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1/14/2015 8:38:24 AM

Talking To A Wall

I feel like most of the valid points brought up here in the Feedback section are being ignored. It feels like the community as a whole is shouting for change yet we are simply talking to a greedy, unresponsive wall. Am I the only one who feels that way? I love checking out these forums on a regular basis, seeing what the community thinks needs changing about the game, whether or not their posts are valid. Yet it seems like even the most wanted changes (extra vault space, raid bug-fixing, raid gear and weaponry upgrades, etc.) are being completely ignored and unawknowledged. More and more I get the feeling that this game was produced lazily, and is being updated lazily. I can get better game maintenance and updates from a $1.99 application on my phone. You would think that a company like Bungie would care more about the quality of their game, rather than their sales. In summary, I think [u]WE[/u] as a [u]COMMUNITY[/u] need more Feedback, rather than us providing ours - we don't seem to be getting anywhere with our suggestions and requests. Maybe I am asking too much, but to me it definitely feels like [i]something[/i] is missing. Anyone else agree?

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  • You're a little late of you're only now noticing bungie is a bunch of money hungry assholes that punish their community more than reward them

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    • I agree. I mean honestly I can understand that coding and testing something before adding it to a game can take time.. time which I and the REAL COMMUNITY have waited. (I don't consider the crybaby CoD players in crucible part of the community all they do is troll, call people homosexuals, and get weapons nerfed that we need for PvE) I mean honestly, Destiny was in production for 5 years. We even got easter egg hints at it in Halo ODST which clearly tells me they had people working on it back then even if it were just ideas. It finally comes out Sep. 19 of last year, and not only was it an overall let down but we find out that they had used part of the production process to pre make a DLC (The Dark Below) before the game was released. That was time they could have used for actually making sure things in the vanilla game were squared away. (AKA Vault space, loot system, bugs in the raid) The raid wasn't released until two weeks after the game launched. They said they had people playing it, testing it, etc... don't you think a wise idea before you release something with rewards of that caliber you'd check for exploits ? Especially with a $500m budget ? Bungie also said this will be a 10 year project (DLC does not count as part of that timeline for the final game) So that would be a Title release every 2 and a half years. We aren't even six months into Destiny's release and they're already working on 2 when all the problems aren't even squared off in the on that just dropped. Maybe I'm over reacting, maybe this is testing grounds for what is possible and Destiny 2 will give us what we all want. However with a 2 year timeframe for DLC for this game Its common sense to know we would need a lot more vault space than we have currently. The HoW hasn't even come out yet and we are already struggling to find room for things we need. Resulting to carrying a full inventory to keep from discarding and dismantling things we want to keep, and things we need. I don't care about trading although it would be nice... I just want more vault space. But the most important thing I want is for bungie to return to its roots and start listening to its community again, or if you are listening at least let us know what has been chosen to be discussed out of the ideas from the community so we know you are actually listening to us. Bungie we love you guys... the loyal community members who have been here since Halo CE know what you're capable of. There are so many bright ideas on these forums that its a shame you aren't more interactive with us. I'm going to school now for video game design and programming, so I know some of the things being asked for take little time and effort. Bungie remember this, you said this yourselves back when Halo CE blew up to become the face of Xbox... "We the developers create the world for them to delve into, however It is the players.. the community that forge the legacy of a series." Let our feedback (not the crying about cheesing or weapon nerfing) our real feedback forge this series into the one we've always dreamed of. Even if it comes later down the line, even in Destiny 3, years from now... at least show us you actually give a damn... because without us the community, they're might not even be a Destiny 2.

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      14 Replies
      • I agree, it's because 90% of the posts here are garbage. I've had a couple decent ideas posted but Within seconds I'm 10 pages down because everyone is upset about Xur or their raid reward etc. There needs to be a feedback forum and a complaint forum. If bungie didn't read anything on here I honestly wouldn't blame them.

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      • Agree.

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      • Yes! I've stoped playing destiny due to dragon age, and I dont think I can go back. Hope Destiny gets better.

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        • You are kind of late for this stuff lol.

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        • Edited by shadowgaze72: 1/16/2015 4:21:26 PM
          Oh heck yes I agree !!! I have been posting feed back since about a week after I started playing and never once did I get a reply back from Bungie, so I figured they just won't unless it works for them.

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        • That's what happens when a game is rated T.

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          • Edited by Chimes-7: 1/16/2015 3:36:43 AM
            I just think they've planned this piece of shit out beginning to end and they're sticking with it

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          • Edited by Unforgiven: 1/16/2015 3:38:41 AM
            I would have to agree with this, as much as I like Bungie and Destiny. I would like to see more feedback from them, other than vague posts about, "we are listening".

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          • Sadly this is true. If you aren't using click bait or complaining about something everyone else enjoys people seem to just ignore any other suggestions. It's hard to get really good ideas noticed by anyone, let alone Bungie.

