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originally posted in: Crota's end glitch collection
12/21/2014 4:25:48 PM
(Part 2) Moving on, if you're going to try and tell me that none of what you originally posted even remotely implies either, that people who cheese are doing something that's bad (by, as you said, negatively affecting the "quality" of items?) and/or that posting all of these glitches with the direct intent to help Bungie change them so to purposefully prevent others from using them, and that this is not in any way you trying to control how others play or tell them how they should play, then I'm sorry to say that my first instinct is going to be to call you a liar, because it certainly feels that doing so means that you're either being dishonest with me, or with yourself (or maybe both; these aren't mutually exclusive). You very clearly and explicitly dictate in your opening paragraph how you think players should feel for gaining items in the raid, and that the manner in which other players get through the raid somehow diminishes something for you. So it comes off as extremely dishonest if you're going to spin your argument to now sound like you're "doing your duty as a gamer." This is absolutely not what your intention is. Fine, I can easily concede that whether or not you attempt the raid does not change that the glitches exist. However, that in no way invalidates any of my other points. More importantly, those exploits do not make the game unplayable or unbeatable, unlike when running through the portal in VoG doesn't always pull you out. One of these obviously need to be fixed, and the other does not matter in the grand scheme. So no, you're not allowed to try and play that card, as if it's your "duty." That won't work. Your only duty is to yourself. At best, you can try to make the argument that "you feel inclined to help fix issues in the game," but then I'll come back to my other points: these [glitches] are not things gamers need to press Bungie about, because they don't directly affect you. If you were only reporting the bugs--ie: things that explicitly prevent you from beating the raid, such as the portal in VoG--then I would say that you're 100% right, as those directly impact your player experience. Other players using glitches to beat the raid [i]does not affect you[/i]. As I also said before, there are a great deal of other things that, should players feel like speaking out, would be generally and universally far more effective or necessary. Since you apparently missed where you made a declaration about item worth, I'll just C&P it for you (it's in your opening paragraph, actually): "I want everyone who gets the loot from the raid to feel like they earned it. Instead of the quality being deminished (sic) because people just cheesed it." No assumptions on my part at all. The second sentence very explicitly makes a statement about "quality," which is the same in this sentence as "value." Here, they are entirely synonymous, unless there's some mysterious meaning for it that I'm unaware of. Unfortunately, I feel like I have break this way, way down. There are several "quality" possibilities here. 1) There's an abstract value in the item, based on the use-value to the individual using it. 2) There's a "monetary" value in the item, based on rarity. 3) There's a personal, abstract value that you give the item based on how easy you feel it was for you to obtain. What you'll find is that the second has no significance in Destiny, and the other two are based entirely on personal things. As I said long before, if someone else cheeses to get an item, it in no way diminishes the value of that item for anyone else. Period. Unless, of course, there's some "quality" that you're referring to that I've somehow missed? Please feel free to elaborate. Secondly, the statement "I want people to feel..." IS a statement of personal feeling and desire. You would have to be blind to miss that the phrase "I want" is in and of itself a statement of desiring something. Please spare yourself in the future by not making silly insulting remarks about what I obviously read, and what you clearly wrote and don't seem to remember. It only diminishes [i]your[/i] integrity, not mine.

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