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Edited by Lord Yesua: 12/15/2014 12:22:55 AM

Destiny DLC: A Disappointment

[b]Reflections of a Cheesed off Guardian[/b] We were told they were listening. We thought they would learn from their mistakes. The DLC has shown us that Bungie are not listening and didn't learn from their mistakes. The ‘story’ missions took about an hour to complete. That’s peanuts! They were set for the most part in the same old places and we found ourselves fighting the same old enemies. This 'expansion' feels more like an 'event'. [b]Chill out! What's the problem?[/b] This game lacks content, variety, and volume. It feels empty. Don’t get me wrong, [i]the shooting and graphics are awesome[/i]. But the lack of content and variety within this game make the grind unbearable. I enjoy RPGs. I don’t mind the grind (provided there is plenty of content), but in Destiny, the grind is a miserably, depressing joke. Not even Crota's scrota finds it funny. It is a hollow of a game. No wonder players began by shooting into a hole. It has the potential to be awesome but fails to deliver with the story and the variety of content. The grind would be almost bearable if they had given us 6 new PvP maps, 5 new strikes, 10 new story missions. Instead, they gave us rehashed missions in places we've already played with the odd additional space and minimal story telling. [b]A Box of Chocolates[/b] If I buy a box of the finest chocolates, I expect the box to be full with delicious chocolate treats. When I get half a box of mouldy chocolate pieces, I'm not happy and throw a hissy fit. When I buy a video game that promises so much but gives so little, I feel cheated of my money. Bungie, where's my [i]chocolate[/i]? [b]Positives [/b] Okay, so perhaps I'm being a bit negative. It is not all doom and gloom. Over the past few months Bungie have added a lot of the ideas promoted by players and game reviews. The new missions, though brief and largely in the same old places, were fun to play. Killing Urzok the Hated with three other random Guardians was a barrel of laughs. And the last part of the Urn of Sacrifice quest was epic. I was hoping for more playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. [b]Objections and Answers[/b] [b]Objection 1:[/b] ‘Stop crying and play another game’. Answer: Look, I do love this game. The shooting and graphics are awesome. I just feel the game has failed us in so many ways with regard to story, variety and volume of content. It has so much [i]potential[/i] but feels so [i]empty[/i]. Also ... I have a right to voice my opinion. Google 'freedom of speech'. If you don't agree with what I say, don't just tell me to zip it, give me [i]reasons [/i]why you think I'm wrong. [b]Objection 2:[/b] 'You guys complain about not enough [i]new[/i] content, but then you don't want to do the [i]new[/i] content when provided'. Answer: The content provided is the same old grind, killing the same old enemies, in the same old places ... sure great [i]new[/i] content. #DoubleSpeak [b]Objection 3:[/b] 'I thought we got a fair bit of DLC for our money' (yes, people are seriously saying this). Answer: Compare the Destiny expansion with the expansions of Skyrim and Oblivion (they were huge!). Destiny has fallen short of the standard set by last gen games. Don't get me wrong, the game is good. The shooting is engaging and the graphics are beautiful. I simply expect more content to ease the monotony of the grind and make it more interesting and enjoyable. I don't get why people are opposed to the idea of more playable content. It is weird. [b]Objection 4:[/b] ‘Quit whining and hating on Destiny’. Answer: In fact, I love this game. I want to see it get better and realise its potential. Surely you want the same? [b]Objection 5:[/b] ‘Don’t comment till you've done the raid’. Answer: That is another can of worms. A social based game like Destiny should include within itself the in-game mechanics to encourage social activity. Where is the in-game LFG forum for making teams to do the raid? Seems like a glaring omission to me. Even so, why can’t I comment on the story missions and the strike when I've played them? [b]Objection 6:[/b] 'It is more DLC than what CoD usually offers'. Answer: The problem is FPS CoD players don't see how empty this expansion is compared with what MMO and RPG players have come to expect from expansions. Destiny is a strange hybrid ... a jack of all trades ... Given the MMO/RPG aspects, I thought the expansion would substantially add to the game's playable content to make the grind more enjoyable. I think that this was a fair expectation. [b]LIKE[/b] and [b]BUMP[/b] if you agree. [b]Thanks for all the support! Cheers Guardians![/b] [b]600+ likes and a load of bumps!! [/b]

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  • I lol'd at Crota's scrota, have a like sir.

