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originally posted in: Talking To A Wall
1/15/2015 7:18:18 PM
No. Grow up. 1. Deej has said multiple times that they are prioritizing "needs" over "wants". Extra vault space is a WANT. 2. VoG exotics have been upgraded to level 32. That is NOT going to happen with the VoG raid weapon and armor sets. If you want level 32 raid gear, you know where to find it. 3. Bungie is giving thsi game a level of time, atttention and service that most developers charge a monthly subscription fee for. 4. Bungie (unlike most developers) didn't lock all progression in the game behind the DLC /expansion paywall. Yet there just is no pleasing some spoiled and entitled people.

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  • Edited by shadowgaze72: 1/17/2015 2:26:56 PM
    First I never said anything about vault space being a priority, I believe there are bigger issues with this game than vault space. Also if you are going to label the USA as idiots then perhaps you need to do your history, last I recall the people form the USA originated from England and were sick and tired of being slaughtered and oppressed by tyrant kings and queens of England that took what they wanted, when they wanted. Edward the Longshanks was just misunderstood I am sure, NOT! America is still a young country compared to most, not perfect in any way shape or form, but tell me one country that is? To evaluate people as human beings is one thing, but to declare an entire country because of bias opinion - well that's entirely a different story now isn't it. So everyone in your country are perfect? Little angels spreading pixie dust?

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  • Edited by Alpha One: 1/17/2015 9:10:28 PM
    The USA is a young country with an extremely dark history. We massacre the natives, we had slaves, Seperation of the classes and races, Industrial revolution make the rich richer and the poor poorer ( a lot kids used for labor), No women rights, etc. We got better thank to reformation but we got use to other folks getting us trouble that we can't do it ourselves. Now we are little docile sheeps with a psychopathic mentality. We care less of others opinions and call them bigots when there opinion contradicts with ours. We hoard our junk, we over-consume (China too), we care nothing for the consequences of our actions and we attack people's individual freedom and free speech. There is more but I got tired. Thanks America. I love you. Edit: Don't believe everything on wikipedia Edit 2: books are full regurgitated information Edit 3: History is bias

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  • Edited by shadowgaze72: 1/18/2015 12:13:26 AM
    History is bias? I suppose Hitler was a nice guy too? Maybe he was misunderstood? Just like Saddam Hussein was a fabulous guy, I mean not like he slaughtered everyone, just like a half million or so maybe 300k - no biggy right?! My point is, what country is perfect? Unless you have wings and are farting rainbows, really everyone should think that maybe we as individuals may not always agree with what's going on this world and many of us at least try to make it better, I can't speak for every persons actions but I would say as a whole we try to do our best.

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  • It took a monster to take another monster. Stalin -blam!- Hitler. Nobody is perfect either.

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  • My point is, you can't judge a whole country by one persons actions.

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  • You sir are correct, but it was not just one person it was a group of high ranking individuals who led the country astray. Except for Russia, Stalin literally had full control over it.

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  • I'm not talking about then I'm talking about modern times. I don't need a history lesson.

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  • History is fun

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  • Well ok how about what's going on in other countries like Africa, Syria, Egypt, Haiti, Bali, or Australia totally abandoning Schapelle Corby in Bali prison, I mean turn on the world news and you can honestly tell me that America is to blame for all the worlds problems or that America has the only idiots on the planet? Last I checked we are all individuals, and there is good and bad everywhere. I am not trying to justify what Christopher Columbus did for the Queen of England or is history bias on that one too? Or what England did to the Scottish, or again are the history books wrong on that one too? I'm not saying we are perfect in any stretch of the imagination, however many of us aren't sheep as you are stating.

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  • You deny we have a psychopathic mentality. History is made by the conquerors we need to be open to all possibilities and outcomes in order to truly understand ourselves.

