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1/20/2015 7:49:07 AM

Bec Rizk ❤️ old

I turned down an unapealing female

Her name is Crystal, she was in the same class I enrolled in to learn CAD. She's Chinese, 5'2", slightly chubby, incapable of speaking fluent English, has these rashes on her belly and a disgusting black spot on one of her toenails. She's slow witted and doesn't seem determined to learn - whenever we're being taught, she's always make these [i]clueless noises[/i] (I would describe it like that noise donkey's make) I received a friend request on FB from her a few months after I completed the course, she PM'd me [i]heyy :)[/i] and 'liked' almost everything I posted/shared, from that moment I knew something was up. I had a small conversion with her and she ended up asking me if I would be interested in helping her make a project for the Sydney Film Festival, she added everyone else from that class on FB and asked if they can film as well but they turned her down, I told her [i]I doubt I'll be able to help you in time, work has been keeping me busy[/i]. She's always posting statuses and sharing pictures about love and relationships which I found nauseating. On the day she asked me again [i]can you film?[/i], I replied [i]Nope[/i]. Soon after she made a status [i]cant believe im more invested in it then you are[/i] I'm thinking this pleb should have taken grammar lessons instead of CAD. Once I had enough of the shit she posted, I deleted her and haven't heard from her again ever since. Discussion? Post about times you brushed off an incompetent female.

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  • This sounds like the"one year at band camp"

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  • You had a small conversion with her? Btw, tldr - only read bits and pieces.

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    • there was one girl in my class that every guy wanted to bang. she was all ways so mean to me and my friend (how was a girl) one day out of no were she comes up to us with 6 other people and demands me and here go on a date I say ( not a chance in hell) she then slapped me and waked away. the next day she comes over with here brother and says (that's him) here brother asked me why I enjoyed making an innocent girl cry before I could say any thing I get punched in the gut, my friend came over to stop me from kicking that guys ass all over the school when she got to me the bich ( the mean girl) says that's the bich that slapped me. the biches brother hits my friend in the face I lost it and beat him down ( broke his nose and arm) the bich just waked way didn't even care that here brother was on the floor point of the story biches be crazy good thing you didn't do any thing to that girl

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      4 Replies
      • Edited by Snowblaze: 1/23/2015 5:59:03 AM
        Some girl at my 8th grade graduation asked to dance. She'd been a complete bitch the past 3 years I'd known her and she was expecting a dance. She was 5'3(?) VERY out of shape, and had a lazy eye. I plainly told her "No", and continued with my evening. Being that it was a middle school graduation, some parents were there as supervisors. So, this girl seeks out my mom and asks to dance with me though [i]her.[/i] My mom brings her over, I look at them, then say "No", turn around and walk away. No regrets, haven't had to talk to her since, save that time I passed her in the quad and she said "Hi", which I replied with a glance and a turn of my head in the other direction (I rustled her jimmies with that).[spoiler]I wasn't too rude about it, while it may seem so my "No", was simple and I kept the confrontation short to minimize her disappointment.[/spoiler]

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      • Was expecting her to ask you on a date. Whatever.

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        • This total 3/10 kept trying to hit on me and I brushed her off a million times. She then thought it was a smart idea to come to me and ask me out. I looked her right in the eyes and said "No."

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          • *9.5 wants to talk for no reason.* "Nope." (10/10) or nothing.

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          • ...

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          • The only thing I can think of was highschool. I had one girl (of course she was in almost all of the same classes as me), who either couldnt take a hint or was damned determined to become my friend or whatever. Every single day, she'd search me out and cling to my side asking me this and talking about that and yap-yap-yap. At first I smiled and nodded and pretended to care but eventually I got sick of it and Id start cutting her off with "Well I need to go work on this" or something like that. I actually began avoiding and hiding from her in the halls. Shoot, I remember (trying to) read a book and shes right next to me trying to invite to something stupid after school. I remember closing my book, looking her in the eye, and saying "No. Stop. Im trying to read. Leave me alone." I felt so proud of my spineless self... ...Until she did the same thing to me. the next day. >_<

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            • Hey, girls turn guys down all the time. It's about now we stand up for ourselves too!

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              8 Replies
              • Did you tip your fedora at least? :3

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                • Schizy get back in the cage!

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                • 6 billion more to go.

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                • Her booty was small

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                  • O from reading the name i thought it was gonna be a crystal meth joke

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                  • Way to go dude. Now you can tell your friends about [i]how that ugly bitch tried to get with me, but I texted her back like stupid ass bitch I aint fckin with youuuu![/i]

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                  • You did the right thing! Can't be friends with everyone and especially ppl that don't appeal to you. There is no point having them in your life.

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                  • Ayy lmao

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                  • You did the right thing and ignore that she's magic bitch.

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                  • Well....I can't say I blame you. We all got our opinions of what is good looking and there is no point in starting in a relationship if you are not sexually attracted to the person as it would be cheating them out of a better relationship that could be out there. Now had you been in a relationship with a person and their body changes on them or they get some bad rash that stays with them and you ditch them then yes, I would say that would be a asshole thing

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                  • Or could it be possible she just wanted to be friends? Did she ever come up to you and ask about a date? I'm curious about this.

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                    2 Replies
                    • I had some desperate stalker chick like that on FB. Straight up told her I'm not interested and she stopped real quick. [spoiler]but yes those love statuses and shit are quite nauseating especially when you know they're about you.[/spoiler]

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                      • Turned down for what?

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                        6 Replies
                        • [b][i]POST REDACTED BY AUTHOR[/i][/b] [spoiler]*Reads title* TURNED DOWN FOR WHAT!!! *reads rest of post* Whoa, that's actually a good reason to be TURNED DOWN FOR WHAT!!![/spoiler]

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                          • D?

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                            • Damn dude. She sounds quite creepy.

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