b] Lock was hoisted off the ground and spun around until he was staring a guard directly in the face. Deep purple skin complimented the dark green eyes of the man returning his glare. He stood almost equal to Locks height, a mere inch shorter at the least. Not a man taken to building up his body or so Lock presumed. He wasn’t skinny but he didn’t have the broad shoulders of someone who carried himself with pride. He was just… there. The spark of a wide smile however changed his outlook. With teeth of rotted yellow and breath as foul as the fingernails of fermenting thralls, the guard was rather… repulsive. Lock leaned away from the man, not wanting his stink to rust his metal. [b]”You’re going to be here a long time… so let’s get things straight between us.”[/b] He placed a long dry finger against his chest. [b]”In here… I am king. I decide when you eat, when you sleep, when you dance and when you get to blow your own dick.”[/b] Lock raised a brow. [b]”You…”[/b] The guard placed a finger on Lock’s forehead. [b]”...You are my b*tch and you’ll do as I say or receive the same punishment as a disobedient dog.”[/b] He pulled the finger away and leaned in close. [b]”Do you understand?”[/b] The moment of silence that followed was both deafening and rather short. Lock mused his answer over in his head before deciding on a reply. [b]”What’s your name?”[/b] [b]”My name?... Dez. Remember it. When you dream, wake up… take a piss.”[/b] [b]”As long as you remember one thing…”[/b] Dez let a soft chuckle tumble from his lips. [b]”And what’s that?”[/b] Lock tilted his head back… and slammed the hard metal of his forehead against the bridge of Dez’s nose. The man screamed, his lungs expelling too much air at once and his throat tightening so that the noise sounded more like the shrill cry of a female than anything else. He doubled back in pain, catching himself on the edge of a wall with one hand while grabbing at his bleeding nose with the other. [b]”You son of a b*tch.”[/b] The beating Lock received was both painful and yet rewarding. Despite sensors telling him that his bones were being broken and his skin was rupturing, watching blood drip from the nostrils of the head guard made him feel right as rain. There was nothing they could do to him that would leave permanent damage, physical nor psychological. He was a machine and despite the odd fact that he could feel pain… he understood his limits to be well beyond that of his organic counterpart. Dez however… he’d be feeling the pain of arrogance and idiocy for months… and when it was finally time, he too would receive a just punishment. Till then, he simply had to endure abuse meant for being lesser than himself. Eventually his assailants grew tired and opted to simply throw him in with the rest. They delivered his beaten body to the inmates waiting at the end of the hall and left him there to fend for himself. He didn’t move for a long time. It wasn’t until the buzz of the room was broken by the sound of an odd tongue that he was roused. [b]”[Get up.]”[/b] He couldn’t see who it was but he knew the voice calling out to him wasn’t human or Awoken. The language was foreign to both and the hand lifting him off the ground was abnormally large. He opened his eyes and came face to face with the pale blue eyes of a Fallen Captain. Words caught in his throat. Pupils, deep and mysterious, studied his beaten metal frame. Behind the alien gaze was a sense of understanding, of curiosity, a feeling of warmth. [b]”[He is a machine.]”[/b] She spoke in native tongue, looking over at her compatriot to see if he understood. A second Fallen Captain stepped to the fore, slightly larger than the first and touting two more arms. [b]”[He is weak. Leave him.]”[/b] [i]...Oh?...[/i] [b]”[No… He’s not weak Vahn. He’s different… like us. An outcast...]”[/b] Soft blue eyes looked him over again. [b]”[... An outcast in a sea of people that have been cast into the dark themselves. He understands… I think he understands… and that gives him strength.]”[/b] [i]...Hmm…[/i] Lock’s glowing white eyes blinked. He looked from the Fallen who’d picked him up to the one named Vahn. The latter was a rather obvious idiot but the former… was different. Smart… almost aware of her situation and more importantly… of his own. He smiled. [b]”[Lock. That is my name. And you are...?]”[/b] Four pairs of eyes blinked in unison. It was a handful of seconds before either of them were able to respond and it was the “woman” who spoke first. From underneath her mask, she slowly opened her mouth and let a word slip out like a gentle wind carrying the only syllable to her name... -- [i][b]The Prison of Elders. Second Floor.