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originally posted in: Destiny DLC: A Disappointment
12/12/2014 6:01:06 PM
hmm. Bungie knew that most of their sales would come from launch day, or pre-orders. They got their money. Whatever they will release next ( at least the immediate 2 expansions after game's launch ) will be crap. I mean come on... they sold DLC packs WITH PRE-ORDERS!!! That was the biggest indication that this game is going to be a cash cow. I don't think Bungie is even bothered about a few players like YOU and I; that we will not stand for this, that we won't buy their DLCs because basically they keep 're-releasing' the original game in parts as so-called DLCs. Most of us who are older (started gaming during 80s) understand what really is going on here. We are not used to paying for games as subscriptions or micro transactions. We are more into " I pay you one time, and you give me the finished product". Unfortunately, this is not the trend now. If you look at any game, be it on android, pc, console, you will notice a new (quite established) trend. Pay more, to get more. This may include micro transactions, DLCs, map packs etc. The new gaming generation has grown up with this trend, hence, for them what is happening in Destiny is quite normal. If I told my father 20 years ago that you will buy a car with full price and keep paying a monthly fee to keep it in tip top shape to the dealer, he'd be pissed. Us, the older gaming generations, are facing a similar problem. The rest of the world has moved on to this subscription based system because it ensures quality, content, and more bang for the buck. So what is really wrong with Destiny? Why isn't it working? because candy crush seems to work for everyone... old, new, any generation... Maybe this will help for you younger generation of the gamers to understand why the rest of the older gamers in the community are not happy with Destiny's current model. Subscription fees : are ok, as long as you are paying them for a game that gives you new content, new expansions, new maps, etc. Think about it this way, if a game did NOT provide NEW, FRESH CONTENT, no one would pay monthly fees to keep playing that game. And Destiny's DLCs are not fresh new content. I had low expectations from the first DLC anyways (since it was clear that they withheld content from original release and now selling them as DLC) but I had faith that they would do something to tie the story-line together. But alas!... after so many posts to bungie about bringing the Grimoire cards to the console character menu, and ideas on how to make bosses more interesting, I'm really sure now that DeeJ is just an escape goat for Bungie. I don't blame the guy. In fact, I feel sorry for the gamers like us. Content: a game that is massively multi-player online based needs to have so much content that players would have to take huge amounts of hours to grind to reach end-game scenarios. There should be a balance between grind and content. Players should feel like they are grinding with a purpose. This is usually done by associating grind with reputation gifts. For example, WoW had factions that gave you rare/ultra-rare mounts, weapons, gear etc. It had quest within a quest (Shadowmourne) if you wanted to kill Litch King with a special weapon. You could do it without it, but I had spent 3 months just to be able to get that weapon. Something like this, makes raids interesting. Also not to mention your enemies. Bosses have to have charisma. Bosses need to have some sort of impact on your gaming. This, I'm sorry to say, is HORRIBLY lacking in Destiny. I do not find any difference between killing a ninja Dreg and Aetheon. I'm sorry. I didn't feel any difference in achievement after I killed Phogoth vs after I killed the band of Wizards. Phogoth might as well be a lamp with a huge luminous bulb and it would probably be more interesting. The encounter with Phogoth is not difficult because of Pho', rather because of his goons. Remember Borderlands? and it's bosses? Cheesy? yes, but didn't it leave an impression on you after you finished the game? It did on me. So at the end of the day, what does this mean? It means that a new era of gaming has come. An era where gamers will pay to get things they want. It's not about waiting and finding an epic loot in some dark corner of the game world that no has ever heard of. Just like the TV made zombies of us, telling us what to eat, what to buy, how to behave, the gaming industry is now taking control of its gamers. They are telling us what to do, how to do it, how NOT to do it (so many -blam!-ed up patches on how NOT to kill a boss). Half-life (original) did not tell you either how the claw monsters see you and attack, or what the story is, but when you meet the scientists at Earth, they tell you how you -blam!-ed up and opened a portal into another world. Destiny's story-line is so frustrating, so frustrating, so ignorant of what the players are ACTUALLY experiencing, that it doesn't even feel like I'm playing a game. It feels like I'm doing something because the Ghost told me to do so. Does anyone know why we went into the Vault of Glass? And what we accomplished after defeating Aetheon? Anyone? -blam!- that! Can someone tell us why it is called the Vault of Glass? Why not Vault of LootsWhichYouMayGetWhenYouOpenBoxes? There is only one explanation on why the Vex are fighting other enemy factions, it's because, and I quote, "... an evils so dark that it despises other evils". Really robot girl? that's it? No explanation on why they only appear on Venus and Mars? No explanation on what kind of organic life they have under their armor? These raids have no purpose. We are not killing an enemy boss that has major impact on the story-line. They are just .... there. This is a long thought reply. I'm sorry. maybe I should make it a new thread. But meh... like the rest of you, I am also lazy

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  • I'm unable to explain how much I agree with this post. People who are okay with way this game was shipped have no idea on how much standards have dropped as far as content is concerned. Too much emphasis has been placed on next gen graphics, and a large part of the gaming community has been sold to believe that graphics should be the first indication of a good game. The sad part is that you can see traces of a deep narrative in Destiny, that at one point this game was meant to be so much more than what you see on the surface of the screen. The vault of glass is one of my biggest frustrations. I can understand the whole "10-year plan" and how they can't give all the story away at once, but at the very least, major events (I.E. A raid) in the game should be fully explained (within the game). Although It was awesome to beat Atheon, I felt no sense of accomplishment in the world of destiny when I did.I don't really feel like I helped the traveler, I don't feel like I saved any lives, it really meant nothing to me. The vault of glass is just an icon I click on. VoG is more comparable to a side quest than anything else. There's no direct sequence of events that culminates into me entering it. In most games, the raid boss has some kind of quest or storyline leading to them, why are they the big baddie, what made them so bad, what their goal is.

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  • This

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  • Here's an older game that's got a great immersive story, more content, and is under 700 MB.. Final Fantasy 6 (aka Final Fantasy 3 in the USA). I bought it on my Vita and iPad. Best $20 I ever spent. I forgot just how great these older games used to be and they didn't have remotely close to the amount of flashy graphics, cutscenes, and massive budgets like modern AAA games do today.

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  • You summed up all my rage for this game. Thank you.

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