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1/14/2015 8:55:24 PM

A request regarding future changes

To the indentured servants slaving away at Bungie, thank you for all the effort you've put into making Destiny the experience you hoped for. Thank you for putting up with all our gripes and complaints, thank you for actually listening and responding, thank you for continuing to work so hard to make this relationship work. That being said, I want to address the way new changes have been coming down the pipeline. I understand the need for some secrecy about future updates, but I feel some warning was deserved before a few particular changes, and the lack of those warnings makes a lot of us feel as though our countless hours of hard work have been rendered completely pointless. [b]Hence, questions![/b] (To skip the fluff, just read what's in bold) [b]First, the trade system between upgrade materials and marks/rep.[/b] A news bulletin indeed stated that we would be able to purchase materials with marks, yet never mentioned that we would no longer be able to sell the materials themselves. I can't speak for everyone, but the reason I rarely sold materials is because the game was still young and I hadn't maxed out my gear of choice yet. Now that I've had time to max out the gear that fits my style best, surplus materials simply collect dust in my limited vault space. Had I known about this change, I could have sold the stacks of extra materials ahead of time. For future economic changes, [b]would giving players an advance warning harm the game?[/b] [b]Next, the post-expansion gear scaling.[/b] As a proud day-one player, I've put a considerable amount of time and effort into strengthening my characters. I've ground the hours away and collected enough ascendant shards to build three formidable characters, just like so many other players alongside me. We challenged each others' grimoire scores and whiled away the hours exploring every inch of this amazing game, taking pride in the bags under our eyes. Despite all the complaining, somehow we were content. Then our hearts sank into the Dark Below. After the expansion launched, the Destiny community (particularly guardians that had reached the coveted Level 30) felt like the butt of a cruel joke when we saw the new vendor items. The raid gear we had all fought so hard simply to obtain was now completely obsolete compared to gear that a new player could easily purchase within a short time after starting the game. All those hours, all that hard work, completely undone. Now the only things setting grizzled veterans apart from the shiny Christmas noobs are the skills they've sharpened and their grimoires. Further, any ascendant materials that we unknowingly wasted on our raid gear shortly before the Dark Below could have been saved for use on the new gear. With that in mind, in order to prevent long-term players from feeling like we've been grinding away at a pencil without lead, [b]would offering better compensation to veteran players at the start of new expansions be feasible?[/b] Thank you for reading this far. Again, I love Destiny and I'm grateful for all the hard work. Thoughts?

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