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    • I must say i was disappointed as well. The three missions, 4 quests and 1 strike took me less then 2 hours to complete and i didn't see much new stuff. Mission one ended in fighting a knight with a huge sword which is similar to the old mission "Sword of Crota" and during the second mission you were standing on a platform fighting off enemies ending in a show down with an Ogre just like the "Chamber of Night" mission on the moon. Even the strike seems to be composed of existing ideas. Tier 2 is where you stand in the hall fighting off enemies who arrive by ships which is a copy of "The Last Array" mission and fighting of wizard and knights in the end is done like everywhere like in tier 1 of the summoning pits. Anyway, i will still be playing but hoped for new bosses or a new breed of enemies, not just pimped wizards who scream a lot. Oh, and the upgrade with 2 light levels was nice until i noticed everything like strikes, missions etc. were also upgraded so basicly it doesn't get you anywhere?

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    • Bump

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    • C'mon mate,now you can get fabulous "Rare" blue weapons,the reward system it's changed totally,now is based on "pure luck" (OMG like it was before!),you have struggled to reach level 30,and now anyone skilled or not,can buy stuff and get there in a couple of days,you have the most absurd bounties to complete for Eris(just to get for reward the same old rubbish),your hard earned upgradings on weapons are totally erased and put aside by the new stuff wich is there in the shops for anyone to be grabbed,the new Raid it's a product of a disturbed mind under poor acid,and totally inferior to the VoG ( here I don't mean difficoulty,I mean "content"),they fixed the Criptarrc,in fact today after hitting level 39,he gave me two...and i repeat two, fabulous Blue engrams,these are joys not to be forgotten soon! How can you not be happy about the DLC? :-)

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    • Bump

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    • Loving the DLC so far and can't wait to raid. That strike was intense and a blast to play. More of this will be just fine every couple months.

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      3 Replies
      • This is a complete and total fail bungie. Please let me explain. I have been playing mmo's for over 15 years and one thing they take a lot of is time. Which is expected and normal for rpgs mmos etc. I love spending my free time playing good games, just DONT WASTE MY TIME! The fact is I spent hours in your meaningless grinds to get ascended materials so that I can max out my exotic weapons and armor and my legendary and now with one small dlc(which I hope theres more too) you make all new better armor and weapons and all that time people spent is wasted? One of the dumbest ideas I have seen in a MMO to date. And your now allowing us to swap out fully leveled exotics at a cost of 7k glimmer for and exotic we will have to level all over again? Completely insane in my opinion. Please get your stuff together bungie and fire whoever is coming up with these horrible ideas. #disappointment

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      • I tried the raid the other day it's disappointing how short it is

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      • Bump

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      • They had plenty of time to hear you. And I believe Bungie HAS heard you, us, all of us that hate how shallow this game feels. But this DLC was coded well before launch. They didn't have the time in the 3 months between launch (when we started talking) and the release date to completely rebuild the DLC from the ground up. I think they changed what they could about the DLC (gear/exotic related changes and the raid loot tables), and then moved on. And I highly suspect that this is already the problem with the House of Wolves DLC. Sucks, but Bungie appears to be in a huge hurry to release stuff, at the detriment of the Story.

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        8 Replies
        • That final boss of the story was awesome, that alone was worth $20.

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        • Why would you expect bungie to give you a box of chocolates? That's just unreasonable....

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        • I am so pissed. this DLC sucks! I watched how to do everything online and didn't try to use my own brain and figure things out. Screw this game for thinking I would enjoy figuring things out for myself and not rely on other people to do my work for me. For shame. #sarcasm

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        • if you are bored of the game its simple... [b][/b]DON'T PLAY

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            I just feel like $20 isn't a heck of a lot of cash to be complaining about. It's cool that you don't like the DLC content, but some people actually do. I'm just pissed that I spent numerous VoG hours only to be let down now that my Raid armor is obsolete. You upset me Bungie. I thought we had something special, and then you had to go and crush my dreams of being a bad-ass Guardian!

