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12/7/2014 6:50:00 AM
You really have no idea what you are talking about. Scratch that, I don't think anyone knows what you are talking about with this utterly misspelled diatribe, which looks like you had an aneurysm half way through before you got back on track. I don't know where you're pulling halo 2 from in this topic but it simply has nothing to do with OP. The fact of the matter is PvP only players are more of a niche when it comes to games like this. The majority of players in MMO's play for PvE. And more play PvE solely vs those that play PvP solely. In EVERY mmo around this is a constant problem. There is a constant balance with blatantly broken aspects of PvP that when fixed will effect PvE and for the most part most either go unnoticed or barely effect PvE gameplay as a whole. At times though a hastily implemented fix for PvP utterly will break something in PvE and its a slap in the face when Dev's don't do something to fix the PvE side of the game because its an easy band-aid for the whiniest group of players, the PvPers. The amount of crying was hilarious when groups started clearing Hard Mode VoG and getting the first model of the Mythoclast. Those PvP only kids were ready to slit their wrists vertically if something wasn't done. And you are the quickest group of players to turn to anyone saying something in PvE is broken and say " stfu baddies, adapt QQ" What I find to be the best part of all this though is you're talking mad shit... and you can't muster a K.D. ratio over 1.0. I mean really like... wow. That's -blam!-ing sad. Just pathetic. And the best part, most of the people you're spatting this crap at have better ratios than you. Normally this is the point where I would say do us all a favor and find a way to screw yourself in a way that one would just label as tongue in cheek humor.... but I think you should do yourself a favor today and just get better so when you go on these prepubescent little yelling matches you don't look as lame. What do you say, Hammer? "RIng the bell, school's in session!"

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