Wish they actually put time into making it look like an exotic.
I love it. That was my fav vangaurd helm, now with a sexy black paint job. I couldn't be happier. But I get where people come from, it is pretty lazy lol
this i can agree with. it's just a plain old legendary helm colored black. it deserves, neh, demands a unique style to go with the black color. [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v209/PhillyBlunt/Destiny_Concept_Artwork_MA01_zps7f45e294.jpg[/url] third helm would have been fine or [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v209/PhillyBlunt/Destiny_Concept_Art_26b_zps41f3bae6.jpg[/url]
Agreed, i really dislike that they didnt do anything to distinguish it from the one its based on. Its just black.
I LOVE the blank canvas black.
I like the look of it, however I don't have a shader that matches the helmet : /
I like it on god of war or chatterwhite
You can do crucible for god of war shader. The black and red look awesome together
Rank up your dead orbit, you can get their Revenant shader from a dead orbit legendary package. (full black)