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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 12/11/2014 9:54:19 AM


Quality matters more than Quantity




Allow me to explain my point. First off I apologize for the all Caps title, but that seems to be the only way to get attention nowadays. People (Myself included) have been complaining about the quality of the content that was in the Dark Below and how little we get for our $20. In turn numerous people across the forum have responded with an extremely similar argument. An argument that I will now sum up to best of my abilities. [quote]ITS NOT ABOUT THE QWALITY OF THE CONTINT BRUH, ITS ABOUT HOW MUCH TIME I CAN SPEND PLAYING IT. YEAH ITS $20 BUT I COULD GET 20+ HOURS OF GAMEPLAY OUT OF IT[/quote] So we have established that the QUANTITY of hours that content can provide outweighs the QUALITY that the content consists of. So by that logic alone it means that World of Warcraft and Call of Duty are the greatest games in history. I mean how many games can compare to the sheer number of hours played that these games have provided?!? Because obviously regardless of the QUALITY of their respective content its overshadowed by the QUANTITY of hours that their content can bring. TL;DR Please use actual logic when arguing your points because it is woefully easy to take incredibly ignorant logic like that I demonstrated above and make it into an absolute farce. You wanna defend your viewpoint? Thats fine. Just don't behave like an imbecile in the process.

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  • I think you're right, quality over quantity... Which is why the DLC was worth £20

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    2 Replies
    • Off topic,Wow is shit compared to everquest. No game has ever came close.

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      4 Replies
      • Cod is 3 or 4 maps for $15. Definitely not worth it

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      • Haha love the tags. I know what call of duty is, So I can play that and not feel ripped off. I know what bungie is [i]or was[/i] and I thought there'd be way more to destiny then whatever this is. It's gross, makes me feel shameless every time I play.

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        2 Replies
        • WoW is the best game ever, I don't play because it's to addictive. I'm a husband and dad and that game runes life's! But it's freaking awesome

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          3 Replies
          • Took a two year break from wow, decided to check out wod and I have to say this expac is pretty damn great. I don't mind paying a monthly sub if the content is there.

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          • QUALITY Destiny: graphics, combat action WoW: PvP ranking systems with gear and weapon rewards, pvp and pve matchmaking, hard mode gear, better transmog options (shaders), better economy (auction house, player trade option, vendor selling), better pvp games, less boss cheesing, faction choices, storyline QUANTITY Destiny: ???? WoW: more raid and dungeon (strike) boss fights per expansion, more gear shader options, more in-world activity (quests, rare spawns, mat farming, barber shop), more pve/pvp rewards Pretty much wow has more quality AND quantity. That's why destiny feels like it's lacking content and the fact there's no pvp system outside iron banner gear, which takes no skill to get, makes pvp pointless. It's not enough strikes and raids to hold interest. The game is fun and all that but it's missing too much content that an MMO in 2014 should have.

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            • What was wrong with the quality of The Dark Below? It had far more quality than quantity. I guess I'm just a retard.

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            • Edited by ChiknStew29: 12/11/2014 12:42:56 PM
              right out of the gate there are several reasons as to why developers are less worried about content than churning out a quick and guaranteed return on their product. because of games like CoD and WoW. that being said, bringing back the discussion to focus on Destiny. I mean, it doesn't really take a rocket scientist to see that the market has steadily been declining over the past few years with children controlling the sales brackets of AAA titles. that tells big businesses to focus on creating more titles that appeal to a younger audience, for they control their parents purse strings. sorry, rambled a bit. Destiny has succumbed to the same plague. Where a brilliant story was in the making, key persons in the creation of this game left prior to completion. Does Bungie still own the rights to that material? Yes. Said persons were working under the employ of Bungie at the time, so Bungie owns the material that they were working on. Could they still have put said content into the game to provide for us a finished product, a much more enjoyable experience so far? Yes. A decision was made somewhere along the line to cut the content and to repackage it for later sale as DLC, with a promise to flesh out the story. While any person that has the slightest bit of mental alacrity can point out, quality is more relevant to quantity. A story can not be told without there being a story to be told in the first place. If there are no characters, no plots, desires, goals, then rightfully so there would be no reason for Destiny to exist, aside from being another FPS (like CoD) that calls for a mindless button-mashing approach. That is not what we were sold on as to what Destiny would encompass, and consumers are pissed. My point is that quality, as to pertaining to a storyline built under the original premise of Destiny, is crucial and much more relevant to the base of the game that the quantity of actual playtime spent in mindless hours of repetitive missions or PvP. I do not partake in the PvP but find that some of my story leads me to buy into what the developers have given us in the finished product. I bought into Destiny for the original idea and the co-op. Thank you for reading a rant

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              • I stopped being a fan of dlc since modern warfare 2. When they announced the games release date they also announced 1 map pack already done. That's not extra content. Atleast you know what you're getting with a cod dlc though. You know you're getting 3-4 new maps and they don't take anything away from players that don't buy their dlc. Bungie basically punishing players for not buying dlc is shitty. Plus the dlc is mostly already played content that's being reused. Nothing really new. They polished a turd. Sold it for $20 and fan boys are eating it up and loving it cause they can't think for themselves.

