Give me arc shield + red health over a bullet sponge major any day. At least shields you just need the right weapon type to make them melt. Majors and Ultras (can someone pls tell me the actual different btw? Thx) can take a serious beating before going down.
Ultras i suppose would be a named mob but who cares interchangeable term for yellow bars
majors are any yellow bar enemies, ultras are bosses, for example, phogoth, archon priest, sepiks, etc. and I completely agree I wish they had arc shields and red health bars haha I'm just saying everyone thought they would have them in Crota's end and no one would believe me when I said they wouldn't haha
Majors are any scum mobs with yellow bars. Bosses with yellow bars are ultras.
What classifies as a "boss" tho? You're saying Phogoth is a hive ultra? Sepiks Prime a fallen ultra? I guess I just considered them bosses and nothing else but okay that makes sense. Reaver mobs, etc, are the majors.
If they have a skull next to their name, they are ultras