Yeah so I was in roc strike. couple minutes from putting down that big fat phogarth ogre. This boomer across the ways was really messing up my ice breaker routine with mr. Ogre so I decide to ration a shot for his head. To my suprise a purple engram drops. It's been weeks since Iv seen one and I hustle over to grab it. When I get there it doesn't go into my inventory. Then I see all the enemies stop moving. Iv been disconnected from destiny servers. My internet was fine still connected to Xbox live. No nat issues. So bungie you owe me a legendary engram. Ladder156 Xbox one
They still have their zoo not under control. I paused for one month to get my DLC money back, but in all that time they could not fix any of the problems. All the bugs are still there and you get booted to orbit time and again. The only thing they do is remove cheese, so we have more time to endure the bugs.