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Edited by Recon Number 54: 1/14/2015 4:13:09 PM

★Destiny House of Wolves DLC Cut Content Confirmed - We Care Bungie★

Doing my part by sharing this around, we know they did it, and we know why. Now its time to let them know we care. EDIT: If you want to support this thread, just like it and walk away, go and enjoy the rest of your day and don't bother arguing with people on here. Thank you to everyone who liked/bumped. EDIT: Video is not mine, all credit goes to BDobbinsFTW

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  • Edited by Far Ranger: 1/15/2015 7:16:34 PM
    [i]Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.[/i] Or so it is said... I gave up on Destiny a couple of months ago, haven't played since. I believed in the game at first; the beta was just enough to give me some hope. I was there on launch day. But while the mechanics are good, the execution is hollow. Not enough there. And Bungie continually F's with the game balance until it has become a big joke. I spent far too many hours insanely chasing down this rabbit hole, hoping there was something at the end of this long, long grind. Oh, it's easy to lose yourself for a while in the madness, but it has no meaning. There is no ultimate point, because it's just ... pointless. I've voiced my opinions before in these forums, adding my support to the chorus of people realizing the deception and the lies and the pure B.S. for what it really is. We have been ignored by those most culpable, and likewise harassed by mindless, know-nothing apologists for Deej and the others at Bungie. Now of days, I rarely visit these forums, as people seem to only raise the same old excuses again and again, the same old epithets are levied over and over. But once in a while someone catches onto what someone like "Batman" says and they realize the emperor really has no clothes after all. I respond because this subterfuge that has been foisted on us by the likes of Bungie and Activision is only the tip of the iceberg. This is indeed a very negative trend we're seeing, and it will only get worse if people continue to tolerate it. Is there anyone here who can recall what happened over thirty years ago to the first video gaming market? Do [i]none[/i] of you recall how the same shoddy business practices that happened back then led to a complete meltdown of the industry? Don't tell me it cannot happen again, because there is no such thing as "too big to fail". I see the same d*mn thing happening now with the attitudes of game companies so focused on making an easy profit that they're willing to screw over their customers. They are again forgetting the cardinal rule that [i]the customer is always right[/i]. And when the customer grows tired of this B.S. they will walk away and find other avenues to entertain themselves. Just watch. I should think Sony and Microsoft have the most incentive to straighten this out, as they each have the most to lose from a collapse of the console game market this time. Right now both companies' most profitable divisions are their game divisions — were those to fail, both corporations would be in dire straights, Sony in particular. And 2015 is shaping up to be a make-or-break year for the both of them and the entire industry.

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  • Edited by tre11style: 1/14/2015 3:14:40 PM
    To anyone speaking in contrary to this video and his statements, I ask you to look at a few things. Mostly your arguments against the video are about the "cut content". Honestly, you are being blinded by the REAL issue that he mentions. The REAL issue isn't if Activision Cut content or not. The REAL issue is the Model in which Destiny was sold. The "lack of Content", and the "cutting cost" business model. Hey I understand that Activision wants to be a business and make money. But that doesn't mean we as consumers need to bend over and take up the "u know what". If we as the consumers SPEAK with our Money... the Business's in the World are FORCED to do what we tell them to when we Choose not to buy into a product not worth buying into. Destiny's issue is the idea they made as little content as possible and created a model for the gamer to have to retread this content over and over. Then Every DLC... ad more "limited content" and have you retread that... AS WELL AS, the stuff you already grinded over and over before... to regrind over and over again (i.e. weapons) This is ridiculous. It just is. To pay for content already created and PURCHASED another $20 here.... and another $20 there, for an "upgrade" of items and maps we already have purchased from day one is Outrageously GENIOUS. But only if We as the consumers keep buying into the BS. Don't let them rip you off, and charge you for content you have to regrind over and over and allow them to Benefit their profit because they were able to keep selling you content you already purchased. My 2 Cents... and that's the most Destiny will get from me from her on out... unless they make dramatic changes and the community shows their opinion by holding back their Biggest voice... $$$$$

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    4 Replies
    • Bungie removed this thread from #Destiny are you shitting me. Stop sweeping this under the rug WE WANT ANSWERS!