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            • There is a lot more to the DLC than just the story missions. There is a raid, 3 multiplayer maps, and loads of new weapons and armor. I get the feeling like people just want to bad-mouth Destiny because it's the "in" thing to do. Many of the people who are bashing this game for it's lack of content have well over 100+ hours played, it's just mind boggling that getting 100 hours of play isn't enough for some people. Even if those people with over 100+ hours paid for the DLC (even if they paid for the entire expansion pass), they still have paid less than $1 an hour for entertainment. That's about as cheap as it gets. Yes there are things about Destiny that anger me, but overall I've more than gotten my money's worth out of this game. There is no doubt in my mind that Bungie is learning as they go with this type of game and with constructive criticism we can help them make the game we all want.

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              41 Replies
              • Edited by johnSparten117: 12/12/2014 8:09:22 AM
                I just don't understand why people bothered buying the DLC. For those that didn't pre order the special edition then why after playing the shallow shell of a game did you buy the DLC? I bought the special edition on pre order because of my false assumptions that Bungie could do no wrong. I literally have been a fan for years. I signed up for Bnet in 2007. So after playing this game and being insanely disappointed I haven't even downloaded the DLC even though I own it already. I refuse to support these business tactics in the gaming industry. Sure, a lot of us like to bitch and complain but if we feel that way then we need to back it up. If you don't like it, STOP supporting them and giving them your money!!!! Edit: I don't mean to be the person who says " you don't like it get lost ". I am simply trying to encourage people to stop giving them money on cut content if your disappointed. An example needs to be made eventually because regardless if Bungie are for the fans, in the end there watching dollars not how many exotics you can unlock! Please purchase responsibly.

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                7 Replies
                • My take on it.

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                • Played hard, did the raid a ton, got to 30 and had sweet gear. Got the DLC, was hyped...replaced all my gear in 4 hours...figured I would keep going... Now? So if I raid hard it will still take me for ever to get to 32 due to the new materials. I could just go for 31, but that is still going to take a while unless I go back and run VoG 3 time a week again... but I am kinda done with that. Soooooooo is it worth the grind? Hell no. They have made to many false walls. Always on a Friday for his Xurness, then some little bit to get coins and run the nighfall. The raid looks nice and I will give it a go sometimes. TLDR To many hoops to jump though and no longer worth the effort. BURNT.

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                  4 Replies
                  • Ferguson had a better storyline than Destiny.

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                  • I think we all have to keep in mind this DLC was already being developed at or a lil before launch. So why people expected this DLC to be such a revolutionary change is beyond me. You can argue if they'd release this DLC on a later date, but tbh that would only cause other people to be mad out of boredom. See this as a popsicle to keep us quiet and busy until they are done with their big DLC.

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                    4 Replies
                    • My autistic nephew still tells better stories. The gameplay is fun. But epic storytelling is false advertising.

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                    • Edited by aem: 12/12/2014 3:29:08 AM
                      The seraphim vault was probably the most intriguing thing I've seen all DLC. In a world of ruins you see this and you start wonder to how the city below looks like. Insanely tech oriented. I thought coming to the edge of the map right before you go underground the weapon that protected Earth would be revealed coming out of the water or something. Like the huge satellite popping from the ground from one of the first major missions of the game, but instead it's just Ikora saying some words and then nothing. Hell no one said anything in this game. We haven't actually had any dialogue with any of the enemies yet. What they are doing, what they want? How they even feel about the guardians fighting them (besides being shot at) And the sorry excuse for cinematics that can be counted on one hand of an amputee. Destiny is a prime example of great minimalistic design and form for UI and mechanics, but not entirely functional with any sort of depth. If by second DLC, it's just another 2 lvls to progress through, missions played in areas that are just again backwards with no real new areas to explore or traverse to, no cinematics, no characters actually talking (not just dialogue with a ship flying), and the reef still nothing on it, not sure I'll continue this game. Watch by the Second DLC, BUNGIE will be repeating themselves again: [i]This DLC will completely change how you play Destiny...[/i]

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                    • I was hoping for more planets. Forge, Custom Crucible, and Theater. Now [i]that[/i] would be an expansion.

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                    • should fix your heading. Insert something stating this is YOUR opinion.

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