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1/16/2015 8:24:48 PM
Better place? by invading a country, because a pretty small organization of extremists attacked your country? . Taking suspected and non suspects prisoners and putting them in guantanamo Bay with no rights by the world's self proclaimed bringer of democracy? By invading countries left right and centre that stand up for themselves before installing 'democratic' dictators to rule. Which then cause civil chaos so then they ask America please come train us and America basically invades again? By maintaining an invasion based on lies about wmd's? Christ it goes on. If you want to believe in this little fantasy that America deserves one iota of fu#king patriotism when it's government sh#ts all over its self proclaimed Patriots when it suits them, then by all means do so. Some f#king country when most of it is in sh#t poor condition people living on 2 dollars a day and you have the balls to defend it? It's private health, hospitals, education? The country just like the rest of us is broken. It's broken because of fools like you that cling to a notion that your government stands for something. It's doesn't. It serves itself. It's financial interests. And not for one second does it give a flying f#ck about you. The only need of you is to maintain its wealth by paying your taxes and being a good little soldier so you can be used like a toy to further it's blatant and sureal abuse of other countries. It is because of fools like you that can't think for themselves or see the bigger picture that things are the way they are. Not because America is standing up to the 'bad guys'. America. Is. The. Bad. Guy.

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