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  • Edited by Unforgiven: 1/16/2015 3:45:19 AM
    1. Deej has been giving us vague answers. We thought from the beginning, that Destiny would come out with a steady stream of new content after release. All we have gotten so far are Iron banner rehashes, and a Queen's event. 3 new missions, 2 strikes, and 1 new raid. That is all we got since Septermber. And he is saying, that it is not enough. We want more, and we were promised more. 2. They aren't VOG exotics. They are RNG exotics. Should have been like that in the first place. Was simply an oversight to be honest, not a fix. 3. This is just a joke. They only came out with cheese fixes, and a few exotic tweaks. Something which could have been done by a few good developers. 4. Dude #4 is wrong. The are keeping Nightfalls, and Weekly and Xur behind the DLC pay wall. As much as I agree they are a business, they could have had 2 versions of the Nightfall and Weekly. 1 for players of the DLC, and 1 for non - dlc.

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  • @ #4: EXACTLY... just offer a different Strike for non DLC players! How this wasn't the design decision is just stunning.

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  • 1. Deej gives the answers that he is able to. He is basically a public relations/customer service person. He does NOT have the power to decide what changes get made to the game...or when those changes get madie....or when they get announced. The people who do have that power aren't here, and don't have to answer to you directly in this forum. Also, the game is four months old. The typical development cycle for a AAA is 2 years. What "steady stream of content" did you think was going to be possible in a game this young. If you want "more", then you need to be willing to PAY FOR IT. Not just show up and whine about it. Bungie is running a business. Not a charity. 2. Yes, they should have been like that once the DLC dropped. Failing to address that was an oversight on their part. They have now fixed it. 3. Bungie has been updating and patching this game on almost a weekly basis since it dropped. 4. NO it is not "wrong". There is ONE Nightfall. Not ONE Nightfall for every level of buy-in. When the Nightfall is based on content you have chosen to buy....then you have something to play. When it is based on content you have CHOSEN NOT TO BUY...then you have a problem that week. But---if the leaked slide is true----there are going to be FOUR other DLCs/Expansions to this game before Destiny 2 drops...and it is RIDICULOUS to think that Bungie "owes" people SIX different versions of the Nightfall. One for those who just have the release version...and then an additional one for each level of expansion buy-in. That's crazy...and its unsustainable. IF having something to do every week is that important to you. Open up your wallet and f-ing pay for it.

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  • Edited by Unforgiven: 1/16/2015 11:04:45 PM
    Yes new steady stream of content is what we were promised. I do have a wallet and money to pay for it. See my characters.

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  • They answer at the cash register. But the people that Deej works for hired HIM, so that they don't have to come in here and face the community directly. Deej clearly enjoys doing this (and has a hell of a lot more patience for the antics that go on here than I would in his shoes...), but he is not one of the major decision makers at Bungie in terms of what gets done, when it gets done, and what direction the game ultimately goes. So there are limits to what he can say...and when he can say it. Because he has to answer to thoes people who hired him.

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  • Edited by Unforgiven: 1/16/2015 11:14:43 PM
    Also it is a companies job who have a huge fan base, to keep their customers happy, or in the future the cash register will not be clinking as much. This is how capitalism works. Wait and see. Destiny 2 will not get half as many sales. And they have ruined their reputation, due to their lazy slow development process. You cannot simply get 750 million in sales, and then expect for customers not to want some type of content updates to their game. We bought the shit, now we beat it. When do we get more content? And Destiny is definitely lacking in content, most of the forums are teaming with posts about angry players who are asking for more, yet Bungie is failing to deliver.

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  • In 8 weeks when HOW drops. If you want content more often than that you are going to have to pay for it.

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  • Sure I will pay for it. I don't mind.

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  • I agree with you for the most part. But I have some thoughts concerning... 2. I actually think that the vault of glass was made irrelevant purposely following the release of the new raid, to promote people to focus on it rather than continue playing what they already knew. Now that people have experienced the new raid, they are giving us another reason to go back and play the vault. 4. I actually can understand people's frustration concerning the nightfall. The idea that each week you could do a challenging version of an existing strike for a chance at cool drops and increased experience gain, is part of the base game. While I'm glad that DLC can be used for the nightfall, I think that there could've been an optional "base game nightfall" that you could choose.

