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Edited by Live Laugh Toaster Bath: 1/17/2015 3:25:42 PM

Bungie Support Please Help #Weasel, #Anteater, #Baboon game unplayable

I'm not one to whine, but has anyone else been receiving consistent Weasel codes within the past few days? Started shortly after the Newt code. I haven't had any trouble like this until this week's reset and the re-introduction of The Iron Banner. I can only complete 1 out of every four Iron Banner matches. I get a Weasel code halfway through the match and kicked back to title screen. I cannot earn medallions much less rep, aside from completing the bounties, because of this. I have checked everything on my end, ISP confirms that everything is solid with a DMZ set Open Nat. My Xbone is the only device on network with static ip and is hard wired. While my download and upload speeds aren't phenomenal in any way, they do exceed minimum requirements. Besides unplugging the Xbox One, power cycling the router, clearing cache, setting static ip, force closing the app, and all of that (which I have completed already) does anyone have any recommendations? I figure it may have something to do with the Bungie server maintenance. I can't be alone here. Anyone else experiencing this? If so, has it cleared up today? Game was unplayable for me because of this. Oh, forgot to mention. I did also receive two random Anteater codes along with the Weasel codes. Any and all help appreciated.

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  • Edited by Live Laugh Toaster Bath: 1/20/2015 4:49:44 PM
    Bungie, Iron Banner much less any of the Game is unplayable for me because of this. I am a huge fan of this game! But I cannot play it because of these errors! I keep getting kicked to the title screen repeatedly with Weasel and Anteater codes every 30 mins I am a first time Bungie customer and I am probably not going to purchase ANYTHING produced by your company again, unless I can get some sort of feedback and at least some sort of support. This is ridiculous, I'm sorry. I have put almost 1000 hours into your game and would easily triple that if the game would simply operate correctly more than 50% of the time. Please, I want to play your game. I even want the sequel and the expansions. I enjoy this game and I am a fan! Can you please help me? Gamertag : R0gueSp3ctre18 (the "0" is a zero) on Xbox One.

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  • Last night I logged on and went straight to the Tower, as is customary. Went to grab bounties for the Iron Banner and was immediately met with "Attention : Contacting Destiny Servers" which resulted in another Weasel code and returned me back to the Title Screen. I reloaded my character and managed to get into an Iron Banner match and disconnected halfway through with two notifications, both of which were Baboon codes. The following match met its fate with a Fly code. After that I joined some friends to complete daily PVE bounties with the same result. However; once when I was in lobby with them something interesting happened. One of them said that it notified them that coms were disabled due to Nat issues right before I got a Weasel error. This is particularly interesting because, as mentioned above, have an open Nat with a static Ip address. My network is showing that it is "Behind a Cone Nat". My Xbox one is set as the primary Ip within the DMZ router settings, and all of my connections are solid after checking them and the settings for the fifth time. I even went as far as to drop the firewall to its lowest possible security settings which made no difference. So I quickly reverted that setting back to standard. Finally I was fed up, unplugged the router and Xbone and let them set for about an hour (which I have also done numerous times before). After firing everything back up, to my surprise, everything worked as normal. WTF???? I didn't do anything different from all of the other times I have gone through this troubleshooting process. Logged on this morning before work to check Xur's inventory, and even ran some Eris bounties with absolutely no inclination of an issue. I will update if anything changes. Lengthy write up I know. TL;DR tried basic troubleshooting methods, finally worked for a few hours which may or may not help in your case, hopefully it will. Best of luck.

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  • I've had exactly the same issue. Hope things get better soon

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