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12/25/2014 4:08:22 AM
It makes no sense to me either. If the goal was to FORCE players who want to access 80% of the vendors (for whatever reason) or to eliminate one way to GRIND for items then it makes sense. Who cares how anyone decides to spend their OWN time grinding in Destiny? Why MUST we play the horrendous Crucible when watching paint dry is much more enjoyable? If the Crucible was more like Halo I doubt there would be so much negativity. Any game that has stockpiles of specific items should be a good indication there is a problem. They don't even bother to give us a solution for armor salvage or the millions of salvaged ships we all did. Just keep giving us more brown rare ships I guess. No one is asking for nerfs, buffs, cheats, etc. All we want is to be able to farm materials and be able to buy stuff from the default vendors. I'm even OK with only allowing reputation gains for the Crucible Vendors be from the Crucible only. Since all of the reputation gains of the factions have been from PvE, don't tell me they can't take PvE currency. We do Patrol Missions for these Factions so we should be able to buy from them without stepping one foot into the horrendous Crucible. To the Crucible lovers, ask yourself a question, why do you think Bungie is doing so much to force us into the Crucible? Is it because everyone but a tiny few play it? Doubtful from all the posts. Is it because once we all play it we'll love it? Hell No, the more I try it the worse it is. Is it because Destiny's Crucible is one of the best PvP game types of all? Double Hell No. Is it because the Crucible numbers are tremendously low compared to Patrols, strikes and raids? Hell Yes. This is the FIRST PvE/PvP game I've played that I just completely dislike PvP. It does almost everything wrong. I LOVED Halo 2 PvP and still love DC Universe Online. All they had to do is bring over Halo 2 PvP, customize and tweak it for Destiny and it would have been great. You know... small maps, big maps, CTF, vehicles, custom games, voting maps, etc. If only Destiny had more in common with DC Universe Online than with Pong 1 and Pong 2 and even Pong 3D. It's almost unbelievable that this company had anything to do with the Halo franchise. Is this really the same company that made Halo the juggernaut it became? Bungie, if you did sell your soul to Microsoft, you might want to beg them to come back and get it back so you can make the groundbreaking games like we thought you could do with Destiny.

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