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  • Not sustainable in the long term. Not a big deal to provide two versions of it, when all you have is the base version of the game and TDB. Becomes a MAJOR hassle when its August of 2016 and you have to have SIX different versions of it..all with their own individual loot tables....

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  • [quote]3. Bungie has been updating and patching this game on almost a weekly basis since it dropped. [/quote] /facepalm... I am convinced we are not playing the same game.

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  • Actually everything is a want... We dont need anything. But in order to keep us players and fans around they NEED to communicate and improve what they have -blam!-ed up from the beginning.

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  • Edited by Delegirous: 1/15/2015 7:57:36 PM
    ummm no... YOU need to grow up. He placed a valid, non-threatening, bipartisan question to community without attacking anyone. You are completely entitled to answer the question and voice your opinion. But you had to attack his... like, ironically, a child. Apparently you dont understand that this could be a rewarding discussion for both sides of the fence, but when you start off insulting ppl... how do you think thats going to go? ~~~ That said, lets look at your 'reasons' [quote]1. Deej has said multiple times that they are prioritizing "needs" over "wants". Extra vault space is a WANT. [/quote] Thats becoming highly debatable, especially once you have 3 characters... which you should realize. Exotics weapons alone take up nearly half of your weapon slots. And what if you collect emblems, shaders, and ships? SOL. But how about some other 'needs'? Should I bring up the heavy ammo glitch? How about still not being able to reset some story levels? [quote]2. VoG exotics have been upgraded to level 32. That is NOT going to happen with the VoG raid weapon and armor sets. If you want level 32 raid gear, you know where to find it. [/quote] I dont really know how this applies to the topic, but sure I can agree with this... although it was a stupid move to make VoG exotics of lesser value in the first place. Just another example of Bungie's attention to detail. [quote]3. Bungie is giving thsi game a level of time, atttention and service that most developers charge a monthly subscription fee for. [/quote] ... You have got to be shitting me. If you think thats true, you obviously havent played a subscription based MMO. Take WoW for example... in the last 4 months, there have been 2 large scale Patches (which have more content than Destiny or their expansion combined) implemented and 8 hotfixes with open communication on Hotfixes planned for February. [quote]4. Bungie (unlike most developers) didn't lock all progression in the game behind the DLC /expansion paywall. [/quote] /facepalm... do you even play this game? Have you even read the forums? Nightfall/Heroic Weekly/Daily Story can all be locked behind a paywall. Not to mention that more and more evidence supports the idea that the first two expansion are. infact, locked behind an imaginary paywall and are already on the disc?

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  • Unless he's brand new to the forum. All of these issues have been addressed...and on multiple occaisions In reverse order. 4. I've been playing this game since the BETA. Never mind Day One. The only thing that gets locked behind the paywall is CONTENT that the person chose not to buy. Youre $60 buys you access to those community events. They do not buy you your own personalized VERSION of it. 3. Yes I have played MMOs....and am aware that Blizzard not only charges you for expansion content, You also pay a monthly subscription fee. A fee which Blizzard just announced is goign to be INCREASED. There is no free lunch to be had anywhere. Just who gets stuck with the bill. Bungie isn't charging a monthy sub fee...and it is childish to demand that they provide the same sort of content as games that do charge them. 2. It applies to the topic because the community complained about the VoG dropping the 1.0 version of exotics...and then players having to pay to have them upgraded. Bungie responded pretty quickly in fixing that so that the VoG dropped the 2.0 versions. But Bungie is not going to waterdown the current raid by having an old raid drop weapons and armor that will get you to the current level cap. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. 1. I have three characters....and I deal with the vault space problem by using my characters weapons slots as storage.

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  • How anybody in their right mind can defend this deplorably deceitful game boggles the mind...I guess news reports of IQ's in the USA steadily going down is sadly true.

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