Yes the aoe is larger because our other classes super isn't a sunslinging death machine, nor do we shoot our super out of our hands over long distances. The way people are talking they want titans to have to sprint up to them and hope people don't just double jump over their super when they use it, whereas a warlock will just scatter bomb and area and hunters...well we all know about those sumbitches
Yeah I play all three classes so I do know the ways they are op and not. But I have noticed that I get at least one kill every time I use FoH whereas nova bomb is like a 90% chance. The main annoyance with nova bomb is if you are running and jump then use nova you keep your momentum and can very easily hit a wall with that bomb... So annoying
Void bomb maybe because it's the same thing as fist of havoc, you have to find a group of people circle jerking long enough for you to blast them so it's easier to just get 1 guaranteed kill. The difference is warlocks other super is like I said, a sunslinging death machine with a shit ton of grenades and a ohk melee. Where a titan gets a bubble, which (most) people have learned to simply stay out of