[/i][/b] [b]”Sky!”[/b] As soon as the guard placed his hand on Lock’s shoulder, she moved. The Fallen captain stepped in between Lock and the other half of the room with blinding speed and answered the call of a revolver. A sound was like that of an explosion cut through the silence of the chamber with violence and echoed endlessly against walls of black. It was the first note of a song, the tell of an invisible bullet as it was thrown through the air… a song cut short by the translucent blue film manifesting itself around Sky. Her shield caught the projectile near her forehead where it collapsed. The jarring sound of a gun going off set Lock in motion. He reacted instantly, grabbing the hand on his shoulder with a vice grip and twisting the arm around until it could go no further. The guard screamed in intense pain and immediately fell silent as Lock caught him across the chin with a solid blow. The body went limp and the gun dropped into Lock’s open fist. He immediately swung around and tossed the weapon toward Sky where it was caught by the butt, aimed and fired. Not a second was wasted on second guessing. Every move from then on was methodical and precise. The resulting bullet was sent careening across the chamber and into a guard’s shoulder where he stood on the second floor. He was thrown against the wall and his gun tumbled from his grip and off the edge of the scaffold into the mass of panicking Awoken below. [b]”Open fire! Open fire! Kill them all!”[/b] Dez screamed, his orders already two shots too late. A second bark. Another bullet collapsed against Sky. She ripped out one of the spent Ether capsules with one arm and replaced it with a third, her shooting arm already taking aim at her next target and firing yet again. A burning piece of metal buried itself into the neck of a guard where it exploded into shrapnel and tore open a large gaping hole. He toppled over, the wound gushing blood into a puddle around him. Lock stepped underneath Sky’s swinging arm and found Randar by the back of his neck before shoving him into the ground… with a little too much force. The unusually thin human coughed and sputtered foul words that no one could hear as he tried to find his lungs once more. Lock, ignoring the protests from his bounty, hoisted the unconscious guard up in front of himself, pulled the gun he’d taken off Izzy and lifted the cannon into the air. He took aim, pulled the trigger and let the piece buck in his hand as it spat out a bullet. At the far end of the room, a guard’s head snapped back with unnatural violence and his body hit the floor. [i]...5…[/i] A count of his remaining rounds. Another bark pierced the air from the opposite side of the chamber. Lock felt the body in his arms jump against his chest and watched red mist explode around his head. Awoken blood, stained with darkness, drizzled down around him, spotting his metal frame with a deep cherry color. He found the offending gunmen by the flash of his muzzle and answered the call in kind, setting the irons between the man’s crown and pulling the trigger. [i]...4…[/i] Before the body could hit the ground, Lock had already set himself on his next series of victims. A trio of guards lined up on the second floor and paying their predator no heed. His arm swept across their figures in a single motion and his finger began an itch that could not be quelled. Three pulls… three challenges… and three more bodies littered the floor. [i]...1...[/i] By now half of the guards above were dead and the rest below were just realizing that a gun fight had broken out. They fumbled with their weapons and fired carelessly into the crowd of inmates accomplishing a lot of nothing. [i]*Continued below...*[/i]

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  • Edited by Exit: 1/27/2015 11:05:04 PM