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      • Bump

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      • Bump

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      • I don't understand why people argue that it wasn't cut. For example look at thorn and aidon ally( husk of pit) they have the exact same bullets and overall design. Clearly made at the same time. Most games now days dlc is already finished before release date and they move on to the next game.

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        • Bump. People need to stop tearing apart the guy who made the video and the way he did it and just focus on the message itself. He isn't wrong.

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          • Aw we is prick batman raging again?

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          • Edited by Whaleteeth: 1/14/2015 11:28:44 PM
            Yo we all need to go on a strike for destiny '2'.

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          • Batman will be ass-assinated by bungie!!

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          • Bump

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          • bump

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          • Dump

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          • Bump, this shit needs to stop

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            6 Replies
            • lets keep the issue alive. YOU ARE PAYING MORE THAN YOU SHOULD FOR A GAME!!!! hey you guys might like the game , but we are paying too much the first two packs should have been part of the game, comet is the first real dlc. by supporting this you are making the next game you buy cost more too. they are squeezing ever more monies for same product. it is like going into McDs and buying a big mac meal only to find you are missing a patty and some fries,

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              8 Replies
              • Game was gutted. Its obvious.

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              • I enjoyed watching that video and he makes a very valid argument. To anyone saying that the dlc's weren't repackaged and sold back to us, let me ask this, why is it that unlike all other dlc content, you didn't have to download the dlc file from psn or xbl... It was already there on the disc, which is why there was nothing to download externally. The dlc purchase just updated the game basically...

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                5 Replies
                • Read this please: It outlines the contract from 2010 between Bungie and Activision. As you can see, DLC have always been a major part of the plan, not some recent conspiracy hatched over the last few months before launch. Furthermore, if you have planned for four years to launch products with DLC add-one to follow, don't you think a bunch of the content - say the resource and bandwidth intensive physical regions and maps - would be good to work out in advance? Which is what they did. Now you or BDobbins may not like the idea of DLC on first principles - fine. But it's here to stay. And it doesn't mean Bungie is evil. This model basically creates two price tiers: $60 for a rather anemic vanilla version, or $95 for the full experience. If you don't see the value at those price points, you are welcome to not buy. You will have seven more opportunities to make that choice (Comets 1-4 + Destiny 2-4).

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                  6 Replies
                  • I'm wondering if the reason no real good comments from destiny players are being used by bungie because they already had these two DLCs and in comet they will be like you have to buy it! It has transmogrification, vault space in orbit, a new subclass, and all new raids! (Yes plural)

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                  • 2
                    Bump , corporate greed #destiny

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                  • I ended up watching the entire video and I couldn't agree more with what this guy is saying. But there is one thing that's clear, this is not bungie's fault, yes they partnered with the most money hungry publisher out there, but it explains why so many people left during the last year of development. Cutting content that should be on disc for release is a crime itself, to us the consumer. The only reason why Activision is so successful is for cod, I remember they used to publish some great games packed full of content. The only way we can stop this from happening is to stop buying the games they publish and the dlc packs. I like destiny but feel cheated by the way its release has been handled. Bungie seems to be trying to make us happy and improve the game, they must feel disheartened by the fact their vision has been sliced and diced into a shadow of what it could have been. Until we the consumer voice our concerns by simply not buying the product is only when this crap will stop.

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                    7 Replies
                    • Bump

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                    • Obvious cut content because the story makes no sense. Missions are incoherent mess and the DLC doesn't help at all I like bobbins, bit tin foil but he usually has good points. Will watch that later

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                    • Edited by DontTouchMySoda: 1/14/2015 1:09:18 PM
                      BUMP BatMan strikes again

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                    • Edited by TeddyBundy: 1/14/2015 3:38:42 PM
                      Best Explanation of destiny's biggest problem ever.

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