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          • Edited by Atamusk: 1/15/2015 9:38:03 PM
            Your main complaints have all been at the very least acknowledged. Vault space has been confirmed by Deej as incoming, but there's no timeframe for it yet. Bug fixes are ongoing. It seems what your asking for is an official weekly type post with a list of what's coming and what's being worked on. The fact of the matter is that right now Bungie is very hesitant to share any plans that aren't just about to be put into the game. They saw what happens when you give a community like this info that doesn't necessarily represent the end product. If they talk about anything more than a month out, the community will harp on about how it's taking too long, and how other patches they perceive as more complicated took less time, because in their minds, work doesn't start on a patch until Bungie makes an official announcement regarding the issue. Right now, they're doing what they can to avoid backlash, but they're screwed either way.

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            5 Replies
            • the thing is too, there have been so many posts like this and so many feedback suggestions for the game that just go nowhere. It's as if they mapped out years of crap ahead of time and now they are just marching forward with what was planned, even though we have pointed out all the things that were implemented so badly, its already too late for them to change course. it's a scary thing to make 10 years worth of plans. scary for the players for sure, but it will be scary for the investors too when the tower is empty only a year in.. it's kind of amazing as far as fails go if you think about it. people want to love Destiny so much, they spend so much time explaining how the game can be fixed and desperately holding out hope, but nothing changes..

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            • I'd settle for a we saw this button. At least that way it doesn't seem like being ignored as much.

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              • Honestly, if Deej stayed on these forums all day, I see it as a huge waste of his time and energy as a community manager. It is good enough that he reads our complaints and then meets up with the dev team and tells them about it. However, He is not going to tell us that he set up a meeting with the dev team and told them that the players want more vault space. Nor will he tell us of any plans to give us what we want until he knows FOR SURE that the team will implement it in the time they planned. Think about it. If Deej put up a post right now saying that he THINKS, or we PROBABLY, will be getting the vault size increase patch tomorrow, and the patch does not come tomorrow, there will be hundreds of threads on this forum written by angry players calling Bungie retards and threatening Deej and the Dev team. But, you need only look to history to see proof that Deej and the dev team do, in fact, listen to our complaints. We wanted more slots for our bounties and we got it. We wanted an easier way to farm for spinmetal, relic iron, etc. and we got it. Even if the dev team started working on ALL of our other complaints about the game this very instant, it will still take them some time to create , test and implement all of those fixes. It will not happen over night.

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              • Bump

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              • 'imitates a wall'

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              • Agree... regardless of validity, communication has been terrible. Which only acerbates the problem... people would be much less hostile if they didnt feel ignored. It most shocking that it is Bungie... a developer who had been previously famous for its open policy with their community. I fear it is not the same company anymore. And the weekly Fluff-dates almost feel intentional.

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              • Definitely agree. All notable feedback seems to be ignored one way or another. Deej has probably seen things like, more vault space, raid gear upgrades etc, a million times over and over again. Small but noteworthy opinions and feedback get covered by the pile of useless-everyday complains. I myself made a post regarding shaders not too long ago. Here it is: If you notice, not one reply at all. I made another a week later and the same result. People say Deej is actually looking at our posts but is keeping it quiet. I say, please give us some assurance for our feedback. Many people definitely want to see this game grow to something more than it already is. I've fallen in love with the Lore via grimore cards, I would really hate to see this game and community be eaten alive by selfish kids who complain about not getting the exotic they want or making pointless petitions on what xur will sell next week.

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              • I want to see feedback too

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              • Edited by eternal_napalm: 1/15/2015 8:20:49 AM
                They'll never fix their shitty loot system. My Keep in Dragon Age is under construction though! It's fun to sit on my throne and render judgment. "Lord Inquisitor, I bring before you Destiny's loot system." Me: "Get it the hell out of my Keep! Burn it with fire!!!" Sera: "Ain't that a fact, mate. Pure shite is right."

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                • Could I ask for peoples opinions on the VoG please? :)

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                • Edited by Koomooloobooka: 1/15/2015 6:57:00 PM
                  Yeah pretty much, I think bungie got in over their head making this type of game, it has great mechanics as expected from the people who made halo. But the games systems are terrible, and I don't think they realized how much upkeep mmos take, and how often they would need to update with patches and new content. They definitely do not communicate enough. Only thing they seem to fix is glitches, needed, yes, but damn change the other shitty systems. FF14 CHANGED THE ENTIRE -blam!-ING GAME! AND IS EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL! They nuked the entire game world and started over. something to think about.

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                • Also much of the community ignores posts like this to look for Gjallarhorn posts.

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                • Just made a post about this myself, they need more admins. One is not enough.

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                • Edited by Judge_Rhymehold: 1/14/2015 12:11:52 PM
                  Everything is being ignored. Past couple months they barely have talked to us it feels like. They used to get personal, snarky, silly and fun. Now it's; "we fixed our blam ups, but made new blam ups in the process. Deal with it sheep" At least that's how I feel reading it. They need a new PR person. Deej is rude and a Dick the coupke of posts I've seen him comment on(except for one offering someone complaining about raids the opportunity for deej to show him around, must have been RX refill day. I can relate! Waiting for mine to get here myself ;) )

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