    [i]*Continued from above.*[/i] Dez stood among them yelling furiously at the top of his lungs and pointing at the survivors that weren’t already dead. The chamber erupted in endless gunfire. Randar did what he could… which at the moment was finding his lungs and letting out a shrill scream. Bullets called out to him left and right, and he knew… or rather felt as though they were searching for his fragile flesh. He pressed his body as close as he could to the cold ground and buried his head underneath his arms. The scream that continued to slip from his gaping mouth did little more than drown out the sound of death around him and annoy Lock. However to Randar, it somehow felt safe. Sky ignored the noise and continued her assault, her dwindling shields keeping death at bay. She downed her third man and fired a fourth round at the remaining guard above. The bullet clipped his helm causing the man to flinch. Before he could recover, Sky pulled again and hit her mark. The glass visor of the helm shattered and the face underneath was shredded. The guard tumbled over the railing and fell to the ground below landing next to a furious Vahn. He didn’t notice. The Fallen Captain was on a rampage. He had since stepped away from the main group and moved toward Dez and the guards around him. A mass of Dreg and the rare vandal detached with him and followed at his heel. They threw themselves at the enemy, eating more bullets than they could chew and finding death in troves. A few managed to close the distance and begin an assault of charged batons and closed fists. Guards fell to their fury rather quickly while the rest struggled to fight off the mob. Vahn, moving with unreal speed, dodged bullets with quick ducks and side steps before delivering a shocking blow to the closest guard. He slammed the end of a baton into the man’s chest and with his other hand, backhanded a second. He was sent careening into a third and the both of them toppled over each other and into the mass of angry Fallen. Vahn’s two free hands grabbed his fourth and fifth victims by the throat and hoisted them up into the air in front of himself. They became his shields, a wall to meet the hail of gunfire as he charged into Awoken ranks. Lock, spent revolver in hand, decided it was his turn to make a move. He pulled the bullet ridden corpse up in front of himself and rushed at the closest guard. The man turned in time to fire a shot, but only managed to bury the round into spent Awoken flesh before he was overtaken. Lock threw the man against the wall, headbutt him into unconsciousness and wrenched the gun from his grasp. The piece was twisted around in Lock’s hand and the barrel pressed against the man’s head. Lock meant to end him… when something exploded against his shoulder. [i]...Pain…[/i] Lock screamed through gritted maw. It burst like a flower, a burning sensation so intense that he found it hard to concentrate on anything but the fire. It crept along his shoulder blade and straight into his spine throwing his reaction and timing off. He tried to shake the feeling, tried to tell himself that the pain wasn’t actually there… that it was simply a byproduct of emotion, but something inside kept telling him otherwise and responded by flooding his sensors with the one distraction he didn’t need. Another bullet buried itself into the wall next to his head. [b]”Damn it…”[/b] He muttered as he scanned the room. A guard on the far side of the chamber was holding the smoking barrel of his firearm up and pointing it directly at him. It flashed bright white light. [b]”Shit!”[/b] He ducked low, pushed against the wall and brushed a “wounded” shoulder blade against the rough surface. Pain flared once again as another round ricocheted behind him. The burn caused him to stumble, but instead of catching his fall he decided to commit. He tumbled forward and came out of the roll on a knee and his gun pointed at his opponent. The guard was slow to adjust, his upper body still in a swivel as a bullet smashed into the side of his head and threw him to the ground. [b]”...Shit…”[/b] Around him the chaos ensued. Fallen ranks begin to dwindle. Dreg were taking bullets to the head and ether would spill from open cavities, thickening the air and reducing visibility. Awoken inmates littered the ground around Sky who stood defiant amidst the corpses of Fallen and Awoken. Her wavering shields would glow a bright blue against the spark of bullets and at her feet were the ether capsules spent in the name of extending her life and pushing back her impending death. Vahn was lost in the middle of group of guards, catching bullets with the dead and delivering bone cracking blows to those guards standing too close. He moved with wreckless abandon… a fearlessness in the face of death brought on by idiotic ignorance. And finally Dez… Dez and his army, despite heavy losses to those inmates trying to escape, were in a state of retreat. The last few guards were too spread out and the rest were being pushed into a corner. Lock, by some miracle, could see victory. The end was near. He gritted teeth he didn’t have, pushed pain to the back of his mind and continued the fight. The bullet that had crumpled itself