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Edited by FoMan123: 3/12/2015 6:34:45 PM

How do you troll in video games?

How do you guys troll others in video games? Personally I like trolling in halo. I'll walk up to the enemy team, crouch a few times and then just not shoot at them. Sometimes they'll treat me as a friend. After that I'll hang out with them and shoot at my teammates when I get the chance. Lol How about you guys.

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  • C4. Everything!

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  • Which halo game?

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    • I'll be there on left 4 dead or a co op game and I'll revive cancel until they threaten to report me or I'll shoot them in the foot on insurgency so they die from just a flash bang.

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      • Duck Hunt Dog is Super Smash Bros Wii U. Ultimate troll

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        • [quote]Personally I like trolling in halo. I'll walk up to the enemy team, crouch a few times and then just not shoot at them. Sometimes they'll treat as friend.[/quote] That is worrying, I think I had those guys on my team.

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        • In battlefield four camping help spawn by putting C4 on tail and when they fly off blow it up and they drop like a brick tied to a rock.

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        • This isn't me, but this is what I do. It's no so much trolling, just being a prick.

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        • On BF4 use the stinger, lock on, but dont shoot. It scares the sh[i]I[/i]t out of everyone

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          • I troll only jerks and rude people. Makes it more fun, as the added justice of my actions increases their rage levels.

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          • I run and jump around them, while they miss every shot.

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            • Edited by Achilles1108: 2/22/2015 2:37:09 PM
              In RDR public free roam we ran with a huge posse and could swing a vote anyway we wanted. Anybody messed with a member we would keep chasing them down and killing them. Once we were trying to go for an achievement and this one guy kept screwing with us. So after killing him a bit we just kept voting to kick him from the game. His friends would invite him back but we just kept all voting to boot him again. Fun times.

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              • In Forza 5 when I did online races at Daytona I would go in the wrong direction. It got people really raged and if you hit someone in the right place with the right car dimensions, either you or the other person will fly like 100 feet in the air.

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                • I have a few accidental trolls from Battlefield 4... Me and my friends were launching vehicles on Siege of Shanghai with C4, I got into a jeep and it went soaring, and then landed on a building. I was about to redeploy when I realized I was not alone; there was an enemy sniper that was somehow completely oblivious of me. I ran him over, fell off the side of the building, hit an enemy helicopter on the way down, and got a triple kill. I had never laughed so hard in my life. Another one I recently got; My friend and I were playing Hainan Resort, it was the beginning of a match, our teammate wasted the little bird to get us on top of the hotel. The enemy heli was closing in, and landed on top of the building after I landed a few hits with a stinger. No one was in it when it landed, so I assumed he died. I started repairing the heli facing the driver seat, and the guy I thought died got in the helicopter AS I WAS REPAIRING IT, and I ended up accidentally killing him the repair torch. I then proceeded to destroy the entire enemy team with my brand new heli. >:D So funny.

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                  • I used to T-bag everyone I killed in Crysis 3. I was even the number one T-bagger in the world for that game at a time. [spoiler]life goals[/spoiler]

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                    • Edited by Hantaa: 2/26/2015 1:25:53 AM
                      Whenever someone makes me mad I just call up my friend and he'll get online, join the party, and SCREAM at the top of his lungs. Sometimes they'll kick him and set it to invite only, I will then proceed to invite him back.

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                      • Trap teammates in corners on call of duty and force them to kill themselves to get out lel

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                        • Sometimes I just accidentally troll e.g. Playing halo 4 on ragnarok, base near cliff, guy just spawned. I was driving around the back of the base in my warthog, hit the guy who just spawned. Got around the other side of the base, guy spawned again and I ran into him and killed him again... I was then kicked. I wonder why.( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

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                          • I like to play games differently than everyone else and if some consider my tactics to be trolling so be it. I will admit though that I have been known to antagonize arrogant players with entitlement issues on occasion.

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                          • Back when Reach was new and exciting, my brother basically berated everyone in the lobby by telling them that he outranked all of them because he was a captain. He went fully into the role too. He was all "listen here, because I am the commanding officer here, I expect each and every one of you to lay your lives down on the line in order to guarantee my safety. If I tell you to kill yourselves, you better damn well do it before I charge you with mutiny". When someone took him seriously and tried to explain the ranking system to him, he said "I am a Captain, I own an entire warship. You're nothing but a Field Marshall. What do you have? Nothing but a field! I'll burn your field with my warship."

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                            • Act like I'm AFK then shotgun when someone checks me out

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                              • I tell little kids that I'm part of lizard squad and that I just took all of their Xbox live gold time, and their account money. I had this kid once that said his "nana" had used $100 on his account and I said that he only had 2 days left to play, then he started crying. I told him that I gave it back. ^.^

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                                • Lol

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                                • That is not trolling, that is called being a jackass.

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                                  • In a minecraft server I used to play on there was this one guy that EVERYONE, especially the admins hated. So I decided to set a teleport spot near his house (plugin) and since it was a PvP server I could have some fun. Over the course of a week or so I got him to rage quit the server. He ranted. A lot.

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                                    • Several years back i pretended to be herobrine in minecraft (dont worry i dont still play minecraft) my friend believed it and still does to this day

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                                      • camp with the sniper scorpion on halo 4 and reach nuff said

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