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Edited by Lord Yesua: 12/15/2014 12:22:55 AM

Destiny DLC: A Disappointment

[b]Reflections of a Cheesed off Guardian[/b] We were told they were listening. We thought they would learn from their mistakes. The DLC has shown us that Bungie are not listening and didn't learn from their mistakes. The ‘story’ missions took about an hour to complete. That’s peanuts! They were set for the most part in the same old places and we found ourselves fighting the same old enemies. This 'expansion' feels more like an 'event'. [b]Chill out! What's the problem?[/b] This game lacks content, variety, and volume. It feels empty. Don’t get me wrong, [i]the shooting and graphics are awesome[/i]. But the lack of content and variety within this game make the grind unbearable. I enjoy RPGs. I don’t mind the grind (provided there is plenty of content), but in Destiny, the grind is a miserably, depressing joke. Not even Crota's scrota finds it funny. It is a hollow of a game. No wonder players began by shooting into a hole. It has the potential to be awesome but fails to deliver with the story and the variety of content. The grind would be almost bearable if they had given us 6 new PvP maps, 5 new strikes, 10 new story missions. Instead, they gave us rehashed missions in places we've already played with the odd additional space and minimal story telling. [b]A Box of Chocolates[/b] If I buy a box of the finest chocolates, I expect the box to be full with delicious chocolate treats. When I get half a box of mouldy chocolate pieces, I'm not happy and throw a hissy fit. When I buy a video game that promises so much but gives so little, I feel cheated of my money. Bungie, where's my [i]chocolate[/i]? [b]Positives [/b] Okay, so perhaps I'm being a bit negative. It is not all doom and gloom. Over the past few months Bungie have added a lot of the ideas promoted by players and game reviews. The new missions, though brief and largely in the same old places, were fun to play. Killing Urzok the Hated with three other random Guardians was a barrel of laughs. And the last part of the Urn of Sacrifice quest was epic. I was hoping for more playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. [b]Objections and Answers[/b] [b]Objection 1:[/b] ‘Stop crying and play another game’. Answer: Look, I do love this game. The shooting and graphics are awesome. I just feel the game has failed us in so many ways with regard to story, variety and volume of content. It has so much [i]potential[/i] but feels so [i]empty[/i]. Also ... I have a right to voice my opinion. Google 'freedom of speech'. If you don't agree with what I say, don't just tell me to zip it, give me [i]reasons [/i]why you think I'm wrong. [b]Objection 2:[/b] 'You guys complain about not enough [i]new[/i] content, but then you don't want to do the [i]new[/i] content when provided'. Answer: The content provided is the same old grind, killing the same old enemies, in the same old places ... sure great [i]new[/i] content. #DoubleSpeak [b]Objection 3:[/b] 'I thought we got a fair bit of DLC for our money' (yes, people are seriously saying this). Answer: Compare the Destiny expansion with the expansions of Skyrim and Oblivion (they were huge!). Destiny has fallen short of the standard set by last gen games. Don't get me wrong, the game is good. The shooting is engaging and the graphics are beautiful. I simply expect more content to ease the monotony of the grind and make it more interesting and enjoyable. I don't get why people are opposed to the idea of more playable content. It is weird. [b]Objection 4:[/b] ‘Quit whining and hating on Destiny’. Answer: In fact, I love this game. I want to see it get better and realise its potential. Surely you want the same? [b]Objection 5:[/b] ‘Don’t comment till you've done the raid’. Answer: That is another can of worms. A social based game like Destiny should include within itself the in-game mechanics to encourage social activity. Where is the in-game LFG forum for making teams to do the raid? Seems like a glaring omission to me. Even so, why can’t I comment on the story missions and the strike when I've played them? [b]Objection 6:[/b] 'It is more DLC than what CoD usually offers'. Answer: The problem is FPS CoD players don't see how empty this expansion is compared with what MMO and RPG players have come to expect from expansions. Destiny is a strange hybrid ... a jack of all trades ... Given the MMO/RPG aspects, I thought the expansion would substantially add to the game's playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. I think that this was a fair expectation. [b]LIKE[/b] and [b]BUMP[/b] if you agree. [b]Thanks for all the support! Cheers Guardians![/b] [b]600+ likes and a load of bumps!! [/b]

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  • should fix your heading. Insert something stating this is YOUR opinion.

