From a previous reply to a person who made a similar comment:
[quote]Keeping the Marks for Materials & returning the Materials for Mark exchange (without rep or glimmer) would give you:
1:2 marks for materials
10:1 materials for marks
5:1 Mark for Mark
Since each mark you gain adds to your 100 weekly cap, yet the ones you spend do not subtract from it, you would have to earn the weekly max of one mark for just 20 of the other. Which would leave you unable to gain anymore of the maxed type for the rest of the week if you decided to swap them.
That's a pretty steep cost. Especially once you concider that marks aren't shared across an account like glimmer & they can't be traded between characters like materials.[/quote]
But mats can be shared. So you'd essentially be introducing shared marks as well. Granted at a decrease in the exchange rate. But it's still there. I would never do it. It's not worth it. But I'm sure it had something to do with it. They want you to play. So you can grind out marks on one character. Get mats. Give them to another then cash em in for marks. You could have a fully upgraded alt character with only enough playtime in to get him to level 20 and upgrade his armor. But they want You have to play with that character. Hate it if you want. But based on the amount of time we've all out into this game 300+ hours for most players... They know how to keep us playing. Haha.
Yeah...but the shear amount of time it would take to do in with that method is ridiculous. ..Since the complaint is that peeps don't want to play crucible and they can gather 50 materials sometimes quicker that a game, while doing bounties and patrols.
Edited by Beyond Evolution: 12/9/2014 1:20:07 PMThe funny part is, untill that patch, they had already let you trade materials between characters & trade them for marks. Only they gave you glimmer and rep too. Basicly, they introduced that at launch, than stripped it away after people had time to get used to having it. Besides, marks did nothing untill you reached the required faction level. Thats why I took the time to reach level 3 with each faction vendor. Now they took away a usefull way to aquire marks, so that people could spend marks reguardless of rep.
Seeing as Rank-up Packages aren't just a little bonus but a REQUIREMENT to get good gear that we can choose perk-wise post-patch, this doesn't seem like a bad thing.