That second mission with the watchers and vestiges was brilliant, the new environment was extremely cool and the challenge was great, (I played it at 30) and solo. I had a blast with it. Really fun and cool. Not sure what was happening when I touched the vestiges but it sort of despawned them briefly. I also liked how aggressive the baddies were. Thrive everywhere. Had a hell of a time hitting them with my GHORN when the witches spawn with the packs of knights, acolytes and thrall. Just plain FUN!! Nice work bungie!
Apparently, you can not kill the omnigul before it is like a super wizard...very cool.
I would be willing to pay for a mission update with say 3 missions and a strike or 2 monthly if they put it out. Worth it imho.
That's awesome man :) haven't been able to get on yet but looking forward to it!