You sir are ignorant when someone says you can get banned from doing a certain thing and then does their research and gives the exact words in the terms and conditions I would probably listen to them. On another note when someone says they have a friend, brother, sister, etc. that knows their shit or they are one I'd also listen to them me personally i took the hour and a half read of terms of service and know that a disconnection "glitch" isn't a glitch it's an exploit like head glitching it's most of the time not intentional but an exploit. I am a programmer. Certain and repetative variables can and will most likely result in banning of an account i.e. repetitively turning your console off to keep crota on his knees so you can win easier will be easily spotted. Now if it was once because the fireteam leader actually disconnected due to internet problems thats different. When you have one account repeatedly doing it every week on 3 characters someones account will be banned. Most likely they wil start with a warning letter and if it continues they will ban that account from the internet.
I remember the first thread about people getting banned for manipulating networks for Atheon, but the bans never came.
Of course you'd claim to be a programmer. I'm done on this thread. You guys can have your stupid.
And he already claimed he knew about the connection crap because a porfessional gamer friend, shouldn't a programmer know that though?
Of coarse I'd claim to be what i am.