Idk, I've put in a few hours and I just like shooting enemies. Runners dont really bother me, but if you cant stay alive, don't go into the darkness zone alone (as hard whipes affect quality and frequency of drops).
I prefer to kill everyone (PRO TIP: if you're in tiger for engrams, you'll get a lot more by actually killing your enemies), but will stop shooting to catch up with runners because too many times have I seen some cocksure player run past everyone and then die alone in the darkness.
Maybe if they took the time to kill enemies instead of running through them, they'd have learned the skills they need to stay alive. Just a thought.
If you're killing shit outside of darkness zones you might as well be on patrol...
Truuuuu. Which is why I dont sit in public areas. Their are strike areas that are not darkness zone though, like the first room for Cerberus Vae III. Which is the one I most frequently see people run straight through amd then die 10 seconds after getting into the darkness zone, hard whiping and messsing up everyone's drops. These people obviously need to stop rushing through and learn to kill the enemy without dying.
or rushing through without dying :P (knowing your limit)