My Goodness this thing is amazing. Have bad juju and high intellect and just start a one man army.
Here is one more
What mission kept the hive respawning so fast though?
Now let's get them to try it on enemies that are level 20+
They wanted people to get away from being sunsingers since 99 percent of warlocks are sunsingers. This had to be done
Wow, is this real? I'm glad I bought obsidian mind now, might start working on finishing that bad juju bounty now. I imagine this is to be nerfed soon though
Even without bad juju it is amazing. If your teammates spawn an occasional orb you'll never be without a super.
The lootcave... oh it's glory is not lost completely
I'm so glad xur sold this, can't wait to see my new fellow obsidian minders out in the wild, the will of crota and the undying mind will never be a problem again.
Holy crap. I want to see how many orbs are laying around!
Looks great, but just as I max out both the gun and the helm Bungie will no doubt nerf the Super recharge rate and turn OB into a waste of mats.
How's one they spawn so quickly for him? If love to use this for bounties, can someone link me a tutorial or anything? That'd be much appreciated
I've had this for ages from an engram but.i only have a hunter, never realised it was so powerful
Honestly, I think it's bad juju that's amazing Perk+more energy from minions of darkness ftw
I rarely play my hunter anymore and I deleted my warlock solely because of Ruin Wings. Best exotic armor piece in the game, and in my opinion, pushes Titans to the best class. If you have a Titan without Ruin Wings, warlocks are superior.
Just got OM and nearly finished leveling bad juju 2.0 woooohooooo...
Where the fck are the counter terrorists...
anyone else love this helm?
Looks like a wrecking combo I'm considering levelling these items now
How's one they spawn so quickly for him? If love to use this for bounties, can someone link me a tutorial or anything? That'd be much appreciated
Heh yeah man, the combo is definitely a wrecking machine.
loooooooooooooooooooooooooool! Man, I just picked mine up and im back to loving my lock.
That takes the loot cave to a whole new level....
That's awesome, I just need to upgrade my bad juju
These suckers complained about xur selling IceBreaker lol ... They have NO idea ....
People still don't know lol
Brb, need to remake a warlock -.-