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originally posted in: We want Queens Wrath Bungie!
1/10/2015 9:31:49 AM
We want Queen's Wrath! Iron Banner events are clearly designed for overly competitive PvP players who want a trinket to show off to all that they are a beast at control crucible... who cares!? Is there a leaderboard? Does having that specific weapon/armor make the game worth playing for a week straight just to complete the bounties and rank up as fast as possible? Wouldn't it make more sense to have it be a regular event that lasted constantly and just have a huge level up modifier like Eris? I really don't see what all of the hype is about, for 50% if not more of your players this has got to be a huge kick in the nads/vag. Not everyone is interested in PvP and just because they have a few matches under their belt doesn't mean they give a crap about it, they were likely only doing the exotic weapon bounties in the crucible of which we have no choice... if you want to make a monthly event like this, rotate it, let players pick an area to focus on either way, give both as an option and then let players chose their go to. I for one, will never compete in the iron banner, it's completely disgusting even though I really want million million, just not in my cards. Thanks for screwing over half of your fan base... again....

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