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    4 Replies
    • A wise man once said; [quote]Destiny is the dumbest game I've ever loved. [/quote]

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    • Funny you say this is more like an event. In all honesty, whats the difference betwen the Queens Guard event and Eris's stuff? A few missions some new bounties, and a new vendor

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    • Plays game for 150 hours; complains about lack of content . . .

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      32 Replies
      • Bump #readthisbungie #destiny #cutoutactivision #giveuswhatwepaidfor #bungie #-blam!-yourlamedlc

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      • Bump

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      • the dlc is lazy and its the same old shit just more grinds against the same enemys in the same places

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      • Unfortunately, most are. I'll still continue to play though, because this is the only game that interests me right now..:))

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      • The inquisition needs you!

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      • Kind of true, but at least its a good game you get addicted to, and if there are problems, Bungie trys to fix it. Not like Battlefied 4 which was a disaster.

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by casper: 12/12/2014 5:59:24 PM
          I'm disappointed that the left sector of the tower doors are still closed, where speaker and new monarchy are located. Also I'm not hating on destiny but for what we got id say $10 expansion at most. If we got a new planet and all those story modes included i'd say $20 is good price. I'll keep playing destiny, but feel like at this rate it will be destiny 2 before we see the tower area's unlocked as well as other planets. Wish we had more details about the future of the game, and not a big secret.

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        • Bump. #Chocolates #ALittleBitMiffed

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        • BUMP

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        • I completely agree.

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        • bump

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        • The DLC has been one of the biggest cons in video game history. Developers in general this generation have been beyond lazy. With the current direction of the market companies like EA, Ubisoft, Activision, and Bungie we are headed for another crash like 1983. How is Destiny not labelled the new E.T. of the Atari 2600?

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          2 Replies
          • Give me an example of an "expansion" that gave as much as you wish The Dark Below would have given... FOR TWENTY BUCKS.

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            30 Replies
            • Just started playing the free download of INJUSTICE God's among us. . . More story than Destiny...

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              • Bump

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              • Even worse when you add in two things; -the areas already existed and just needed minor details and population -the enemies are reskinned

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              • I agree 100%, in fact, I'm going to buy FFRR and FC3 and quit Destiny because in all honesty "potential" means shit when it's wasted. And that's all I see now for the future of Destiny, wasted potential and more bad decisions like exotic resets that basically punish players for spending time in the game. Which is inexcusable. -blam!- me once, your bad. -blam!- me twice, my bad for trusting you. -blam!- me three times and you can go -blam!- yourself from now on, I'm done being -blam!-ed. So, go -blam!- yourself Bungie, I'm done with you and all future Bungie products.

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              • With daily bounties, strikes weeklies and nightfall, crucible, eris, 3 faction, vanguard, patrol and exotic bounties I have never felt like the game is to repetitive. Adding the dlc just gave me more. Sure the story is still light on content. Kinda like the first few chapters of any book. It takes time to develop. Destiny will be an awesome story, we are just at the beginning.

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                10 Replies
                • The worst part is I feel I am being punished for being a conscious consumer and reading reviews before I buy into something. I did not preorder because I planned on reading reviews before attempting to buy the xpac Tuesday evening. However, feedback Tuesday morning/afternoon was TERRIBLE! I decided to not buy and continue to enjoy the nightfall/weekly/daily on my 3 different characters since I don't raid or pvp. I didn't even log on the first 2 days because of the news of lockouts. I decided to finally check it out yesterday (Thursday) and even the DAILY was locked! Logged out immediately. I have never experienced a game that punished players for not buying DLC. I can't even get 3 months from a full priced game if I don't pay more? I did not sign up for a subscription service, but would happily support quality content. The new stuff should entice me to opt in, not force me in, which only pushes me away.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Why don't you people just stop. What this DLC offers for $20 is more than what MOST games offer for the same.

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                    10 Replies
                    • I am not one to whine. I have enjoyed almost all of the hours I have plugged into Destiny. It's probably the greatest co-op experience ever, and as a co-op junkie, I love it for that. So it's meaningful that The Dark Below is the first time I have ever felt ripped off for buying a piece of content. Ever. In any game. It has left such a sour taste in my mouth that I don't have much desire to play Destiny anymore.

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