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1/22/2015 2:31:00 AM
[quote]Not really depressed, but help is appreciated: -Girl I love for three years (dated then broke up after her parents found out) brotherzoned me and is asking me for advice on different guys -Mom (living in foreign country) is having constant fights with Dad. Sometimes won't contact us for a week -Dad and I fight everyday. He gets easily pissed at me at things I don't know since I've never done them yet. He calls me worthless a lot of times even if I do outstandingly in school -Have trouble finding a new home since we have to move soon; house we're staying at is being sold -Every family members expect so much for me and requires me to do a ton of clubs/sports when I'm already doing tons of stuff at school. -So much projects at school; colliding with basketball and regular homework -I have to walk 2 miles everyday from my school to return to my house since I have basketball practice after school. Meaning I have to walk exhausted for 45 minutes. Collides with projects and homework. - Have to attend several school council meeting and ASB fundraisers -Family fallout... I'm really stressed out. Any tips?[/quote] I think [b]honesty[/b]is the key to a happy and healthy life! Be honest to [u]yourself[/u] first of all! What do [b]you[/b] want? Want makes [b]you[/b] happy? At the end of the day what matters is how you feel!! So let see.. Gonna try to give you some advice! [b][u]the girl problem[/u][/b] [i]she is selfish! If she love(d) and had some kind of respect for you she wouldn't rub her boy problem up in your face[/i] [b]rude and lack of respect [/b] [i]Tell her the truth and what she is doing is hurting you! [/i] [b]about your parents [/b] [i]there is really not so much you can do about it since they are your parents except that you can tell them how you really feel. Communicate and talk to them[/i] [b]daddy issues[/b] [i]first of all you're [b]not[/b] worthless!! No life on earth is worthless. Your dad is a f*ING d*ck! But there must be a reason why he acts out on you. And I don't think it really has something to do with you personally , it's probably about him but he acts out his frustration on you because you're an easy target and he doesn't realize what it does to you, mentally. (Like the bullies at school). Try to talk to him [/i] [b]housing problem[/b] [i]sorry bud, there's not so much I can say. Besides good luck and I hope you find a nice house to live in! [/i] [b]family issue[/b] [i]Be frank and tell them to back the hell off! You're doing your best and some! It's your life and not theirs! I mean you have to live your own life and do your own thing. and [b]stop[/b] live your life according to others EXPECTATIONS!! [/i] [b]school[/b] [i]it's really good that you're ambitious and so but you must think of your health. How long do you think you can live on like this? It's important to realx once in a while to let go of [b]everything[/b] and have fun, live a little, even if it is for a brief moment! [/i] [b]BE HONEST TO YOURSELF [/b] (if you don't tell your family how you feel they will never understand what they're doing wrong until it's too late) Sorry for the bad English! Good luck with everything kid!

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