I think it becomes an issue of the separation between church and state. I do not have any problem with homosexuals marrying, but they need to accept that many churches will not marry them because it is against their religion.
If they are happy with a civil union from the state then that's great and they should get one and live happily. If they Insist on receiving a religious marriage, then there's going to be problems because some homosexual people have tried to appeal to the government to force a church to marry them.
That's why I think the separation between church and state needs to be maintained. I do not hate gay people but at the same time I want my own religious beliefs to stay safe and unthreatened. I hope we can find a way for everyone to be happy.
I'm not talking about forcing churches to perform same-sex marriages, I'm talking about legal marriage - the ability for same-sex couples to obtain a marriage certificate and be legally married.
I don't think that is any problem at all. We are all free to choose for ourselves. Even if I don't agree with their decision I have no right to stop them from getting married.