against the metal of his back tumbled harmlessly to the ground. Sky moved with what remained of her people. Those few Dreg faithful to her had created a wall of sorts, protecting her from stray bullets and keeping those guards willing to step up at bay. Lock however, had to rely on the already deceased. There were no Dregs willing to die in his name… nor Awoken. He continued forward with fierce determination, dropping one guard after another and moving from cover to cover. However neither of them were ready for what was coming next. Automatic fire erupted in the chamber and the Fallen surrounding Sky began to drop like flies. Bullets invaded their ranks by the hundreds and shredded them into a dense cloud of ether. Sky let out a terrifying scream, both for the death of her brothers and for fear of her own life. Pieces of burning shrapnel began to ricochet off her shield and rapidly drain what remained of her ether. In a last ditch effort, she swung her hand cannon around to face the assailant and fired her final round. It whistled through the air and It clipped the guard in the arm. The rifle was dropped… but only for a moment. Before Sky could celebrate the small window she’d opened for herself, a second volley of gunfire from another source spilled a hail of bullets onto her shield. It only took Dez a moment to rend the barrier obsolete. He smiled triumphantly when the paper thin ward erupted into bright light and disappeared, and the first few bullets cut through her flesh. She howled in pain and tried to take cover but the volley followed her like a shadow… and then stopped. A bullet found the side of Dez’s rifle and ripped it from his hands. Lock tossed the spent revolver to the side and followed with a swing but Dez reacted by ducking and rolling out of the Exo’s way. With hands that were a little too swift, he pulled his own hand cannon and fired into Lock’s leg. He hit the floor. [b]”[Lock!]”[/b] Sky moved to assist but was met by a wall of bullets yet again. She ducked behind a pile of dead bodies as the guard, who’d since recovered his rifle, emptied the clip. The magazine was ejected and replaced with one quick motion of his hands and the weapon primed once again. [b]”Come on out you Fallen bi-”[/b] Vahn caught him across the jaw, shattering it and shutting the man up for good. He stumbled back and caught a second blow to the gut. There was enough force behind the punch to lift him off the ground momentarily and push all the air from his lungs. He coughed up blood, aimed at Vahn’s foot, and pulled the trigger. The chamber was filled with alien screams. Vahn dropped the guard and bent down in pain only to receive a crushing blow to his chin from the butt end of the rifle. His mask was knocked into the air. The guard, still out of breath, brought the rifle up to his shoulder and squeezed two rounds into Vahn’s chest. He stumbled back a couple steps, ether erupting from the wounds and escaping into the air. The rifled was adjusted, the reticule moved to the head. A baton fluttered through the room and it’s end stuck to back of the man’s neck. He spasmed violently for a few seconds and then collapsed unconscious. Dez had since made his way over to Lock who was still splayed out on the ground facedown. He stepped over the machine's body and kicked him onto his back. Two hands sprung for Dez’s legs but they were knocked harmlessly to the side by the swipe of a baton. The tip was pressed into Lock's chest and bolts of electricity began to fry his circuitry. [b]”I told you didn’t I?!”[/b] Dez screamed, streaming more volts into the ancient robot. [b]”I told you you’d get what’s coming to you!”[/b] He held the the baton where it was for a few more seconds before finally pulling it off Lock’s twitching form. He bent down and pushed the barrel of his gun into the Exo’s mouth. [b]”I told you Lock… and now I’m going to blow a hole into that head of yours… and then... “[/b] He leaned in. [b]”I’ll be leaving this shitty place.”[/b] Dez brushed his finger against the trigger. [b]”[You’re not going anywhere...]”[/b] Sky took careful aim and fired. A bullet tore through Dez’s arm and severed it at the elbow. He screamed out but his scream was cut short when Fallen hands found his throat and hoisted his body into the air. Vahn, Ether streaming from multiple wounds, began to crush his windpipe. [b]”[I not like you.]”[/b] An extra ounce of pressure was applied and Dez’s neck snapped. [i]Continued in [url=]Chapter Seven or The Third Floor[/url][/i]

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