How many times have I used a shotgun that one-shots at medium range only take a titan to 2-thirds health at point blank range because they used their FoH? And I know they didn't have the "You are much harder to kill while using FoH" perk because they were Shoulder Charging the rest of the game. Voidwalkers are glass cannons, they are easier to kill than any hunter. Which balances out their nuke-super they usually die while using. Not to mention you can't dodge/block a FoH like you can a Novabomb...
Edited by SnowPh4ntom: 12/18/2014 2:15:52 AMSorry, but all classes have the same health on crucible. That said, there is no other explanation, or that titan changed his perk or someone is lagging, the second happened with me a lot, making every class a bullet sponge. And strikers are useless at distance, use it at your favor.