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Edited by WattledLearner7: 12/29/2014 1:50:18 PM

new destiny ending

Ok guys this is my first post so pls bear with me here's but this is what I think actually happened or will happen. o______________o speaking with tenses when talking about time is really hard. Anyway this what happened or will happened depending on where you look at it. So let's fast forward a thousand years into the future or so. Humanity won against the darkness and the traveler is healed and everything looks good and it looks like war is behind us. UNTIL, after the traveler is healed, it prposes that we fight with it to conquer any last enemies that still worship the darkness in trade for technology and power beyond any of our dreams. We decline saying that now that the fight is over we deserve some rest and that the traveler should go on its on. The traveler insists that we come and we still decline. Now ,at this moment of history, the traveler gets mad and [u][i][b]demands[/b][/i][/u] that we follow it to purge of the world of the darkness. We still decline and say that we won't follow the traveller anywhere anytime soon. [b]At that moment [/b] the traveller unleashes creatures of pure light to attack us. We try to fight but like the first time with the collapse we weren't ready and the attack wiped us swiftly and totally. Only a few of us survived due to the fact that we were able to hide underground until the traveler called back its creatures. As the traveller travels the cosmos to search for an army, he remembers that there was a strong powerful creature that we used to fight when the traveller was still crippled. [u][i][b]THE VEX[/b][/i][/u].*TERRIFYING SCARY MUSIC*. Anyway using its technological know-how the traveler used machine and light to create the vex (the same way he created the ghosts), to help him him to purge the world from evil. But this time because the traveler wanted to make the machines indestructible he created the heart and soul of his machines inside himself (the black garden) so the only way for his creations to die, or to stop being produced, the enemy would have to kill him which would be impossible since he would be behind an impenetrable shield of vex. He also used his power to make sure that this source wasn't only contained in the traveler, he made sure that he could send to anyplace anytime in car of an impending doom. And so the traveler went on conquering planets using the vex as his weapon to slave the people of the planet, so he can recruit them to help him with his attack so his army is always growing; and also as reassurance that the people of the planet won't rebel against him in the future he made sure that he terraformed any planet that he had colonised to a machine so his vex can easily control it in case of an emergency. Now as all of this was happening, humanity grew again after the traveler's attack and we prospered to an another golden age were although we found great miracles this time, we didn't leave our planet because we remembered that this whole collapse-traveler deal only started when we visited mars. Eventually the guardians and the traveler turned from troth to history to legend to (eventually) myth. Although this, we were never forgotten as there were still some relics from the city, like frames and flags, and from the hive, like knight swords and acolyte guns, and from the fallen, like swords and guns, and even the from the guardians themselves like dead ghost and titan marks and hunter cloaks and warlock bonds. After conquering many worlds the traveler eventually came back to earth were all of this started. He offers us to stand down and not fight and then he'll take our planet without harm. We, of course, denied the offer, but just as he was about to launch the vex at us we were able to make contact with them. Now i think its time I explained the vex, because the vex ,at this period of time, are not as we think they are. The vex are smart, intelligent creatures with the capability to hater information in their life span. Now every vex type has their own leader or a gate lord if you want to call it like that that has lived the longest through his clan and has learned the most from his attack on different life forms. Now, back to the story, we are talking to the vex right before they were going to attack us, and we start telling them about how the traveler is evil and how they should not attack us. Now the gate lords of the vex clans start believing on our talk and they start to question the traveler and they're way of living and they start thinking about all those planets they have taken, and if they were taking them in the name of some thing pure or in the name of a democrat. At this moment the vex switch sides from the traveler to the humans, [b]but[/b] the army of other creatures from the colonised planets that the vex have taken are too scared of the traveler to with sides and also one vex stayed with the traveler, his name was [i][u][b]Atheon[/b][/u][/i]. Now for his loyalty, the traveler showed atheon how to travel between space and time so he could defeat the vex but as atheon learned of his power the vex also discovered this power so this was a battle between space and time itself. As historians searched for a secret, lost, way to defeat the traveler, they wished that if only the vex were stronger when they were fighting the crippled traveler. And from there the idea sparked to send the vex back through time to attack the traveler when he was still weak. The biggest problem was atheon would go back in time to warn the traveler and so the vex, with the help of the humans, created a trap for atheon. Using ancient powers from artifacts and bending light through time and space the vex were able to create a secret place in time and space were no machine could ever run away from as any travel through time and space would return you in the same place. and the next time atheon showed up he was captured using the light he was created from to bound him to the this new place which they decided to call [b]THE VAULT OF GLASS[/b] and they sent some of their most powerful recruits to protect the vault like the oracles and the templar. As the traveler hears about this story he send some of his most loyal races like the fallen, the hive, and the cabalt to destroy the vex before they win. Now that atheon is gone and the rest of the enemies are no real threat the vex travelled back in time to destroy the traveller before he ever regains strength, with one of the most powerful generals of human civilisation. Although her name is not known, many of us know her as [i][b]THE EXO STRANGER[/b][/i]. She still keeps in contact of the future humans using a small but powerful device installed into her ear and made by the remnants of a vex casualty from the war. In our current time when the traveler is still crippled the exo stranger stroked a bargain with the queen of the reef to help her for a guaranteed safe kingdom from any danger when the traveler dies. And so I finished my story about what i think would or [b]should[/b] happen in the next coming destiny expansions or at least destiny 2 thank you for reading this, this is my first post and i hope you liked it, i know its long but it packs a quite exiting story for a destiny universe. Also this post wasn't totally created from my mind, it was a combination of knowledge from grimoire cards, posts and youtube videos so i don't claim to say this is a totally original idea. now this story has a lot of holes in it so I will answer some of the most obvious questions about this theory How are the vex creatures of light? the proof is that they come as white lightning through storms and they the liquid that they spill when they die is white. If the hive, fallen, and cab alt are all fighting the vex why don't they just go fight them instead of us? the main reason is that they're also trying to kill all humans as if humans die now the hive, fallen, cabalt can revive the traveler and there would be no humans turn the vex against the traveler. And it is proven that the vex don't like the other races as the eco stranger says "evil so dark that it despises other evil" If the darkness is with the traveler who wounded it in the first place? the vex because they wonted to kill the traveler before it ever reached humanity. Why don't the vex just go back in time to kill the traveler before it was near humanity? Because if they kill the traveler before it reaches humanity the traveler wouldn't create the vex which would make them cease to exist and all the monuments that they have created to disappear which would also make them stop to exist through time and then no one would be there to stop the traveler from reaching humanity THIS IS TOO CONFUSING!!!! I know but any good backstory has to be. pls post your comments and any questions that i haven't answered and if you agree with me or not

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