Hey guys (and I mean actual dudes here), please do society a favor and read [url=http://www.polygon.com/2014/4/23/5640678/playing-with-privilege-the-invisible-benefits-of-gaming-while-male]this[/url]. Keep it in mind when you meet women who play games.
As a guy and a feminist, I'd be glad to discuss this article and what it means for us with any reasonable person. For all the haters, try to learn something new or move along.
Feminism, biggest joke. "We should be able to wear what we want without being harassed" Guy who landed a probe on a comet gets slammed by feminist for the shirt he was wearing. #manspreading even being a thing is laughable. Denying the rights for equal chances of having ownership over your children on a divorce scenario. #heforshe but there being no #sheforhe #notallmen being a thing made up by feminist to laugh and ridicule "all men" who say that while #notallwomen is a serious thing. What ever the fùck gamer gate is. (Seriously what the noble actual) Can't body shame women but you can ridicule men about their penis size. Feminist trying to make it a law that you can't talk shit about feminism Changing the meaning of "friend zoning" which went from a female using a guy to get what she wants, making him think he had a chance to making themselves the victim in the matter (they're good at making themselves the victim in any circumstances) So don't you -blam!-ing sjws and white knights tell me that feminism is about "equality".