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              • The amount of hours you spend playing a game is 100% dependant on YOUR INDIVIDUAL OPINION of the quality of the game. If you like it and thinks it's good you'll play it to death, even a game like COD with only 8 hours story and just the same PVP games time and time again. But if you don't like it you won't play it, you wouldn't care if the story mode took a good 100 hours to complete plus 100 more on side missions and multiplayer, you just wouldn't play it. So yea I guess you can judge the quality of a game on the hours played to an extent but it's all a matter of personal opinion really.

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              • 2
                The new crucible maps are awesome, the new raid is awesome, the new strike really stands out to me and the new story missions were a significant improvement from the ones in the base game. Add new armour/weapons and a new faction to grind and the ratio of quality/quantity is really good in my opinion.

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              • The last of us, 12 hours , goty . Destiny, 500 hours and counting, 5/10 metacritic. $$$$ not free. Balance.

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                17 Replies
                • WoW charges 20$ per month + additional money for expansion media. CoD charges 15$ for 3 maps. And then 60$ when they pretend it is a new game. Seems like Destiny's is pretty damn good value when compared to your GREATEST GAMES OF ALL TIME.

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                  23 Replies
                  • There are many people who think so. But more to the point, your thread makes less sense than the argument youre bashing. DLC= more destiny. People who bought the DLC like destiny. So quality has been there all along. You obviously dont like destiny so getting more destiny for 20€ seems like a bad plan. So dont. I absolutely love the DLC, think the content was well worth my 20€ and have no regrets whatsoever for pre ordering the digital vanguard edition.

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                    12 Replies
                    • Edited by Pink Shoulderę: 12/11/2014 11:18:22 AM
                      The raid is what makes it worth the money IMHO. Just like N azi Zombies made me buy every map pack in CoD: WaW. The story missions are alright, a little background into Crota, but not that great. Anyone with intent could beat in an hour. The strike is about 45 minutes and it's a little different only in the fact that it doesn't have many cheese spots, that I know of. But that raid is so complex and well designed, I can see myself getting 20+ hours just out of that every week. There is quality in the DLC but 90% of the people who bought it and really liked it would agree it lies in Crotas End

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                      2 Replies
                      • It's also about lasting impressions. If the game is great like lets say ff7 i can remember everything about that game as opposed to wow all i remember is that i have a lvl 80 druid and a couple other high level characters. Had the game when it first came out and thought it was trash. Bought it a couple years ago and loved it for a month or so then stopped playing .... it got boring. As for cod i still remember cod2 anything after that i havent played since i had been playing liner fps shooter many years prior i.e quake, quake 2, unreal, unreal tournament, lol guantlet killing sprees also counter strike and anything in between kingpin i rememeber got a voodoo 3 or 5 card just for that. Lets not forget rts games also, the amount of hours i poured into c&c red alert, c&c tiberium sun woop woop, c&c red alert 2 And remember theme hospital lol sim city, theme park. Golden eye, mario kart 64. N e ways on train major delayed lol hands cold. Point of the matter is its a great game if its left a positive lasting impression. The fact that i can't wait to go on crucible every day means that this for me is the best pvp experience for me since Gow2

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                      • Which COD cause every game after MW2 was shit

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                        7 Replies
                        • WoW's a bad example. That game is both quantity and quality (which is why it takes teams of like 50 developers years to make expansions)

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                          4 Replies
                          • Edited by Psyko_Dad: 12/11/2014 10:55:49 AM

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                            3 Replies
                            • Edited by Dont be Foolish: 12/11/2014 10:51:53 AM
                              I'll agree that WoW is good. But never liked COD that much.... advanced warfare is just not fun for me. I used to play MW3 on PC a lot Just for the record i don't play WoW anymore. Seems like it's getting closer and closer to be a micro transaction F2P game. And the large majority of those games are shit

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                              5 Replies
                              • cods pvp system is the best but to many stupid unskilled perks have spoiled the game over the last 3 years and only on hardcore to many kids or pussys from core on here with next to no skill on a less than core game mode for pvp. but as a game thats all cod has ? skyrim is what this game shoulda been skyrim meets cod the world and map of that game the quests n faction groups to join rep up in and do things i played skyrim 3 years gt 40% complete lol just kept finding small quests or oooo look a cave.... goes in gets made a vampire damn it lol none of that here such a basic map n let down for that to many guns to fast to easy to level up again at least cod had 10th prstg and then you done the guns so least it was 3 months to level up and then deal with guns and camo n perks n stuff this i have like 45 guns and the rest i ditched but i still got more guns handed to me in the 1st weeks of the game so its been flooded an now its update slow down tactics get a new shard to level it lol nice after you -blam!-ed the game up bungie

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                              • Cod logic. Pay for dlc.. Get three new maps and an old map from a previous cod. Cod sucks I used to love it but never the dlc cods turned so bad I don't even play anymore. But WoW was AWESOME.

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                                5 Replies
                                • For a start I thought you had stopped playing the game and got a refund? You sound like an arrogant person and these satires threads, much like your posts are getting really boring. Don't you have anything better in your life to do rather than come on here and be negative and look for arguments?

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                                  3 Replies
                                  • The poll states quality is more important, which renders everything you wrote as incorrect. /thread

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                                    • Using your formula...tic tac toe ( noughts and Crosses) would be the ultimate game.that game goes on for eternity and you never lose.

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